Yesterday Was…

….really therapeutic for me.
Thank you for sharing where you were.
I really did just want to hear where you were.
Our family was talking a lot about what many of you wrote.
So surprised how many were/are teachers.
Equally surprised how many were so young when it happened!
{Pretty amazed you like stopping by our Place Called Simplicity!}
And how many were close to being there!
And to think you were initially ticked off?
Divine protection at it’s best.
By the way, after hearing from your beautiful Jill for years, 
it was really sweet of you to speak up too!
Mr C:
First off, I am always tickled when a gentleman speaks up!
Thank you just for that!
Then to read your comment?
Plain and simple.
I always wondered what people in other countries thought.
Still fighting tears thinking about your words.
Your story was beautiful – such a tribute to the love of mankind for others in crisis.  Keep starting to cry as I type.

Melissa Smith
I cried when I read your story and writing about it now.
I’m so sorry.
Becky Ryder:
A sheriff’s deputy?
Who knew?
{And yes, my eyes popped out when I read it. So fun to learn!}
It must have been soooo scary for you!
I would be freaking out! 
I can’t imagine how terrifying for you!
Mrs. E:
An Army Rang*r?
Now that stinkin’ R.O.C.K.S.!
So thankful with you!
Deb, Russ, Lily, Lucy and Lainey:
I’m so sorry for your losses.
What an awful way to start your time in.
Thank you all so much for sharing your stories.  Thank you to all the military and former military who shared.  Thank you to the firefighters, police officers and first responders out there – if it wasn’t for your dedicated service to your fellow mankind, America would not be what it is.
May God bless each and every one of you, 
our sweet bloggy friends.

2 thoughts on “Yesterday Was…

  1. wow sorry i missed that post yesterday! was out all day with family attending a solemn memorial parade of all the police and fire stations in the surrounding area of NW Montana. then, a 3 hr memorial dinner with retired generals from the airforce and army, very powerful and touching. when they asked the families who had someone serving to stand so many did and when they asked the veterans to stand and be honored at least 150 out of 600 people stood! Praise God. then, the local kalispell christian center church held a memorial music and prayer service to honor a marine who will be deploying soon for afghanistan and speakers from the local rescue workers (police, sheriff, fire chief and airport manager….)ALL CHRISTIANS!! told their stories of 9/11 from their perspective. there was a local author who released a 10th anniversary edition of her book "where were you on 9/11?" she is a beautiful christian trying to use the book as a witnessing tool for Christ. i was so glad to be a part of this valley and so glad to be an American yesterday and today, i just marvel at the freedom we STILL share and remember that freedom isnt free! (i will post on yesterday's message to tell where i was on 9/11)love to all!

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