Being a Mama {again!}

I’ve been thinking about it these last few days….  
The crazy ways God moves.  
He does extraordinarily, out-of-the-box, ‘who’d have thunked  wonderful’ things every single day around the world!
He sends us precious unexpected gifts 
just because He loves us so much.

He moves in random, unexpected ways
and He seems most often to love, love, love to surprise us.
Did ya’ ever notice that?
We’re walking along through life and all of a sudden –
He orchestrates something totally unexpected.
Just like He did a few months back in our lives.
Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that I would be nearing 53 and bringing home a little baby girl.  
A teeny-tiny baby girl at that!!
Never ever would we have imagined it.  
Don’t get me wrong, 

we were willing,

we just didn’t think that’s how our lives would
 look at almost 53 and 56.
And the crazy thing about following Christ 
is that His plan is all His and it becomes an amazing adventure!
So when we are truly submitting to Him, we are saying,
“My life is yours Lord.  Do with it whatever you will.  
We will joyfully obey you, no matter if we planned it or not.”
And so it was back in June…..Dw and Emmy were leading the team and Dw kept calling me with updates on this little baby girl who was near starvation and basically dying. I began to fast and plead with the Lord for her, her life,  begging for her survival and earnestly asking for His touch of healing on her.
And in the midst of fasting for her I felt like the Lord began to whisper “You know she’s yours.”
And when He whispered that, I started pleading 
with Him that she really, 
truly could be ours.
I didn’t tell Dw any of it.
{Why spoil the surprise?  
It was His plan to reveal!}
So when the director wrote to Dw and said,
“Pastor Dw you said you would do anything for the baby, would you be willing to adopt her and believe with me that God is going to heal her?”  we knew it was all Him, cause just prior to the trip, it was not on our radar.  
He was paving the way.
Opening doors we hadn’t dreamed would open.
Making our paths straight.
And we were beyond thrilled.
But it hadn’t even been in our realm of thinking.
Adoption – yes!
Tiny infant – not really.
But God!
He just stinkin’ loves to surprise us like that!
We have laughed and laughed.
Who’d have guessed?
And so here I am, just about to turn 53 walking around Kampala carrying my teeny-tiny 12 pound treasure….and I couldn’t be happier.  
I feel like I am young again.
{A quick check in the mirror reveals otherwise. haha}
But it is amazing what caring for my precious little 
one does to my soul.
Remember that scripture?
“The fruit of the womb is His reward.”
Funny that it doesn’t say whose womb.
Just the fruit {children} of the womb are His reward.
But sadly, the Western church doesn’t get it….
pastors and leaders to begin with just ignore it….
Picture this with me….
Can you imagine it’s bonus time at the office and 
your boss calls you in…
“Sit down in my office here, pull up a chair, 
I have a wonderful bonus here for you.
It is meant to bless you for the rest of your life…”
What if we said, 
“Ummm, no thank you.  
Not a chance.  
I have my own plan and 
it doesn’t include or need your bonus.”
No one in their right mind would do that!
Yet thousands of nice, polite, well-meaning Christians every day ignore the needs of the 163,000,000 orphans around the world.
“I have my own plan and it does not 
include your idea of rewards Lord.”
That’s what His word says though.
Children are His reward.
He could have said, 
“A house is my reward.  
Or a big bank account is my reward.”
But He didn’t.  
He said Children were His reward.
In fact in the context of the wording, 
When I think of “fruit”…I don’t think of a single piece.
I think of a basket of fruit or a bowl of fruit or a bushel full or a orchard full.  
That’s what I think of when I hear the word “fruit”.  
And so it is with the rewards from Him….
Bowls that are full.
Trees that have sagging branches.
And so today, as I think about our precious little Ruby Grace I think of the joy this sweet baby-girl reward from the heart of the Father is to us.  A reward given in love.  A reward given generously.  A reward that was created in His image.  A reward that is the greatest valuable {next to His son} He could ever give us.  
And a reward that we didn’t expect.
I was telling Emma yesterday, “Emmy, I cannot believe I have the privilege of being Ruby Grace’s mommy. I couldn’t be more thrilled. I couldn’t be any more proud of her.   I want to show her off to the whole world!  I want everyone to see what a delight to my heart she is.  I want the entire universe to know that she is a treasure.  A precious gem from the very heart of God.  Created in His image and with a very good plan.”  
I want the world to see that hydrocephalus is not scary.  Challenging health aspects?  No doubt.  
But so amazingly and joyfully perfect.
And as Dw and I have always said, 
“Most kids if given the option:
‘Old parents or no parents’ would opt for the old ones….
so here we are again….
Lovin’ this teeny-tiny unexpected treasure…
and gazing into her gorgeous Ugandan eyes leaves me giddy 
{even with each middle of the night feeding}
and we are forever grateful for this reward sent from the very heart of Almighty God.  

69 thoughts on “Being a Mama {again!}

  1. Linny, I just LOVE these pictures of you with your sweet blessing! And my spirit soars as I see God work on behalf of these precious orphans, and bless US in the process!

  2. Linny…she is so precious! I can't imagine you without her now! She fits perfectly. We are still praying for her. I can't believe the difference in her from when we first met her until now. It's amazing what a little (or should I say a TON) of TLC can do:) Truly a treasure! Sending our love!

  3. The Lord's surprises are the best so much better than our plans could ever be. I wish more people would give up their own plans to embrace the unknown treasures stored up just for us. Praying for your safe return home and I can't wait to see little Ruby Grace grow with all the love she will be receiving!:)

  4. Oh , look how she is looking at you in that pic!! Priceless! And you guys are not old!! I swear Linny you look younger and younger… I think it's the hair:)))

    And asked what size Ruby was in your last post, Never mind, you answered it in this post. Peanut size! I've got something I must send to you. It was Em's. It will be big but it must be Ruby's, just want her to have it. will send it to the church. should have sent an email, but I'm strapped for time!
    Love you!

  5. I am a "lurker" (as you like to call us silent ones) but have been praying for you during this phase your journey. Blessings to you and your family!

  6. I am a "lurker" (as you like to call us silent ones) but have been praying for you during this phase your journey. Blessings to you and your family!

  7. SO very thriled for you! Just in the few pics that I have seen of your sweet Ruby, there are so many changes in her! She looks so healthy and happy, a real difference from the original pic, what a mighty God we serve and how powerful is His love! And the love of a Mama!

  8. That was beautifully stated! I wish I could print that out and just hand it to all the people that tell me they could never adopt. I am a blessed woman because of adoption and I just wish they could see the blessing in it too!

  9. i love it. love it all. soo happy for your family! what an amazing gift. i especially adore the picture of you holding her in the chair–surely frame-able. prayers for you and your family that you will be home soon.

  10. Oh Linny, that picture of you and Ruby gazing into each other's eyes is one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen! So precious. She's beautiful! Wish I could squeeze her! 🙂

  11. I love this! The picture of Ruby Grace gazing into your eyes says "I am so glad you are my mom, I've been waiting my whole life for you. I am so glad I am yours." Just like God takes us in you have taken Ruby Grace. She is truly blessed to have you and DW as parents. You and DW are precious gems. As much as you feel blessed by Ruby Grace, Ruby Grace is blessed even more by having such wonderful parents and older siblings to love on her.
    We haven't heard any news on Sarah Jane. I am still praying and believing she will come home to you. Even more I am praying and believing she is going to come home on this trip. I pray that this next trip home that you will come home with your 3 daughters. Yes, I said 3, Emma, Sarah and Ruby.
    Praying you get to come home soon to see your treasures at home that I am sure miss their mommy dearly. I know that you must miss DW and all your kids.

  12. Linny,
    I know your heart. Old parents or no parents. We are leaving for China next week to adopt our 12 year old daughter. She is not a baby,but still we are 54 and 55.
    We will have 8 special blessings from God. Some from my womb and some from other wombs. The wonderful fruit of the womb.
    Ruby Grace is such a blessing!

  13. I couldn't stop thinking about you guys, but specifically Sarah Jane, today!! I'm so happy Ruby is doing so well but will you please give us an update on the situation with her??

  14. Oh Linny, Ruby is so beautiful! And no matter what you say, you look absolutely young and radiant! Your "crown" is lovely as well :-). Rejoicing with you and your family. Ruby has found an eternal home :-). Praise Jesus!

  15. Oh Linny, I love reading your post! I am a single 55 year old adopting two wonderful little girls from China, ages 10 and soon to be 12!

    GOD must have a wonderful sense of humor to call me @ my age. I am so in love with these girls and cannot wait to bring them home.

    It saddens me that those that give grants to get it! I don't qualify because I'm single! Really? I know a Mom and Dad family is the very best situation. I have to ask, which is worse these girls coming home to a mama and learning about JESUS or aging out and ending up on the streets?

    I feel so honored and blessed to have been called for this opportunity to love these two sweet babies. GOD is so good.

    Thank you for sharing your photos of you and little Ruby Grace! She is absolutely beautiful! I am keeping you, Emma and your family in my prayers as you walk in obedience to HIM that we love and serve.


  16. I love the pictures!!!!!! What a joy she must be. I can't wait to see pictures of her with her siblings! They must be just impatient to meet their new sister!

    I pray that the road blocks for Sarah jane will end soon too and she will come home with you when you go.


  17. You can so tell from the eye contact she KNOWS!!!! you are HER Mommy!!!! Lovely pictures. God is good and so I rest in that, peacefully, full, safe knowing that OUR Father has us where he wants us according to his plan right from the start. Thank you My Jesus, my Abba, my Healer. Thank you thank you thank you.

  18. Linny:
    Bt the way she is looking at you it shows that she already knows who here mommy is and that she is loved. God has all the great stuff planned just for us. Her big brothers and sisters at home are going to love doting on her.

  19. So beautifully said Linny. Tears of JOY for you and tears of sadness for those who are missing out on the love and joy of these treasures.

    Smuggling with a precious 3 month old right now and can't think of anything else more joyful to do.

    Lisa K.

  20. Just for a moment I thought you became a Mama to the skipping rope girl! 🙂 I will still pray for her that everything gets cleared away and mountains be moved.

    You look so young with Ruby Grace, I would say, around in your 30's! 🙂 Thanking the Lord for His beautiful blessing on you and Dwight. Praying that the infection in her brain be cleared.

  21. She is just gorgeous!!! Now we just need a new family picture with your newest treasure…. Any ideas on when you travel home…… I know it is a touchy subject by my heart longs to know more about SJ. Praying for you all!!!

  22. we were 56 when we received our "blessing"- our little 5-hours-old girlie. i carried her over my heart for 2 years till she got too heavy. now we're 61, she's 5, and we're bonded beyond belief. it all happened in those first few hours. old moms make the best moms. 🙂

  23. We have eight children six special needs adopted children. Our youngest daughter who is 2 yro is deaf, blind, has huge motor challenges, and mute. She has been our families richest treasure and at 52 and 54 years old an I expected delight. I see the love your Ruby and you have in your eyes and my soul delights In it and I'm so happy your child has a mother and you have a daughter planned by God. Rejoice and again I say rejoice!

  24. Oh Linny
    I am in tears ~ bless you dear for keeping open to his directing. Your words spoke so much to me ~ you have no idea how much I needed to hear them right at this minute!
    Love to you & your precious Ruby ~ she is beautiful & is indeed a blessing & is in return blessed by you guys!

  25. Look at the love and adoration on her eyes — she already loves her mommy to the depth of her toes!! Congratulations on your new daughter!! So happy for all of you and THANK YOU for all of the work you are doing on the behalf of orphans – thank you for telling us over again and again that we all need to take some part, whether through adopting, financial help or continual prayers. Your blog is an inspiration to me.

  26. i love this post linny. what a thrill to watch God weave your tapestry. and i LOVE the pic of you and your newest daughter loving each other 🙂 makes me so very joyful.

  27. What a beautiful blessing – amazingly given…your basket is overflowing..and He knows the Love in your heart is More than enough! I think you look 20 years younger in these pictures too!! Joy does that! Doing the Jesus dance for you!

  28. I can not even believe this is the same baby girl we first saw in your photos a few months ago. It is amazing what love can do and you, my friend, also look beautiful and so full of love! Praying you are home soon and loving on the rest of your babies.

  29. What beautiful pictures so full of love and joy. I am 51 and single and have adopted two from China. I so pray God blesses me with more children. As of now I simply do not have enough income. I have taken flack for not really being well-endowed enough financially but my children are loved and have never gone to bed hungry. They have a hands-on mama who homeschools them and spends time with them. Yes I would have a better place to live without them and have more opportunities and be a lot less tired, but I am so full of joy whenever I thank God for His beautiful gift, His divine heritage of living beings that He entrusted to me. It brings me hope to see you cuddle your new baby – maybe God has another little one for me somewhere out there.

  30. I just love how the love of God pours out of every thing you say and do. You can see it in your eyes and in the response of your sweet blessing.

    I would love to adopt. Currently praying for God to get my husbands heart on the same wave as mine. Some day I hope to open our home to at least one child that needs a family.

  31. You truly are blessed. I'm envious in the best possible way. You newest daughter is beautiful and I pray that she will thrive with her new family and that the medical care she's receiving and will receive upon arriving home will help her to become healthy and strong.

  32. Oh, that is just so precious how she's looking up at you! You can tell already she knows who her mama is! (: She looks so different now–her whole countenance seems to express that she knows that she's loved and a part of a family. What a sweet, unexpected blessing she will be for you!

  33. the picture of the 2 of you gazing into each others eyes is the most beautiful picture i have ever seen. it needs no words to convey what is happening. god is good and your, your family and ruby grace are reaping his rewards. god bless and i can't wait for you all to be home and reunited with that wonderful family of yours!! prayers for continued safe travels!!

  34. Boy, Linney- you sure don't look almost 53! (And I know you don't sound anywhere close to your age! You sounded like a college girl in the message you left for me about the clothing package arriving in time to go to Africa!) Your blessings of children are blessing you with youth as well. When you said you were laughing over God's plan to provide you with a baby as a "mature woman" you reminded me of Sarah in the Bible… but I like that you were laughing in joy, where it seems like Sarah was laughing in disbelief. [speaking of Sarah, how are things going for your Sarah?] You can see the changes love is making in Ruby already… she looks more vibrant and alive. 🙂 What a miracle the love of a family is!

  35. Oh sweet Blog Friend, The words you wrote and the pictures of you loving Ruby Grace are priceless! Y'all and Ruby Grace are so lucky to have each other indeed! still praying every night at 7 Co. time1 Janet

  36. I love this post, Linny! I wish every Pastor in America had to read this… every church had to hear it. I agree that there seems to be so much 'pushing aside' when it comes to the church and adoption. Not all churches, mind you, but WAY to many. Many incredible churches that do so much good in so many other areas, yet they continue to miss the boat on this topic. We are in the process of possibly switching churches because of it. And it's hard. Really hard. After 12+ years of going to the same mega church, only to see the adoption topic get pushed to the back burner over and over again, even with many, MANY adoptive families w/in the church. It's more than my heart can bear sometimes. So I pray that God will direct us and lead us to the church where it pleases Him most to put us, where we can be affective for "the least of these" and bring awareness to the orphans and adoption in general.

    Love that precious little peanut of yours… you are SO blessed! <3


  37. old parents, or no parents!!
    love it
    I need to use this on MY parents when/if we do this adoption route again after we bring our 2 home this winter

    old is in the eye of the beholder, right??

    She looks beautiful, and you are glowing

  38. you know, I think it is God's sense of humor. I am 57. DH is 61. I will leave DH home with our 4.5 year old and go get our 3 year "little girl" in a few weeks. These are good days, but we do get tired.

    DH looks and me and says "we are done, right". I told him how about if I just ask God to tell HIM first next time 🙂

  39. Thank you so much, Linny for this post. As the momma to five precious ones, none of which came from my womb, your words blessed me. We are also older parents and it is so nice to see other "mature" parents out there.

  40. It is an honor to be at your blog for the first time and witness your faithfulness to the Lord and passion for your calling. All I can say is thank you! Thank you for inspiring me today, to boldly answer the calling God has put on my life, as a mom and as a missionary of a different kind…bringing the Gospel truth to teen girls desperately needing His love, in the presence or absence of their own families. There are so many modern-day orphans, with emotionally absent parents. My heart's call is to them, and their parents. Something in your story inspires me to press on! Thanks! Thanks, too, for loving Ruby Grace. God knew she was for you!

    Blessings, abundantly,

  41. Beautiful!

    So. Well. Said.

    At 49, this year, I found out I was expecting a baby. Oh the sad responses I received (even from family).

    Sadly, that little one went to heaven before we could meet him/her. But, we were oh so excited to be expecting another one at my age.

    Trusting God that He will continue to determine the size of our family … no matter our age.

    🙂 🙂 🙂

  42. Oh, you just hold that baby girl and don't ever let go. My heart overflows with joy for you and your family. What an awesome God we serve. He is awesome all the time.

  43. You get more radiant with each treasure placed in your arms. I think you've discovered the world's best (or God's best) beauty secret . . . LOVE!

    Perfect post for National Adoption Month! Thanks for shouting it from the rooftops–I'm grateful for God's blessings through adoption, too!

    Much Love,

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