dw – with a little bit of dis and dat

Hello Bloggy friends, followers, and lurkers,

Thank you for being such a support to my wonderful wife and Emma while they are in Uganda.  I’m sure your prayer support is rockin heaven and God is taking notice of the fervent prayers of all of you.  Your comments mean so much to keep Linny going and to encourage my heart as well.  Each one is a blessing.  May the Lord multiply his blessings back to you!!!

Linny wanted me to update you on Emma.  As of yesterday she had a high fever, chills, sleeping, hard  to wake up, and was throwing up… very much similar to malaria symptoms.  Our sons thought she had malaria and so we were preparing for it.

However, PTL, it’s only food poisoning.  (I never thought I’d say PTL my daughter has food poisoning, but compared to malaria…. just sayin…)   They have given her medication to knock the bacteria out of her body!  Linn says she doesn’t look very good and has lost some weight, which Miss Emma doesn’t have to lose.  Linny says she is going to fatten that girl up before she moves to Uganda next year!   (I have volunteered to lose some on her behalf since I have plenty to spare.)  So please keep praying for EmmaLee Joy to recover fully!

Well folks it’s heading toward the end of week 5 – hmmm – that’s a long time, since in 33 years, this summer’s trip of 3 weeks was as long as we’ve been a part.  I talked with Ty*er the other night and told him I would make a lousy soldiers wife!  And my hairy legs probably wouldn’t look good in a dress!  🙂 

As for each mornings activities – the golden hour, the first hour of devotions and riding the bike, is then followed by moving things to the dryer from the night before, then a new load of wash, maybe the dishes, then feed the kids, line up schooling expectations, Skype linny, pick up the house a bit, then to work…. ok,  I’m tired and it’s only 8:30.  So if you are single with children, you are my new heroes.  Just as in many cases, you have no idea until you walk in someone else’s shoes! 

So to you, who do this day in and day out, may the Lord renew your strength, may your day be blessed, and your joy filled by the Holy Spirit!  I will be specifically praying for you today – your job is difficult and I want you to know that the Lord is pleased with your diligence and perseverance through life’s difficult circumstances!

So that’s about it, time to have the kids go to bed… oh yea… it’s only 4:30…. um eat – no too early… umm…. clean up…. no I’d have to supervise…. hmmmmmm – just keep playing kids!

Thank you for reading my thoughts on  a little bit of dis and a little bit of dat! 

Have a wonder-filled day!  dw

27 thoughts on “dw – with a little bit of dis and dat

  1. I am sure DW that the Lord is so pleased with your efforts at being a good house husband while Linny is away. I know you must wish her and there will be great rejoicing when she and Emma and the new daughters arrive home.
    Praying for Emma to recover swiftly.

  2. Dwight , Linny and Emma , Know that we are praying for you all specifically Emma. I will pray that this bad food poisoning bug quickly leaves your body and your appetite returns. Hugs, Ellen W.

  3. ~DW that made me smile~ Thank you for several things…update on Emma, for encouraging the parents that do this domestic thing on a daily (hourly) basis…we sometimes feel overwhelmed and its nice to be prayed over and, lastly, thank you for simply being you. Prayerful and playful, it looks good on you…keep it up!

    Linny: I am praying over your babies. We got you, babe!

    Emma: Praising the Lord for the answers you need to get well now! My prayers for a quick recovery! Now, go eat something fattening!

  4. Praying like crazy for Emma… as one of my treasure has a stomach bug today… I can pray for them both. Praying for the Lord to sustain you all during this time apart and that those mountains will be a moving!!!

  5. LOL DW! Your dis and dat were fun to read.

    So thankful that Emma does not have malaria. Praying the food poisoning leaves her system soon and she can regain all her strength and more very soon.

    You have a huge amount of responsitibility on your shoulders right now and it sounds like you're doing amazing! Way to go!

    Praying for you today too as you live this time as a single parent.

    Catherine, who God chose to be a single parent through the wonderful world of International Adoption. Mom to 1 adorable toddler who I'm convinced can make the mess of 3! :o)

  6. Dw, thank you so much for praying for single parents today. It is a hard job, but the best job I have ever had. Sounds like you are doing great! I'm praying for your family too. Especially dear Emma, that she recovers quickly!

    Blessing from South Carolina

  7. Praying for all of you…..Dwight and those at home as well as your 4 precious gals in Uganda.

    I'll be fasting & praying tomorrow and all of you (plus Karl & Autumn) will be on my prayer list.

    Love to all of you!

  8. DW
    Funny you updated today YOU and the kids here were on my mind this morning prayed for you guys…. glad you are surviving with Linny and Emma so far away for so long. How r things going with Jubilee's infection and all that stuff that was going on when Linny left?? Praying for ALL of your family

    Janet in Missouri

  9. Thanks for the update! Glad Emma is treatable and will be up and at it again soon.

    I understand the single parenting. You miss the workmate as well as the soulmate. I often think of my precious friend who was widowed in her early 30s with 3 young boys…that is her daily reality. She will be the first to tell ya her joy and strength are in the Lord. Prayers for you guys as you go about the Father's business….

  10. praying prayers of healing and blessing over Emma and her poor tired mama! (I'm sure she doesnt mind having three girls to love on and care for….but we like it much better when theyre up and bouncing…just sayin'!) wish i could overnight a bottle of Thieves oil to Emma to rub on her feet and kill those germs!I'm totally sending her one before she moves to Uganda! love from Montana…. H U G S

  11. Praying for you all.
    Great blog post Dw, made me smile reading it this morning as I think about loading the washing machine and starting the days lessons, and all the other jobs that are piling up….. better get off the computer and go do some work. xxx

  12. 5 weeks is a long time! I pray they can get home quickly with your 2 new treasures!

    I am a single mom and I thank you for your thoughtfulness. Its hard but each day you just get up and keep moving. I have noticed though over the last year at least that my OCD-ness of keeping a clean house has gone out the window! Don't get me wrong, its 'clean' but definitely cluttered and everything is not in its place! Somedays I am okay with this and somedays my OCD kicks in and makes me crazy! BUT my kids are happy, loved and healthy. I am happy and content at this point in my life. I'm beginning to do things for me again ie. going back to school (after 20 years of being out) to finish my degree, I am beginning to talk on the phone to a guy as we get to know one another better before meeting for a potential date 🙂 and with all this on top of the kids and work and homework and church and choir and…. you get it! There isn't anytime for OCD-ness to kick in to keep a perfect house and I'm okay with that!

    I check multiple times a day to see if there are any updates with Uganda and I will keep praying for you all!

  13. Oh Gracious the attacks satan is playing on you all right now… I am fasting and praying for Emma, and everything unspoken and that your family is united soon! God Bless, and much love to you all.

  14. How did you know? You wrote that note of encouragement just for me. I needed it. *sigh* Thanks!

    Praying for Sweet Emmy, and for this time to end with your sweet babe in arms on an US bound plane.

  15. Praying for all of you, the whole family, Jesus will have the victory in the end, and soon those beautiful girls, all of them (Linny,Emma,Ruby and Sarah) will be home safe and sound.
    Sending you all love from Canada

  16. Dwight, youa re so funny! Thank you for sharing your heart! And for parying over us moms – it is a hard job, and we , well I for sure, need only His grace to get through each day. I am so sorry about Emmy's illness. My kids and I prayed for her last night….Satan is attacking every which way as you all try to get these girls home. An amazing husband you are to Linny – God designed the two of you to so perfectly complement one another,and to encourage so many with your love. It is inspiring, and constantly makes me want to be a better wife. Hang in there, and have fun with those iddos of yours!

    Standing in prayer until they ALL come home!


  17. I told you, you should post more on your blog..;0) but if you won't then hi-jacking Linny's is the next best thing….LOL

    keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers…

    W.V. flutani: I kid you not. is that a potpourri foochie????

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