Karl’s Heading Home Soon….

With Karl’s imminent discharge, Vicki wondered if I would share what God has done and again ask for specific prayer for all the changes that are about to transpire as Karl transitions to home – Vicki loves you bloggy friends, just like I do – you guys are mighty prayer warriors and we cannot ever thank you enough!  
The posts have been vague about Karl’s rehabilitation for many reasons – one being simply out of respect for the healing process.  
I now have permission to share some of the details of what the Lord has done.  There could easily be a Part 4 to Our Holy Ground.  It is a God-sized story that if one could have seen it unfold on camera, all would stand and marvel at what only God has done.
Changes of any kind can be very overwhelming to someone with a Traumatic Brain Injury.  At rehab the schedule is set.  It is a routine.  Its challenges are incredibly intense.
So are the challenges of moving home….after constant care and involvement on a day-to-day, moment-by-moment basis….when Karl moves to home there are many aspects of his healing that must be kept in place when they get home.  It can all seem so daunting and incredibly scary – after having the support systems of rehab accessible outside his room and at a moment’s notice!
When Karl arrived at rehab he was unable to talk, unable to eat on his own {feeding tube only} and unable to walk.  He was unable to be alone and even had a medical person who sat with him when he slept through the night. By the Grace of God, Karl  has progressed to the point that he was even able to participate in his own Discharge Conference with the doctors and therapists!  
Only God.  
Karl will continue months of Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Neuro/Psychological Therapy and Vocational Rehabilitation.  His shoulder is still very painful and will need to continue to do PT so it will improve.   Please pray for great relief from the pain!  
There is also always concern with changing to new therapists – please pray that the new therapists will line up with the suggestions from the current ones since there has been such incredible progress with the ones at rehab! 
Home life can be very stressed on all at home with all the changes that are about to take place after three months of an intensely traumatic situation.  Please pray that all would transition smoothly and that their sweet family would be like a well-oiled machine – moving together in support and love for Karl and each other.  
Lastly, Bob, Vicki and Karl are praying that people will respect the need to keep things very, very quiet.  Too much stimulation affects Karl’s brain and body and that brings great fatigue.  Yes, Karl has also expressed concern about having too much go on at first.  Please give them ample time {weeks} to adjust to all the changes and then please call Vicki to see if it would be a good time to visit.  
Our God is mighty to save….and we stand in awe of what He has done in the last three months.  We anticipate His continued healing in the weeks, months and years ahead.  He is Jehovah Rapha the healer.  All praise and honor to His name and all who love Karl Hujus are so very thankful for your continued prayers, love and support.  
You guys are the best!  

20 thoughts on “Karl’s Heading Home Soon….

  1. Oh how thankful I am to hear that he is headed home and doing so well. We will continue to pray for him in this new stage of transition. The Lord is mighty to save and continue to work miracles.


  2. Linny, we have emailed some as my husband is in the Army and was recently in Afghanistan. He has been in the Army for 26 years and this was his 6th deployment. He is special ops, so it's no ordinary job and very stressful. His body is banged up from all these tours. In 2005, prior to my meeting him he took an IED to the face. It cracked his skull and he now has a TBI due to that. The Army has helped him work through OT, PT, Speech therapy and all that stuff. He returned via Medevac and had emergency back surgery. He had planned to retire after this deployment, but because of all his injuries (others not listed!) he could quality for Medical Retirement, however he has to be down in Fort Knox, KY for this process that takes 6 months – 1 year. And I'm at our home in MI, having a ton of health problems to the point I can't even work right now….anyway, sorry for the rabbit trail! I share this all to say that I have had to go to appts with him for me to learn how to help live with the TBI. For my husband it effects his short term memory. So for example, if he is doing a task and I walk past him and ask him to do something else when he is done, it throws him off. It's been a huge learning curve for me as well. Fortunately, the appts give us suggestions for 'tools' to put in place to make things easier, example he needs a calendar, we hve a big one on the kitchen wall. If he has to run multiple errands, he needs a list (heck, so do I!!!!). Just things like that. He has has developed terrible migraines since the TBI, which he never had before. So while Karl and my husband's situations are different, I understand the adjustment for a TBI alone, and there's could be at very different levels. But God has saved his life and while rehab in all areas is difficuly, God has worked in amazing ways and Karl is still alive. I'm sure he will be in great hands with any different care takers, but I do understand that change is difficult. I've thought of him often since you first posted about his accident, as my hubby has the TBI and we also ride a motorcycle. It hit close to home for me. I've checked your blog often for updates and in order to continue to pray. God has worked miracles with Karl, and I believe He will continue to do so.

    And then on top of that all the things you are going through as a family, in Uganda. Wow!!!! May God continue to put the details in place there and keep you safe!

    Hugs and many prayers.

  3. Praise God Almighty!!!!! joyous news of healing for Karl and for little Ruby Grace! praying for Sarah Jane and the girls struggling with brain issues at home, praying for your healing in Uganda Linny and for your body to respond quickly and praying for Emma to have the strength to keep up with you! It sounds like the Lord has you on an "accelerated program" of events there. just re read all the posts on this page and was touched by God's grace and how He sent your three ugandan sons the day you had to travel, to be with you and comfort you and their sisters.Isn't it wonderful beyond measure to be part of the body of Christ?!
    Also, i must thank you and bless everyone who was praying for Christopher my brother in court for custody this morning. No word yet and it will probably be a few hr but my family was trembling as we took up intercessory prayer this evening and morning and something miraculous happened. suddenly we felt the prayers of the saints lifting the intensity of the grief and burden physically! Praise God! thank you from the bottom of my heart for loving us all enough to pray. It is a gift beyond measure and support deeper than any words. sending much love from montana and praying always Linny, always!!!! (((<3)))

  4. "Prayer girds human weakness with divine strength, turns human folly into heavenly wisdom, and gives to troubled mortals the peace of God. We cannot think of anything prayer cannot do!" I read this in my Spurgeon devotional this morning and thought you.
    With prayers for you & Emma in Uganda, Karl & family on their way home and your family at home, Christine

  5. Will pray for Karl's shoulder, and for everything to go smoothly in the transition, peace for his family and Autumn, and for quick, complete, total healing.

  6. So glad that Karl will be going home to his house. It will be different and some struggles there but God is there to snuggle up to and rest in His arms! Thanks for the updates and for sharing. We do care! Hugs!

  7. Wow! What amazing news! Linny I've often been a stalker but today I must comment! I'm so so happy for Karl, Bob, Vicki, Autumn and all of you! God is indeed who He says He is-Our Jehovah Rapha. I've often read your posts with much tears and I must say I'm so so proud of you. With all you have going on at home and to be in Uganda adopting! I can only say WOW! What exemplary examples for all! I wanna be you when I grow up. Now all I do is to be an au pair and care for 3 boys who lost their mom to cancer. And reading your stories have fueled me to one to be the best au pair being His hands and feet to the boys. Knocking heaven's doors for all of you!

  8. So much going on in your life. So much heaviness, yet you continue to shine as you lean on God's grace to sustain you and lead you through. He is faithful, and is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him, so I'm never surprised when He pulls through for your family and blesses you. You remain in my thoughts and prayers, as does Karl and his family. I can only imagine. I loved the wisdom in your request: "pray that all would transition smoothly and that their sweet family would be like a well-oiled machine – moving together in support and love for Karl and each other." ~oh Linny, I will do just that! God bless you and keep you and know you are SO loved, friend!

    Blessing and Hugs,
    ~ Tanya

  9. Continued prayers for Karl and his family. In April, we adopted a 6 yr old child, Peter, from Bulgaria who has a Traumatic Brain injury due to beatings as in infant. In the last couple of months, tests have been run to reveal the extent of his brain damage- heartbreaking results. However, EVEN THOUGH his brain is damaged significantly, he is completely "wow'ing" his doctors because he is doing things he SHOULDN'T be able to do. His cognitive status should NOT be this good. He is a living example of how much bigger God is then an MRI picture. I truly hope and pray that Karl and his family and your daughter will always feel the hope that comes from God…that EVEN THOUGH a tramautic brain injury occured, God, not the injury, dictates how life will be afterward.

    Blessings, Jennifer

  10. Linny,
    Could you post the church address again so that we can send more cards to Karl? I'm guessing that your Autumn wouldn't be too upset if she had to deliver a boatload of cards to him. 🙂
    We'll keep praying. God bless.

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