4:09 AM

Thank you for your outpouring of love for our precious Ruby.
It’s 4:09am here.
She had a fever most of yesterday.  At some points it was up in the 103.something.  {The numbers are blurring together, as are the days, 
the names of those tending to her, and the details.}
Ruby’s sodium levels remain a problem.  They decided to give her large doses of sodium, which have to be monitored very closely.
The PICC line placement was also a problem.  Instead of going in and dropping down toward the heart, through xray they saw that it had gone completely across the chest, 
turned upward and did a curly-q.
So it was pulled a bit in hopes of it dropping on it’s own.  Another xray.  Nope.  It was not where they wanted it.  So it was pulled again.  ugh. 
The beauty of a PICC line {allegedly} is that all the blood takes can be done easily.  Except that something’s still wrong.  Ugh. And at this moment a flood of folks are in here now because the PICC line is not drawing.  
I’m not a medical person, but the more that “normal” becomes an event with a flood of people coming in to attempt to get a blood draw from her PICC line, the more concerned I become {actually it’s beginning to freak me out}.  They are rotating her arm as I type and truly, there is not a drop of blood coming from the major vein it is supposed to be in. 
So here are some requests for those who are praying with us:
That Ruby’s sodium levels would be healed so that they come into a  normal range without any help.
That the PICC line would work properly.
That her fever would be gone.
That the two previous surgeries this week would have been completely successful.
Thank you so much friends.
From the PICU…
Mommy and Ruby Grace

32 thoughts on “4:09 AM

  1. First thing I did this morning, now back from Rememberance service, where was praying for you all. You are constantly in my thoughts and prayers, love, hugs and prayers to you all.XXX XOX XXX
    Psalm 46 v 10

  2. PRAYING! PRAYING! and PRAYING SOME MORE! God loves you so much Linny! He hears your mother's cry and understands your aching & weary heart. He will respond. He will heal.

  3. Hi Linny, we continue to pray for you all. I'm a nurse and I have lots of experience with PICC lines. What Ruby is going through is not uncommon. Sometimes the line can work beautifully and then be fussy for awhile and then work again. The line can be laying against the vessel wall or have fibrin over the tip which can make drawing difficult. If I can answer any questions for you let me know.

  4. oh linny, my prayers are with you and sweet precious ruby. i am a nurse and let me tell you, picc lines can be very tempormental when it comes to getting blood from them. moving the arm around and rotating it in attempts truely is a normal thing. of all the things that are going on, that should be the least of your worries. honestly, getting blood from a picc can be very tricky. not that it is much but i hope that gives you a little comfort! that and the fact that so many are praying on your behalf. be strong as god knows what he is doing in all of this! with love and prayers. josette

  5. Linny, continuing to pray for Ruby. I know this has been a long haul and I pray it will all be resolved soon so she can be home laying comfortably in a crib laced in pink, cooing at the sounds and smells around her…being admired by all of us waiting for her, praying for her healing…hang in there friend. Misty (your orphan loving friend).

  6. Dear Father, guide the hands that are caring for sweet Ruby. Show them what needs to be done to provide relief and healing. You are the Great Physician. Take the pain and discomfort from her little body. We trust in your providence and hold firm in our belief that you have brought her here to provide for a miracle and great work to be done in her life.

  7. Fervently praying Healing prayers for your Precious Ruby Grace.

    Knowing she is seeing your great love, commitment and devotion for her through the 'eyes' of her heart.

    with Hope,
    ~ Chris A ~

  8. Oh Linny…i pray that in the time since you posted everything has smoothed out and you have gotten some sleep/rest. Prayers are unceasing as God performs His miracles for you and Ruby Grace…the TESTimony that is being displayed to all the medical staff tending to sweet Ruby! Just read the scripture below…and you are waiting quietly…just loved the part that He hears your prayers and will carry you through!! Holding you up in prayer<3

    Wait quietly upon Him in faith. He hears you. His grace will carry you through. (Psalm 116:1-2)

  9. Simply praying for the line to work, for sodium levels to even out on their own and for the fever to just plain out leave her tiny body. God you know what her needs are, I am saying them outloud for Miss Ruby. Jesus COVER Your baby with Your healing hands. Lord You are MIGHTY I know you can do all of this. Please bring peace to Miss Ruby's mama's heart she loves Your baby so much. Its time to go home and start life with all her brothers and sisters and daddy under the same roof, the roof You provided in Your great plans. We love You we thank You, we praise Your Holy name amen

  10. with a person like me who has small veins and been in the hospital 3x for surgery, drawing blood, putting in a line so they can give you IV and not move it for awhile,,,,truly no fun and hoping and praying Little Ruby Grace is doing fine and you as well. Am praying things all smooth out for Ruby and things go well. Hugs and prayers!

  11. Praying daily for your Ruby here in PA. I have a dear cousin, Ruby, temporarily on sabbatical from missionary base in Mexico and passionate for the orphan in Mexico. When I pray for your Ruby it reminds me to pray for mine and visa versa. How thankful I am that God knows these two precious gems by name.

    And, tears came to my eyes @ today's pics of Sarah with you & Emma. Praying for His timing for her. How I wish someone would have done battle for me when I was abandoned as a little girl like SJ. You go, Girl! – Jennifer in PA

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