Changes, Changes, and More Changes….

Kind of crazy to be sitting outside without a jacket, hoodie or coat on and it’s the 28th of December.   
The kids have been running around barefoot playing.  
I think I’m gonna’ love this Phoenix-thing a lot.
I’ve been trying to sort through boxes.   Actually pretty fun to get rid of most of the winter stuff.  Some people have said, “Well you’ll want to hang on to that so when you go to Flagstaff to see the snow, you have it.”  
Growing up in Buffalo, New York,  living for 7.5 years in the mountains of Colorado and then driving in a snowstorm while in Denver last week brings a smile to my heart.  
At the moment my thoughts are: if I only ever have a snow globe the rest of my life, I’m actually gonna’ be just fine.  Surprisingly Dw and the kids are all feeling the same way – totally the Lord!  

The landscape is gorgeous!  I am loving the saguaro, prickly pear, and jumping cholla everywhere!  Graham had a lot of fun testing the jumping cholla cactus to see if it really does jump and latch on if you get too clsoe.  {It does and yes it is prickly!}  
Dw and I took a walk the other night.  It was just about dusk.  We saw three coyotes coming out of the shrubs on a neighboring street.  They are really kind of cool looking.  
A friend of ours is a tennis pro and offered to give Liberty and I tennis lessons for free.  I have always wanted to learn to play tennis.  Dw actually played on his college team.   He tried once to teach me when we were dating.  We came to the conclusion during that one time, that if we really wanted to stay together we ought not do that again.  So 34 years later I’m learning from someone else.  
Yesterday was Liberty and my first lesson – we had a blast!  We were wearing short sleeves and we both were actually sweating! 
We’ve met some new friends and last night actually had dinner with a bloggy friend and her family.  They have just moved here from Florida.  Coffee soon with another bloggy friend who lives ‘in the neighborhood!’  And the people we have met in our community have been oh-so-sweet.  We are feeling very welcomed already!  And that, is a really wonderful feeling!
In fact, our neighbors across the street rang our doorbell on Christmas Eve and had a card {with their phone numbers in it} and two plates of Christmas cupcakes welcoming
 us to the neighborhood!  
How cool is that?  
 And then lastly, I am so aware that life can be very tricky around the Christmas holidays.  Expectations.  Disappointments.  Health struggles.  Older kids who once were present for the celebrations have moved away.  Marriage changes.  Relationship changes.
Betrayal.  Moves.  Death.  Job loss.  Financial crisis. 
Christmas can be actually some of the most difficult times in someone’s life.  Many of you have written and shared your stories.  Your hurts.  Your pain.  As I unpack and sort through boxes, I have been praying for many of you.  That God would comfort you.  That He alone would fill you with peace.  That you would understand that even in the most difficult of circumstances He is ever faithful.  
And I’ve been working on a blog post, probably two-part, along the lines of “when God says no.”  It needs to be tweaked, but I am sure that God will use it to speak to many hearts.  He’s like that.  Taking our own struggles and using them to minister to others in their struggles.  

13 thoughts on “Changes, Changes, and More Changes….

  1. Right now, that weather sounds really nice. It is cold in Michigan today. Somewhere around 10 degrees or so. I know other places are colder, but this is cold for me. I am not sure what it is with the wind chill. I am glad you are settling in and taking tennis lesson! I, too, have tried, not a pretty sight! I am sure you and Liberty will do awesome!


  2. As we are preparing to move 15 hours to Colorado, far from family and friends, you can't imagine what a blessing this post is. The Lord has given us peace and even anticipation and excitement for the move that He will provide relationships and your post was just affirmation of this promise this evening!

  3. Linny, I am so very happy your transition is going so well (we are still trying to settle in, it feels so "off"). I TOTALLY agree with the snow thing. Moving from Ohio to Florida I GET THAT!

  4. So so happy for you sweet friend! Playing in barefeet sounds heavenly right now!

    I am in Mn- but God has been so kind- it has been mild and there is no snow. Johnny is a senior… so you know what that means – this is our last real winter!

    The children are so restless in the house-I send them out for a little bit each day. they need to expend that extra energy that they have!

    God Bless You and your wonderful family!!


  5. Just back from China, had to check on your sweet family. I'm glad things are going well. I know what you mean about the weather. We were just in Inner Mongolia, qt 15 degrees BELOW o, nothing like the Alabama weather we love.

  6. There is something special about the Arizona desert. My husband and I went out for a walk on Christmas night and spotted a few javelinas. What a sight – we had never seen any before (outside of the zoo)! We love that we never seem to be without someplace or some trail to explore. Watch out for those cholla though… I got a chunk of it stuck in my leg just last Friday and getting it pulled back out was no fun at all! 😉

  7. I really had/have to fight the pain and anger I feel about the Holidays. It gets worse each year. I am NOT a bitter person. But, i do feel as though people shut me out due to what they see as my "dis-abilities". Yes, I use a wheelchair. I only have one foot. I cannot walk with only one foot. But, I am STILL me! My heart is still beating inside of this broken body. And, it hurts when people shut you out because you are different from the person they've always known. When they don't include you in the celebrations, because they don't want a wheelchair in their home. I stayed in my pj's all day on Christmas Day. However, I did take some treats to two elderly people who live in my apt. bldg.. I felt sad that they were alone..had no family near. As I went to bed that night, I said a prayer for them. And, then it flashed through my mind: "I am them! They are me!". I fell asleep after sobbing for a long time. Why?

  8. Linny,
    You have made my heart smile!! I grew up in Mesa (graduated from Mountain View High School) and part of my heart is still there in the desert. God has placed me here in Ohio and I am grateful for that leading. I am even more grateful that I have a step-mom and three step-sisters who still live in Arizona and give me a reason to get back there!! You pictures have been like a gift this evening. So glad that you are loving "The Valley of the Sun" and that God is near. Thank you for sharing your heart and God's story. Enjoy the desert for me! <3

  9. "Change has a considerable psychological impact on the human mind. To the fearful it is threatening because it means that things may get worse. To the hopeful it is encouraging because things may get better. To the confident it is inspiring because the challenge exists to make things better."

    King Whitney Jr.

    And to those who love Jesus, the trick is to learn to trust in him:o)

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