It’s Your Turn

Isaiah wishes to thank all of you for the sweet birthday wishes.
Isaiah’s mommy has enjoyed the de-lurking 
of some of you brave souls.
Utterly commendable.
If only I’d understood that Isaiah flashing his adorable-could-win-an-award-smile at you guys, I’d include his picture with each post!
So on that note, I just have to ask…
Would you lurkers help me, this holiday week-end,
 understand what makes a lurker keep lurking?  
It is hard to imagine lurking for months 
{or even years – oh my gracious shame on you!}
Think about it, for almost 50 years of my life I hid.  
I kept myself all to myself.  
Not many people were allowed inside.  
Of course, at the same time I’m guessing that for those almost 50 years of diligently protecting myself, the Lord was gently smiling and thinking, “Linny, Linny, Linny, you’re not gonna’ believe this…but one day you are going to be sharing your struggles, joys, trials and triumphs with people around the world….”
No doubt, I’d have probably passed right 
out right then and there.
So here I am, three years into sharing my heart, 
sharing my family 
sharing my {often} very private thoughts 
and wondering what makes a lurker lurk for so long?
Yes, this may seem like a trick question, {since you will have to speak up to answer- haha} but I sincerely am wondering.
Why lurk?
Why not comment regularly?
Why not de-lurk? 
Cause really, if you knew how hard it has been to open up, you would have to give me some grace and speak up every now and then….just for, shall we say, moral support.
In fact let me debunk a popular myth right here and now…
If you think that there are so many comments that yours will just be ‘one of a bunch’ largely un-noticed, that is a myth!
For one:  I have come to know and love you all who comment regularly.  Some of you have become some of my dearest friends and we have never even hugged necks.  I look forward to seeing your names pop up with a comment.
And another myth debunked….
I do read all the comments.  
We {Dw and I} often laugh, cry, discuss or pray for those who have left comments….some of you I have even read a comment and worked really hard to find you so I could talk to you on the phone because of something you have said striking a familiar pain in my heart {you know who you are}!
  Often times your comments encourage my heart 
{and frankly, there have been days that it needs some honest-to-goodness encouragement}….
Truly, it is downright difficult at times to write and seem like I am speaking to emptiness out there in computer land…
So please, lurkers and those who regularly comment, share with me your thoughts on lurking, delurking and commenting….
It’s your turn….

talk to me…

I’d love to hear from you…

155 thoughts on “It’s Your Turn

  1. I'm not really sure why I am a lurker. I think a lot of times I just dont know what to say, or maybe others are just more elloquent with words. πŸ™‚ I will say your family has become so dear to me. I'm constantly talking about y'all to my husband and friends. πŸ™‚

  2. I read all my blogs in google reader and I have no idea how to post unless I open up the actual blog. switch I am often to lazy to do! But I do read and pray. Thank you for a wonderful ministry. My son had cancer at age 2 and has scans next wend. Can you pray he remains cancer free? He is now 4 1/2!
    Jennifer from
    Wichita falls, tx

  3. I never post because I read in a google reader and have no idea how to post other then opening up a new window! But tonight I need prayer for my now 4 yr old son to remain cancer free for the 22nd month in a row! His MRI in this wend!
    Wichita falls tx

  4. I guess I don't really view much of what I'd have to say in response as particularly insightful or worthwhile. I'm a much better reader than writer, and I don't know what I would say sometimes. I'm the same way in conversation. I love listening and asking questions, but I don't know how to share about myself very well. I absolutely love reading your words, but I don't picture bloggers as reading the comments… which seems silly, because if I had a blog I'd read all the comments. Oh, ok, fine…. I'm off to go comment on some of my favorite blogs!

  5. Okay, I'll de-lurk. πŸ™‚ I haven't ever commented, though I guess I've been reading over a year now. I started when I found your blog from another and God was slowly opening my heart to international, special needs adoption. I think I didn't say anything then because I needed to check it out without anyone else seeing my name-it made it to public on such a popular blog. Now, we leave in 18 DAYS to bring home our third daughter, and first adoption, of a nine month old baby girl with down syndrome from Eastern Europe! So, what better reason to de-lurk than to say what an encouragement you all have been, and to ask for prayers during this new time in our lives. We also have a huge praise that we are fully funded! If you, Linny (and we call our first daughter Leni), or anyone else wants to follow along with us and pray, our blog is

  6. Hi Linny! I'm not de-lurking, but I would like to ask for prayer for a family that goes to my church. Their youngest, Clayton, is 6 years old and was diagnosed with Rhabdomyosarcoma, cancer, last week. He is a precious little one whom I had the privilege of baby sitting many times when he was a younger. Thank you do much!

  7. I have left a few comments here and there, but I often lurk just because I don't have anything to say. Each and every post you post moves me in some way, though…please know that!

  8. You got me! I may have commented once or twice, but it's rare. Mostly I don't comment when there are already lots of comments. But you always give me something to ponder or pray, so thank you!

  9. I am de-lurking πŸ™‚ I am not sure why I haven't commented before except that sometime I don't feel like I have the right words. I find your blog very uplifting and inspiring. I do not even remember how I stumbled upon your blog but enjoy reading your stories and find inspiration in your words I find my way back to church and try to be the wife God wants me to be and the mother he knows I can be.

  10. Ok, I'll delurk myself. πŸ™‚ I've been reading for about 8 months now. The main reason I never comment is that I read 95% of the blogs I follow on my phone. Commenting is a pain in the toochas on my phone. But I often THINK about commenting! I think, "I have to come back to this the next time I sit down at the computer." That time rarely seems to happen though. I'm a single foster mom to a 6 & 8 year old. They keep me hopping between medical appointments, school, therapy, court hearings, etc. Plus I still have to hold down a job. So I mean to comment, I really do! I just run out of minutes in the day when I'm at the computer & my eyes will stay open! πŸ™‚

  11. I am not a lurker, so it would be hard for me to explain why someone would choose to be a reader only…..I think when I go to any blog I comment because I like to talk! I like to connect with people…I like to form some sort of relationship..sometimes that happens and sometimes not…but I feel it is often directed by God. Thank you Linny for opening your heart to your readers and inspiring all of us to do the same…and to God be the glory!

  12. I've commented a few times, but not lately as I've been reading your posts through Google Reader so I don't come directly to the site. I love your blog though. You guys are amazing. people. For. Real!
    Keep writing! πŸ™‚

  13. I've been following your blog for umm….years…I found it I think in the fall of 2008 after a search on for arthrogryposis. I don't think I've commented and for that I'm sorry πŸ™ I read all blogs on google reader and there is no "comment" button there. I have arthrogryposis and I've actually met your friend Sally at a Ronald McDonald House in Philly. My brother also served in the special forces, I think the in the exact same unit as your son. He left the unit in Summer 2007. I know a couple other AMC Families in Phoenix and I intend to pay them a visit someday so when I do I'll be sure to look you up! I would love to meet your amazing family.

  14. I am one of your mostly lurkers. You have encouraged me in many ways through reading your blog. I don't even remember when I started reading it but it was several years ago. I have commeted occasionally but not very often. Thanks for the encouragement over the years. I pray that you will also be encouraged by us "your lurkers coming out of hiding"

  15. Hi Linny,
    It so good to hear that you feel a bond with those of us who read your blog, because, my goodness, do I feel a bond with you. Since I found your blog I feel like God has given me a mentor (you!) Thanks for the intimate peeks into your heart, your spiritual walk, and your family. You are a woman who, with God's grace, I'd like to be like. I just wish we could sit together with hot cups of tea and talk face-to-face. Maybe its silly, but when our family gets our adoption referral you will be one of the first to know, just because I'm anxious for you (and maybe your family, too,) to "Yippee, Jesus!" with us.
    Thanks, Linny, for caring about us. With love,
    Jenni from St. Louis

  16. Isaiah!!!!! Happy Birthday!!!!! Just a bit late!

    Eight is great!I've got one of those:)

    Sorry Linny, I'm not a lurker, and I don't know why people don't comment:(

    i just had to leave Isaiah's Birthday wishes on this post because I wanted to make sure he saw them.

    I hate missing birthday's!! Especially your beautiful Treasure's!

  17. Dear Linny, it did not take me long to delurk. I started reading your blog about 16 months ago at the same time I started my adoption journey. Your steadfast devotion to living for Christ and passion for the orphan has kept me rivited. Especially when my friends are tired of talking about orphan care and adoption. You have kept me focused and fired up to continue the journey. Thank you for sharing your heart and life.

    Hugs, Debbie

  18. Aww! We love hearing your words Linny! Seriously, even if I don't reply on every single post of yours I always pray for the requests and always laugh and cry in turn with your posts. I truly love reading your blog!

    Many blessings to your family! Know that you are always in our prayers!

  19. It's funny because I lurk on so many blogs but for some reason you pull me out into the open on your blog! πŸ™‚ I think I don't comment on many blogs because they already have so many comments, why add one more? Especially when I don't know the person. And granted, I don't know you but I feel like I do and I leave encouraged in my walk with the Lord.

  20. Why do I lurk???

    Well, I guess there are several reasons…..

    I do think that my comments might not make that much of a difference anyway πŸ™‚

    I tend to worry about what people would think about what I might say. I am never sure what to say (or I would end up writing a book…ha!).

    Other times I do think about commenting but just never take the time to do so.

    So….none of these are valid reasons…. but I guess that is why I lurk. (oh and i might have commented once before…or it might have been an email…i can't remember now)

    I have been reading for a while now. I will say that God has used your family to challenge me in many ways. I am very intrigued by you and your family…and how you live life!! Thank you for sharing!! I do know how hard it is to share. I have a CaringBridge site for my son (he has a stroke before he was born). God has prompted me a few times to share my feelings and that is something I am not good at! It is easier to report progress or prayer requests, etc. than it is to share my personal thoughts and feelings.

    I have also been inspired by your "living simply"….I so want to simplify our lives. We are making progress in that area but it seems like we have so far to go! Thank you for being so encouraging!!

    See….I am working on a book now….ha!


  21. Ok, you've finally convinced me to stop lurking! I've been reading since before the fire and I just LOVE your family! You guys are just incredible to me. SO happy for Autumn and Karl and a VERY Happy Birthday to the adorable and oh so handsome Isaiah.

    Phew…it feels good to be out in the open now!

  22. I don't comment often as I don't typically have much to say. This is not that unusual for me IRL either. Only a very limited number people know how much I really can talk.

    When I was doing my internships, my supervisor was a talker. She talked every minute, and there was never silence. I don't. On one of my reviews, this was a criticism of mine, I needed to talk more. The next day I was trying. I was miserable. The people I worked with didn't seem the same either. Finally, at the end of my day I was working with a lady. I had been working with her for weeks. Many times she did not realize we had met before. Somewhere in my forced jabbering, she stopped, looked me in the eye and said "Ruby, who you are is a whole lot better than anything you pretend to be but aren't." I was shocked she knew my name. Then I was shocked she realized how miserable I was. Then I was grateful for a very bluntly answered prayer and a much needed piece of advice. I replied "Thank you." and then went back to how *I* felt comfortable. So, for the most part I remain quiet. I'm good at listening.

  23. Talking to you, Linny πŸ™‚

    I wanted to share something with you. I remember about five years or so ago, perhaps ten… I was talking to the Lord, pining about the fact that I am deaf. I can't even hear the others talk, and most importantly, those who are in despair. I told Him, I wished, I would love, love, love for me to be able to read people's thoughts, especially their despair, hurting, needing help, etc…. because I so wanted to be able to help, to be there for them.

    And only a few days ago, I realised, He has given me just that, the ability to share encouragement wherever I can, with His leading, through leaving comments on blogs, especially those who desire to serve Him through adopting orphans.

    I thank Him for giving me the chance to read into your thoughts which you are able to share on the internet, otherwise I would never have had the opportunity to minister in what ways I can, with His help πŸ™‚

  24. I rarely comment because I feel you must be kinda busy with all those kids and other things you do. You already get so many comments, I feel like it would almost be a burden if I added another LOL, but I am not a TOTAL lurker – I do comment once in a blue moon at least :0) I will try to amend that habit and comment more now that I know you aren't rolling your eyes and saying, "not another one!" LOL!

  25. Well, I made my first actual comment a while back but haven't commented since. So this can be my official delurk : ) I've read your blog for a couple years and I have no idea why I never commented. Your writing has often been a challenge and encouragement to me. I should have taken the time to tell you so before now.
    Oh, and Happy Birthday to Isaiah!

  26. I love your blog, have been reading for over a year (at least!), and have tried to make a point of commenting more lately. I know I love comments on my blog as well. πŸ™‚

    Mostly commenting is a time-factor. I read almost all the blogs I follow on Google Reader, and in order to comment I have to click through the links to come to the actual blog. Not a horribly big deal, but it does take an extra few minutes. I am working at doing better!

  27. I guess this is my chance to delurk as well. I really can't say why I don't comment. Maybe it is because I just don't know what to say and the written word can be so misinterpreted and I don't want to inadvertently cause any pain from something I say. Perhaps it is because now I am just not peering in the window so to speak, but I am letting you peer back at me πŸ™‚ and I often feel like I have so many struggles, failings etc that I don't feel up to the two way 'relationship'. I hope I am making sense here, but I fear I am not.
    Anyway, hopefully now I will comment more often since I have opened the door……
    By the way, your children are all so amazing and I am truly blessed each time I read your blog and experience your family through it.

  28. I'm a lazy commenter because I usually read through Google reader and there is not an easy way to comment without opening another window. But I love you and love following along with your precious family. =)

  29. Okay! Hi, I am young in life (teenager) and have been reading your blog for about 6 months now. Your blog is amazing, so encouraging! When I am older I hope to adopt as many children as my arms can hold πŸ™‚ I am one of 5 sisters, the youngest being 6 months home from China. Thanks so much for your encouragement your blog gives me! Keep writing and I will (for sure) keep reading!

  30. Oh no!!!! I just wrote a mini-book and what do you know, when I went to preview it–it disappeared?! I will wait and see if it shows up as it floats around in cyberspace, If not, I might try it again.

  31. Here I am! I've been reading your blog for a long time…a really long time…so long I can't even remember HOW LONG! I may have commented once before but I'm not quite sure. The reason I keep lurking is that I feel like my opinion or comments don't really matter or make a difference. But here I am…putting myself out there and commenting! Thank you for your blog! It's such a joy and blessing to read.

  32. I don't have a good answer to your question… I just don't. πŸ™ I read your blog daily, sometimes begging you to update again just so I can read the next page of your story! You are truly an inspiration to me & I constantly have you & your family… as well as all those Ugandan treasures, in my prayers! I've been to Kenya, right after I graduated high school & my heart is still there. I've been to Ukraine… and I beg for the doors to open to go back there as well. My heart is in the mission field, but it doesn't seem like my life is leading me back there, at least right now. I'm only 33, so I have time, but I WANT to go NOW! So living through you, Dwight & Emma… constantly giving of your time & lives to go repeatedly to the mission field is great encouragement to me that one day, it WILL happen for me again. Until then.. I live vicariously through you! Thank you so much for continually sharing with us… with ME! So since you have asked & I didn't really have an answer, I shall try to "delurk" more often! Thank you Linny!

  33. For the longest time, I thought I had to have my own blog in order to comment. I had tried but somehow it never showed up. Anyhow, I know now and have made a few comments.
    I love you, Linny!

  34. I read your blog every day!!! Ok…I'll come clean…usually I check a few times a day to see if you have added a new post. I know, that is junkie status. I promise I am not dangerous:) I have just been so very stretched and grown over the past year for the plight of the orphan. Your blog has encouraged, inspired, and driven me to start using my voice for those without one. I know my soapbox is quite small right now. Probably only about 2 people ever read my blog…unless I have a few lurkers like you:) Anyway, thank you for allowing Christ to stretch you and use you to impact the world for HIS glory!!! We have been on this adoption road for so long without having littles in our arms. I just turned 38 and became discouraged about getting old before bringing more children home. The first thing God ALWAYS brings to mind is….Remember Miss Linny…she never expected to bring a baby home at 54!!! Then I hand my situation back to HIM and prayerfully wait for HIM to knock my socks off:)

    Love you Miss Linny…please keep shining…it means so much to me and countless others!!

  35. For me, it's really about that fact that I am private. I think about commenting, but then I realize that my comments will out there for everyone else to read, and so I don't. I know that my name is not there, but still, it is worrisome for me. I do "follow" the blog, and try not to be a lurker, I just won't comment often if at all.

  36. It's hard for me to write because 1. So many people say what I'm thinking, and say it much better than I can, and 2. I worry that what I say will come across wrong because you can't see my facial expressions, and hear the tone of my voice…

    But I read everyday, and I am challenged and encouraged, and moved to help those in need.

    I will comment more!! πŸ™‚ (I've read for 3 years and I think this is my 4th comment… )

  37. I am an official lurker πŸ™‚ I've only commented on your blog maybe 3 or 4 times in the year I have been reading. I'm not really sure why I don't comment. I think mostly because in general I am quiet, stay-out-of sight kind of person. And also, when I tried to comment before, blogspot kept asking me to start a blog and I was kinda confused. BUT I finally figured it out πŸ™‚ Haha.
    Oh, and I wanted to let you know, I love your playist! πŸ˜€ Chris Tomlin and Hillsong are my favorite singers/bands πŸ™‚ Listening to Hillsong right now! They are pretty amazing πŸ™‚

  38. I can never get my comments to show up!! I have been reading your blog since about a week before the fire, so I am quite attached! πŸ™‚
    My kids (8,5, and 2) usually demand my attention so I'm pretty lucky to get a few minutes to READ!! Love your family and your inspirational messages, Linny! πŸ™‚ Our family took in foster children for 13 years and ended up adopting 3 boys. I've always wanted to adopt and I know God has plans for us to add to our family soon!
    Oh, and if this comment actually goes through, please wish your handsome Isaiah a happy birthday from South Dakota!

  39. I have been reading for sooo long that I dont know if I am a lurker or not!!! πŸ™‚ I love your precious family, have prayed for you guys,sent clothes and a family photo to Uganda, but… I a lurker? I think you should be quite flattered by the lurkers. Whether you know it or not, you are changing lives by sharing yours;) Keep on! You challenge us, encourage us, and make us feel like part of your family!
    Love you guys!

  40. Hi Linny,
    I am de-lurking…kind of. I have not commented much, but read your posts every day. Love you guys. Miss you! The River Church just isn't the same without your lovely family. We are almost done with our home study and have done our immigration paperwork submission. Waiting and praying for our child match!! -Jessica

  41. I'm not lurking anymore but I have before here and on other blogs. I guess one of my reasons has been that someone else has already commented what I was thinking, only in a much more succinct way. But you, yes, you, Linny, drew me out. I think my first visit to your blog was when you posted a picture of Ruby's little black hand in yours or maybe Emma's. I LOVED it and was immediately drawn to you because of the love you were sharing across the races. Ugh, how I wish I knew how to say that better…we're all the Human Race. Anyway, I'm the mommy to 3 children born of my body and 3 precious children born in our hearts and not of my skin color. That is what first caught my attention. And then I read more…and cried more, and prayed more, and laughed more. I love visiting your blog and when my obstinate computer/internet access allows me, I try to leave a comment fairly regularly. πŸ™‚
    I'm one of your wee-hour followers. haha Even my husband and our children who are still at home get to hear about what's going on with y'all. Tonight I shared with my 5yr old son, who had just asked for chocolate chocolate chip muffins last week, about Isaiah's birthday breakfast. He loved it!
    Love you, my friend.

  42. I don't know if i'm considered a lurker here…i comment occasionally…hmm…sorry for not commenting more..sometimes, i just have no words to say…or the energy for it. so know that my pinpoint on your map means i'm thinkin of you! πŸ™‚

  43. Giday from an Aussie lurker!

    Family have called me "The Quite Australian" I love just listening to other's life stories. The problem with blogs is its not face to face so I don't have the clues to know when or what to respond to, so keep silent. Also there is not having much time.

    I'em flat out like a lizard drinkin' mate! just in' keepin' up with all them blogs wot I be readin' like!

    So Numbers 6:24-26 on You, Hubbie and your mob of kiddies both big n' small.

  44. i've commented lots, but in all honesty, linny, sometimes i don't because it seems a one-way street. there isn't any replies to my comments on any blog…so it seems kind of pointless. i know it's encouraging for you, but i read a lot of blogs and there is only one that i follow where the blogess regularly comments back to the commenters and answers questions and clarifies things. i think that is awesome. perhaps if you restructured your blog so that you or others could "comment within comments", it would be even more interesting. and it would save you having to write a blog with the answers/info/names of everyone you're responding to. that's my thought, anyway. blessings!

  45. I don't know if I qualify as a lurker, because I've commented a FEW times over the past 2 years, but it's not been often so I'll just say that I read all the comments and don't feel like I have much new to offer, most of the time, so I just don't post…:)

  46. I've been reading for awhile now. I jump over from a friends blog. I love your passion and your sense of humor. I guess I don't comment because I don't really know you and you definitely don't know me. Seems strange to me I guess.

  47. I can't believe I missed his birthday. Happy Birthday Isaiah!!!

    Linny, thank you sooooo much for popping into my blog the other day! I have missed you stopping by so much. I totally understand about the comment thing too because it gets pretty lonely in bloggy land spilling your heart when no one takes the time to say hi.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  48. Hi Linny, I'm not really a lurker. I have commented a couple times, but I too,read your blog on google reader, and I just fail to get back and comment regularly. I love your blog and your faith. We have nine biological children and are beginning our journey into adoption now at 46 and 47. We are adopting a thirteen year old girl from China, and will probably travel in August. We are getting approved for two children on our I800A and homestudy so we can immediately go back for another. God has broken our hearts for the fatherless, but he has use you and several others to really encourage us and help us to believe and trust enough to step forward. We are having our homestudy visit this morning.
    I have been reading and following your blog for a year and a half, at least.
    I have begun blogging as well. My year old blog is
    I love you guys. God is doing great things through you.

  49. Writing just doesn't come easy like it does to you and others. I spent many years practicing science so I am very to the point, terse and cold in my writing. πŸ™

  50. Hi! I read your blog every day and have been so encouraged and challenged! I've only commented a handful of times and every time I do (even now) I feel so insecure about what I write. I'm afraid it will sound lame, dumb, or that it will be mis-read. So, I lurk generally because of my insecurities.

  51. I guess I have no choice now, do I? We live overseas in Turkey now, but just moved from the Phoenix area where my husband was a campus minister at ASU. There have been many times when I have wished to be there to minister in some way to your family. Please know that I meant no rudeness in "lurking", I am just lazy and enjoy reading blogs periodically but rarely take the time to actually write something. But, I do pray for you and your family. Thank you for sharing your heart even when it is hard. Thank you for being such an incredible voice for the orphan! Andrea

  52. Hi Linny….I have commented at times in the past, but honestly, so many other people comment and they always say what's in my heart, but usually much better than I could have said it. So, I come to your blog every single day and follow along with you, but let the regular commenters say it for me :-). I pray for your family and others that you might ask for prayer for, I think about you often, I dream of going on one of your mission trips one day, so even though I don't comment much any more, I'm still here. And I never pass up a chance to show your little Miss Ruby off! The pictures that show just how much a matter of life and death a family for a child can be are always amazing to people that see them on my computer! Thanks so much for sharing your life, you are such an inspiration. Love, Sherrie

  53. Many times I have thought about commenting, but assume, as I'm sure many of your "lurkers" assume, that it will literally be one of perhaps thousands of comments, isn't a valuable comment, just inane thoughts, so why clutter up your comment list. I have been reading your blog since Isaiah came home, and have followed through your many, many trials and tribulations….and JOYS, through the years. I was so horrified when your house caught on fire! I remember even checking during that day at work because I NEEDED to see updates that your family was safe.

    So…..I do read every day, and have had great intentions of commenting from time to time….but, alas, have not.

  54. I love commenting. I would love to comment on every post on every blog I read, but I already spend way too much time on the computer and need to cut back. Commenting takes a lot of time (especially as I tend to get a bit verbose if I don't watch it) so I try to save it for the posts that REALLY speak to me and that I just can't help commenting on. Or ones that say happy birthday to a sweet kiddo. Also, like a previous poster said, sometimes I intend to come back and comment "later, when I have more time" and that later only rarely comes.

    Your posts bless me so much. In fact, I often save reading your blog for last because I know I'll be blessed (saving the best for last). I truly appreciate that you open up. I truly, truly do! Please don't take lack of comments for lack of appreciation (however it is really nice to know what the comments mean to you and I will try to comment more.) You are influencing lives here! One small token of that is the memorial box that is in my living room. THANK YOU!!!

  55. Ok, I comment once in a great while–so I don't know if I count as a lurker. Probably lack of time is what keeps me from commenting most of the time. I'm a mom to two little boys, and foster mommy to two more. Also I often read blogs with a baby on my lap—makes it hard to type. πŸ™‚ LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog!!!!! Keep posting and sharing your heart. Your decision to move for Ruby Grace touched my heart—there are many things that we are sacrificing to meet the needs of our foster children. We've been misunderstood and criticized by those closest to us, and I sobbed when I read that you were moving because it made perfect sense to me.

  56. 2 reasons for me πŸ™‚ 1 because I didn't have a blogger profile for awhile and(2)I have been to nervous to make one and comment because I'm only 12, but I love reading your blog!

  57. Linny, I do comment on occasion. But I don't comment regularly though I do read regularly. Why don't I comment more? Much of the time I spend reading blogs is also the time I am spending nursing my baby girl, so typing is just hard! πŸ™‚ There. I guess a bad excuse is better than none at all, huh? I'll try to do better; I promise.

  58. I'm not a lurker, but I do have big news. We have a referral from Ehtiopia! A little girl who just turned two; her name is Isabella Addisalem. Isabella means God's oath since we were promised her about 3 years ago before she was even born.

    I can send a picture to private email if you want to email me it at

    Love you all!
    Jenny, JD, Gabe, Alei and the crew!

  59. I'll delurk as well, with an honest answer (since you asked!). It's the fact that one must use a google account or OpenID to sign in.
    If I was able to sign in with my name or alias, and type in an email address that only you (Linny) saw, then I would be commenting all the time.

  60. Had to ask myself why I don't comment on any blog regularly. I have when a prayer request really moves me, and even without commenting I have prayed in agreement with the needs you've lifted and made request for.
    But, regular commenting feels too much like needing to join the "in" crowd to which I have a total aversion. Almost commented on Isaiah's dimples when he smiles – absolutely adorable. So commenting or not, your family is in my prayers. I appreciate seeing as the Lord leads, and you respond so diligently to take up the latest clarion call on your hearts. And His faithfullness to provide as you do. It serves to encourage me as these testimonies are shared by those who trust in Him. God continue to bless and keep you all.

  61. I have followed your blog for over a year.
    I am very wary of commenting because I sometimes do not agree with this or that view, and God is watching and I fear my comment will be seen as a critic of what you do or say. In other words I do not want to influence your way of serving God, since I am not at your level.
    A second reason is that all comments are saved by in your case Google and I prefer not to have my views saved by the USA government or anyone else for that matter. It should be between you+DW and me like if we had a privet conversation.
    Other than that your blog is great, I have no doubt you are encouraging many to adopt and live their life closer to God.
    I am planing to move to Uganda and it was through my research that I found your blog.

  62. Hopefully I don't count as a lurker, I have commented a few times… but what fostermama said is what I was thinking. Lack of time, and trouble commenting by phone. A couple weeks ago I had a burning comment and pounded it out even though I ran out of time and my husband was waiting for something… and my phone wouldn't show the graphics thing that I needed to type in so it would post. I guess I also I do tend to think that you get so many, you couldn't possibly want more. Now that I know maybe I will try harder! Btw I commented to say that although I was happy to see the cliffhanger or the giveaway, what I have really been waiting for is the part 2 of when God says no. Have I missed it? I loved part 1. His ways are higher…

  63. I delurked a while ago but thought I'd just say thank you.

    Thank-you for sharing your heart on this blog.

    Thank-you for your insightful posts that uplift me, inspire me, and at times challenge me (in a very good way, or course!)

    God bless you and Dw.

  64. I've commented from time to time, but definitely not regularly. Sometimes I think about it and then think maybe I don't have all that much to say. And sometimes, maybe my heart and mind are drinking in whatever you wrote about, and I don't know how to express how I'm feeling in words! And as you mentioned, sometimes I just don't think my little measly comment is all that necessary or important in light of how many comments you get! πŸ™‚ But I sure do love reading… The Lord has changed me through you!

  65. I do comment sometimes, but on other blogs when I comment I am a faceless number. There is no relationship, so unless I have something enlightening to say that will add to the discussion, or am signing up for a fabric giveaway, there isn't much point to commenting. With your blog I figured you are sooooo busy I don't want to bother you, so I don't comment that often even though I am thankful for your Godly counsel, check your blog daily, and have talked about your blog with lots of family and friends. Thank you jfor the community you have created here! It is rare that someone cares more for the people who read their blog than the popularity or financial gain they get from their blog. You are a rare and precious treasure. Thanks for being a bloggy friend. Still praying here in NE.

  66. ok, here goes – because it feels scary, a bit vulnerable to open up so pulicly and it is easier to read and stay at a distance than to read and comment. Especially when life is hard. I must've come across your blog around this time last year. In December 2010 God clearly called us to homeschool our children, that same month my husband ruptured his achilles, and that is how we entered 2011 – the hardest year of our lives so far. In feb 2011 we found out at a routine scan that our baby's heart wasn't beating, in May my Auntie passed away and a month later in June my mum passed away – the same week that we moved house and had our first scan for a new precious life God had blessed us with. I was an emotional wreck. The weeks after miscarriage I remember sitting at the computer staring blankly, wanting to do something, read something, not really knowing what to do with myself. I typed random words into google – miscarriage, loss, homeschooling, Christian families etc. looking for comfort, someone with a similar story, encouragement, and also guidance as homeschooling hadn't really got off the ground with everything else. I was not really familiar with the world of blogging and didn't realise people became friends through blogs. I think I came across your blog after typing something like homeschooling, large family, adoption (which is something my husband and I desire to do so greatly!) I have been so inspired I have kept coming back to read again and again. I have started my own blog (but need to get more organised as my posts are not as regular as I'd like them to be)I have enjoyed writing it, thinking no one else had yet come across it felt safe because I know I can write a load of rubbish sometimes – but people are gradually coming across it so I guess I have to get brave and carry on! Thank you for being so open and honest through your struggles aswell as your good times, I hope I can do the same through my blog. God is good, and I feel coming across your blog is a blessing from Him. I'm learning a lot and reading your blog encourages me to go deeper with Him. Your family are precious – and please tell Isaiah I'm sorry I wasn't brave enough to delurk on his birthday, I hope he had a wonderful day!

  67. By debunking the popular myths you have persuaded me to de-lurk! I have started to comment in the past, but had both of those thoughts run through my head. Now I can't use them as excuses any longer. =D

    I have been lurking for YEARS! I first found your Place Called Simplicity because of Isaiah. I was on Journey to Me reading adoption journeys and came across Journey to Isaiah Samuel. At that point Isaiah was already home, but I still cried all the way through his story. Praise God for all the ways He moved for that sweet boy!

    Of course since that point I have cried and rejoiced with you as you also brought home Elizabeth, Elijah, Jubilee and Ruby. I can't wait to see how God will move so Sarah Jane can come home also!

    In Journey to Me you had posted a link to your blog so I popped over here and have been lurking ever since. I've commented on your FB a time or two, but for the most part I have just laughed and cried and thanked God for the blessing you have been to me, even if you didn't know I was here.

  68. I lurk because I'm afraid you don't want to hear from me. I love your blog, I love your family, but there are some pieces of my life you may not support. So I keep quiet and read and smile, and share your God Miracles with the wonderful woman who shares my life. That's my soul, naked and shivering. That's what keeps me quiet. That's what I'm afraid you won't like. I'm gay. And I love God. And I think He loves me too, just the way I am. I understand if you don't publish this, but I thought you should know.


  69. Hi Linny,
    I'm pretty sure I could consider myself "de-lurked" by now, but just to be sure, I thought I would comment again. I am the Green Bay Packer loving, kindergarten-teaching, wife to Rob, and Mommy to Maya Grace, who is about the same age as your Ruby Grace. I have been following your blog for a couple of years now and adore your family! I cannot remember how I came across your blog, but something kept me coming back! I now look forward to your daily updates and you inspire me to keep our blog updated as well! Like Fostermama, I also frequently THINK comments in my head, but they don't always make it to the blog πŸ™‚

  70. I'll take the bait too. πŸ™‚ Main reasons are 1) time – I love to check in and read (and find it very inspiring) but tend to do it when I'm snatching a free moment here and there when I probably shouldn't be, and 2) feeling that I'm not part of the adoption/Christian community and therefore don't have much to contribute to the discussion. Although I do add my prayers. Yes, Jewish moms do pray and know that prayers are answered and that G-d's miracles are boundless πŸ™‚

  71. Well, since you're going to pressure us here. I've been "lurking" for just under a year now. I don't comment for the same reason that I'm a quiet person – I don't really have anything to add to the conversation. I'm a college student and so I spend most of my waking hours trying to balance school, work, and not losing what little semblance of sanity I have left. πŸ˜›

  72. I was lurking for a long while and it just comes down to time! I love to check blogs and see what people are up to but with 3 kids under 5 I just feel like I have very limited time to blog. So commenting doesn't always fit in the schedule.But since you are calling me on it I will make time for ya!! He he he I just love your sweet family!!

  73. I recently am branching out and have commented some… and even did my first Memorial Box Monday a couple of weeks ago. I have an outgoing personality generally, but had a painful divorce many years ago. I had to realize the portion of the fault that was mine, and coupled with a good measure of being insecure about myself, I just tend to pull inward. In addition I became aware about 3 years ago that I am not the same as my coworkers. I had worked for years in a remote office and had to transfer to the main office where most of my coworkers are 15+ years younger… so many frames of reference are different, including belief in Christ and commitment to faith. Learning & growing as I occasionally close my eyes and jump off the ledge! Commenting is one of those ledges.. albeit only a few inches tall, but sometimes those inches seem like miles!

  74. Ok – well I've commented before, but I will leave a note into the insight why I did lurk for many months before posting.
    I had emailed you a few months back using the square peg into a round hole analogy… I just so often feel like I am not "like" so many of even my dear sisters in Christ at my wonderful church. Between homeschooling, canning, baking bread, and now fostering, etc…. I just never felt like anyone really had the same heart I did.

    And then I met you and your wonderful bloggy world of friends here! It took many months for me to hear your heart and understand there is a dear sister in Christ with a heart for the children like I have been given.

    So – dear Linny (and family!) you have blessed so many of us lurkers and non-lurkers alike with your vision, testimonies, and struggles. I know my family has been truly blessed and encouraged by you!


  75. Honestly, even though I know you read all the comments, I STILL see the overwhelming number and think, "What could I have to say that would even be of benefit?"

    So I just read and click away. Even though I adore comments on my own blog.

    Plus, I read all of my "regular" blogs in a reader and often I do that between homeschooling subjects, or in between peanut buttering sandwiches or *gasp* on my iPod while I'm tucked away in the bathroom.

    Inevitably, I get interrupted and never make it to the comments section.

    PS: You really need to add a picture of Ruby on your sidebar w/ your other treasures!

  76. ok, i'll be brave and a little vulnerable here and say first of all, i have commented once or twice πŸ™‚ but i don't a whole lot because you are so blessed to have so many readers leave so many comments on virtually all your posts so i guess i often think, oh what does it matter when 159 other people have already commented! i would love to get one or two comments on my own little blog! :} but mine isn't widely read or nearly as interesting as yours! πŸ™‚ i do love your blog though (i have a list of blogs i keep in google reader and yours is the one i always save for last!) and everything your family is doing for the orphan! maybe someday i'll get to go on a trip with dw and emma! πŸ™‚

  77. I also read your blog regularly, and have commented rarely! I see some responses and think, wow that was great! What can I say that hasn't already been said! πŸ™‚

  78. To all LURKERS,
    I like you read Linny's blog for a couple of months before commenting. I came across the blog from a link on another blog and found a safe haven.
    My first message was to Linny via facebook, as I couldn't work out blog messaging and had convinced myself that you need a blog to comment! I started the message so formerly To Mrs Saunders. It took me 3 different message attempts on paper before I typed her a message and hit send!
    WHY!!!!!! you may well ask. Well the voice of DOUBT had a hold of me. It whispered things like "She can't read all the blog comments and e-mails…..Your comment isn't going to make any difference…" I could go on, I expect some of you have had the same thoughts.
    So it was easier to stay a LURKER, but the frustration got to much, as I read ALL the blog posts. It took awhile, my eyes strained and so many hours. At the end having caught up I knew I had to write and say THANK YOU.
    You see by the end of my mammoth reading session, Linny and her family had become family to me. I know we are all in GODs family, but I need to thank her for the priviledge of letting me know about her family.
    Today I spent half the afternoon going over facebook message, e-mails that I have sent and recieved from Linny. It has only been 2 years since I got to know the Saunders family. 24th March 2010 I sent my first message and exactly one year later (only saw the dates today!) I was blessed with having some money re-inbursed to me. This enabled my son and I to travel to London to meet Linny, Emma and the team on their way home from Uganda. IF I had only been a Lurker I would never have been able to hug this amazing Ladys neck that you and I have the honour of being friends with.
    In a message I sent to Linny in Nov 2011 I wrote " Iam SO blessed to have you all in my life, you challenge me and help me in so many ways."
    So dear Lurkers step out and comment. It is wonderful to do and a joy to get messages from Linny. It is not easy to be so open about ones life, but Linny does that and we all need to show our appreciation and commit to not only PRAYING for the Saunders family, but commenting too. So that they know we read and appeciate the blog posts.
    Essay over, thank you to those who read it, I hope some Lurkers are inspired. Now all I need to do is get over the doubts I have about writing a blog myself!!!!
    With love, hugs and lots of prayers to you Linny and family,
    Becky xxx

  79. I've been a part of your blog family for quite awhile! πŸ™‚ I first found you when we were going through the process of intl. adoption through Ethiopia. God had other plans for us- now we are welcoming 3 foster kiddos into our home! I usually don't comment because I'm a chicken and am concerned about privacy.
    Love ya!

  80. this is my favorite blog and i have commented just a couple times in the past…the reason i do not do so more often is because of myth #1…i think that because there are so many comments, mine won't really be noticed. i guess now that you've "de-mythed" that, i need to start commenting more.LOL i have to share a funny story: i was talking to a friend i haven't seen in years and years. she is adopting soon(we are adoptive parents too). i asked her if she reads blogs. she said her favorite one was APCS, and i said, "mine is too!" so even though i hadn't seen her in years, we got to discuss how much this blog has ministered to our hearts.

    okay, now can i ask you a couple favors? any way you can do an update on the process to adopt S.J.?

    can you also do a post giving advice on attachment struggles with adopted children? (we are struggling with that very issue as we have a child with RAD symptoms, home from China now for almost 4 years).

    thanks, love from indiana

  81. Guilty of lurking here too. I have followed your blog for about two and a half years! Your blog has made me laugh hystericaly and cry tears of all kinds, some from sadness,some from fear and disbelief but tons from joy and most importantly some from conviction. The words and stories you share here have touched me deeply and have urged me to follow closer to The Lord. I wanted you to know that you and your blog have influenced my life in a very powerful way. THANK YOU for all that you do and for all the different ways that you do it!

  82. Hi, Linny! I may not comment on your blog, but I do pray for your family. Forgive my shyness. You and your family are very special, and your faith inspires mine every day! Thanks for writing!

  83. I'll come clean, too!! I am a lurker, but not in a negative way!! I enjoy reading your blog so much and it inspires me!! We are a busy family with 4 bio children and 2 "newbies" from ET, one 6 year old and a 2 year old!! I have a blog as well and so much of the time I feel like my comments sound like everyone else's, but I do know from my own blog how nice it is to read the comments, soooo… there ya are!!

  84. I don't often comment for the reason you mention: someone else has already said the thing I would have said, I feel you don't need to sort through many comments that are not especially witty or insightful or bold in faith.

    But I suppose, that is sort of like coming into your living room, helping myself to snacks in the kitchen and leaving, without nary a greeting or a thank you. ::ahem::

    So, I have followed since your fire and I sometimes (rarely) comment, but often smile, pray, share, link. You and yours are an inspiration to many, including this avid reader/lurker.

  85. Hi Linny. πŸ™‚ I think I've commented once before (oh! and sent clothes for the wedding), but not regularly by a long shot. I have been reading for over a year and love sharing in the joys of your beautiful family, and praying over all the prayer requests. Our long term life goal is to start a Foundation that will raise and distribute funds to orphan charities such as your International Voice of the Orphan. Until then, we just give from what the Lord blesses us with. πŸ™‚ I read George Muller's biography to my kids, immediately got the connection to your son's name when I started reading your blog, and was not at all surprised that you are following in his footsteps of living by faith alone. What a wonderful testimony to God's provision….nearly unheard of in American society! We are the parents of 3 bio kids and a sweet treasure from China, and a relatively new homeschool family. So nice to meet you. πŸ™‚

  86. I've been reading for a long time not sure how long, and have only commented recently on a few posts. I think I didn't comment for so long because I didn't feel like I had anything of value to contribute. I'm young, married for 2 1/2 years and earnestly desiring and praying about adoption. So, I often come to your blog and feel that I'm learning, I'm a student. I learn from your example of prayer, I learn from the things you've been through what a gracious Christian response and processing looks like. I learn how to better understand my own heart for the fatherless. I feel like I'm gaining so much and I have little to give. I didn't comment for so long because of that, but I realized that a comment acknowledges that I appreciate what you're saying even if I don't contribute anything, and that can be encouraging to you. :)Thanks for blogging.

  87. I'll bite! I'm a lurker too and I LOVE your blog. The reasons I seldom comment are:
    1) time constraints – I read several blogs and pray for the bloggers/families/needs and I just don't often take the time to post a comment as well – figuring it's better to pray than to comment!
    2) I'm not a very good writer so I don't feel that I do a very good job when I DO ocmment.
    3) I'm very private and don't share too much except with friends I can see face-to-face.
    4) I guess I didn't realize it mattered to the bloggers.
    Anyway, Linny, your family is precious to me and I do pray for y'all. I'll try from now on to be bold and comment once in a while!
    P.S. I can't read the two "words" (?) I'm supposed to type in order to post – guess I need a secret decoder ring.

  88. I'm delurking, too! I'm not sure how long I've been reading, but definitely long enough for it to be embarrassing that I haven't commented! πŸ™ I LOVE your posts, and I LOVE watching how God is moving in your family and your ministry. My husband and I are the proud adoptive parents to twelve children (10 from foster care in KS, 2 "unofficially" adopted) and now have 6 grown and 6 still at home. We've been on this journey since our first adoption 14 years ago! We also now have launched a ministry organization in KS called Project Belong, a recruiting, training, supporting ministry for Christian foster and adoptive parents in our state. So excited about where God is leading and also about your new ministry as well! We're often asked if we're "done" adding to our family. We've learned to stop saying we're done because when we do, God brings us MORE! πŸ™‚ We're content with where we are right now. We'll see what He has in store for the future. Thank you for sharing everything you do! Would love to connect sometime via email re:ministry things, etc. Have a blessed weekend!

  89. I've commented before, so I'm not an "official" lurker, but I'll say hi anyway! I've been following APCS for a few years. I found it through a friend who was journaling online about their adoption process. When the fire happened, she asked people to pray, and that's when I started reading!

    PS- betcha can't guess who the friend was! πŸ™‚

  90. Hi Linny
    I am not officially "de-lurking" because I have commented before, although not as often some. I wanted to tell you why I have been a lurker in the past. I hope it all makes sense…

    I am not one of those people who adopted because of my Christianity. It was the opposite: I have become a Christian because of the adoption of my beautiful children! When I started the adoption process, it was really because I wanted a child. My dh and I had lost many pregnancies and simply wanted another child in our lives. During and after our first adoption, I found some blogs that happened to be written by Christian women; one of those blogs was yours! In the past, I had always turned away from Christ (although raised in a Catholic home) because of the judgment that I assumed Christians had towards me. I had met some really judgmental, harsh Christians, and, in response, I became very judgmental against Christians myself.

    But, I loved your blog (among others) and I thought, "okay, I will just read this, despite all the Christian stuff…" Well, I fell in love with your family, and I came to see that you are the furthest thing from judgmental. I came to see that you, a Christian woman, are not that different from me. In fact, I discovered by chance that your Jubilee is from the same home in China that my son is from! I think God was showing me that we are not so separate.

    Reading your testimonials about your faith had a real impact on me. I started to open up my heart to Christ. But, I did not comment often because I felt like…well, not like a "real Christian." I didn't have a church home yet, I was still getting to know the Bible (still am!), and I felt some real shame from my past. I didn't want to say something "wrong" or to reveal myself as a new Christian. I guess it was taking me a long time to get that you were not going to judge me!!

    I am so grateful to you for sharing your life with me. You have really made a HUGE impact on me. You are such an open, loving person and I thank God I came across your blog all those years ago.

    A former lurker,

  91. Well, I just recently delurked. For me, the first reason was fear. I didn't want my blog/identity out there on the www (my blog was private until recently) and if I comment as "anonymous", then how was I to gain relationships? So I figured, why bother, eh?

    The second reason was as you said, "Does MY comment make a difference?" Yes, I have thought I was "one of the bunch" as you put it. Like with emails…knowing you are so busy and unable to respond, I say, "Why bother?" (No offense intended.) πŸ˜‰

    Lastly because I tend to keep to myself, it's hard to imagine the relationships that can be gained in blog world. I'd welcome it, but often hear about the nasty comments left and just figure it's better to fly under the radar and not get noticed or have my blog read (by delurking).

    All that to say, the one time I did get an email from you, Miss Linny, I was truly over-the-moon!!! LOL!!!

    So, why did you hide for 50 years? Are you glad you came out of hiding? Is it worth the scrutiny you have to sometimes endure?

    I will say that being a part of Knee Team (KT) has totally blessed me beyond measure. I love praying for my sisters (and brothers) and I love not always focusing on myself and my own needs. Thank you for KT.

  92. Hi Linny,

    I am also delurking so I can wish a belated Happy Birthday to Isaiah and to say hi. Love your whole family, but have a soft spot for your Isaiah. Sorry I haven't commented, life has been hectic! My husband was deployed to Afghanistan for a year, five months after we adopted our sweet Ethan from China in Feb. 2010. We have three kids. Love your blog and what you are doing for orphan ministry. Thanks for sharing your heart!
    Blessings from Iowa,


  93. I already delurked over the IVO announcement teaser but I thought I'd comment anyway. There are lots of reason why I don't comment. One of which is .. you don't know me, my heart, so you my words typed with the best intention and most sincere heart might be misinterpretted. Is that a word? lol
    I'm really only beginnning to "know" you and your family but reading about all that God is doing in your lives is inspiring. I rejoice with you as you embark on new adventures fully trusting our Lord and Savior. His love for you is a beacon to all that know, hear of, or read your blog. I've put your blog on my blog's "blog list". I want "my" friends to "meet" you too. Who knows… maybe they'll lurk awhile… snicker.

  94. Hi Linny! I'm not a lurker πŸ™‚ but I DO lurk on some other blogs, and here are some reasons why. Sometimes, like you said, I feel like there are so many comments already that there's no reason for me to add my 2 cents. Sometimes, I have an opinion that differs from 99% of everyone else who has commented, and I don't want to "start" anything. πŸ™‚ And sometimes, especially when blogs have fewer comments but all from the same people every time, I feel like I would be intruding into a community that I've just stumbled upon and don't really belong.

    I just want to say thanks for saying that you and Dw always read every comment here. That's just one of the things I love about you – that you truly care about every single person who reads your blog! And I'm so grateful that I'm one of those who once got to meet you in person because I mustered up the courage to delurk! πŸ™‚ Much love to you and your sweet family!

  95. Well I guess it's my turn…. πŸ™‚ I've been reading your blog for about a year now. I'm probably one of the younger readers around here, but I truly love reading the mind blowing things God has done in you and your family's lives. It has inspired me to put faith in God to provide for things in my life – and He has been so good! I hope that when I graduate high school and move on with life I can claim a boatload of sweet babies from all over the globe just like you. You have definitely fueled my passion for the orphan and I am looking forward to seeing what God does with Elijah's Hope and IVO πŸ™‚

  96. Ok, here goes. I don't feel like what I have to say is really all that important to you and you family. I enjoy your style of writing and all you glorious pics. I am going through a togh time with God and come here for encouragement. I am beginning a Daniel Fast tomorrow and can't wait to see what God has in store for me. I love your blog and will try to comment more often. Maybe even asking for prayers….as if you don't have enough to pray about already.

  97. I plead the same as Fostermama! I want to comment. I mean to. I have good intentions of coming back when the house is quiet at night. But by the time that happens I am mostly out of it too! Poor excuse, I know.

    I am so sorry that I don't let you know how much your words of wisdom mean to me. I actually wasn't able to read for several months due to my computer ignorance and when I finally was able to again I was so thrilled to learn about little Ruby and to catch up on all I had missed.

    You bless me, Linny, and I will try to be more faithful in letting you know!


  98. Sometimes I forget that blogging is interactive. I've spent years reading books and my response to those only gets to take place in my head. I have to remind myself that, with blogging, I get a chance to say something too. πŸ˜‰

  99. I honestly have no idea how I happened upon your blog – probably searching for something adoption related. I don't think I've commented before, mostly because I'm a single mother of a 2 year old (recently home from Ethiopia). She's hard-core, my daughter, full of energy and life, so I tend to read blogs on my phone in between clients (I'm a mental health counselor) because when I'm home it's all about her. And honestly, commenting on my phone isn't really feasible. I do love checking in on your family, though, because as an adoptive sister and adoptive mom (and I only say adopted for purposes of clarification because they are simply my sister and my daughter) I adore seeing other families blessed by adoption.

  100. Hi, my name is Marylyn and I'm a lurker. There… that feels better. LOL I generally have to process things for a while before I think of something sufficiently witty or wise – or at least coherent – to say, which means by the time I'm ready someone else in the house is using the computer. And by the time I'm back online, one of your other bloggy friends has said what I was going to say so much better than I could have anyway, so I nod my head in agreement (not much help since you can't see me, I know), and whisper a prayer and move along.

  101. I absolutely LOVE reading your blog-have been doing so for a couple years and am delurking now πŸ™‚ Not sure how I found your blog-I was looking for Christian families who have adopted and somehow came across yours. And funny thing is, months down the road I shared with my sister your blog who said she knows Abby in a round about way from Life Pacific College where my sister graduated from. And actually her good friend, Shyla, photographed my sisters wedding. But I just know you as an amazing family who is obedient to God and puts Him first in all you do. Ever since I was a teenager I wanted to adopt-even wrote letters to my future husband telling him I wanted to adopt someday πŸ™‚ That desire hasn't diminished-just wondering how the Lord is going to use that desire and when. My husband and I are 30 and have three girls, 2 1/2, 4 1/2 and 7 yrs old so we feel quite blessed and quite busy-trying to figure out how to do life with 3 girls. Our church has many families who have adopted children internationally as well as through the county and I would LOVE for you and your husband to come speak (King's Harbor Church in Torrance, CA)-just praying for the right chance to present it to the pastor πŸ™‚ Anyways, enough about us-why have I stayed quiet so long? Not sure-probably because it's easier to not comment-but I promise you have brought tears to my eyes, caused me to go deeper in my walk with God, and continued to put the orphan on my heart through your life. Your grace as you go through trials big and small is so encouraging to me. I share your blog all the time with those I meet who talk about adoption. Someday I hope we meet-I just told my parents they would LOVE you and DW! Your faith as you trust God to provide for your family is so great-bless you!!

  102. OH Linny You are so tricky aren't you? I guess I was in the myth number 1 group. And I also feel like when I do come out of the bushes I have to explain who I am each time and I then think that is weird for me to do that. DW holds a special place in this now grown momma's heart for helping my mom so many years ago. I almost feel connected to you guys….we both are no longer at "home" and when I read I feel like I am listening to and dear friend from home….does that make sence? I don't want to be a creeperish! Hey by the way! I started to homeschool 2 weeks ago, so now I REALLY feel like we have a common bond….anyway there you go…you once again got the lurker out!
    Much Love!

  103. OH Linny You are so tricky aren't you? I guess I was in the myth number 1 group. And I also feel like when I do come out of the bushes I have to explain who I am each time and I then think that is weird for me to do that. DW holds a special place in this now grown momma's heart for helping my mom so many years ago. I almost feel connected to you guys….we both are no longer at "home" and when I read I feel like I am listening to and dear friend from home….does that make sence? I don't want to be a creeperish! Hey by the way! I started to homeschool 2 weeks ago, so now I REALLY feel like we have a common bond….anyway there you go…you once again got the lurker out!
    Much Love!

  104. Happy Belated Birthday Isaiah! Your smile is so beautiful! And, fellow Mimi wasn't something else exciting "expected" this month? Does the color pink ring a bell? You've got to give us an update! Love to you and your family always…

  105. Hello Linny,

    I don't consider myself a lurker. I have commented a time or two. I am just a person with few words. I am not hiding, and when I feel that the Lord is directing me to comment, I do.
    Earlier in my life, much earlier,the Lord had to teach me some hard lessons about words and how many of them to speak. I used my words to get attention, and to sound wise, or knowledgeable. It was a matter of pride for me.
    I have learned to think before I speak and to make the words I do speak, or write for that matter, be worthy of the one who hears them all.
    I love to read your blog and to pray for you all. I love the orphan and widow, and you remind me to hold them up in the forefront in prayer. Your words and stories inspire me to listen for God's voice and to see His hand in everything that happens.
    So, thank you for blogging. I will comment when I am led, but you can know that I am reading each week and praying along with you for every need mentioned.

  106. Hi from one lurker. I'm a wife, a Momma of 2 wonderful boys, and soon-to-be Momma of a little girl from Ethiopia

    Thank you for sharing your heart – when I first found your blog I actually read it front-to-back in the course of a few days. I cried and laughed. I unlurked long enough to write you an eMail, but I think you were in Uganda at the time.

    I think sometimes, commenting doesn't come about because blogs are read on the go. I for one only have time to read blogs while I am nursing my youngest son – and typing comments with one hand is a little difficult (although I have managed to type whole eMails this way when necessary).

    I think also, sometimes comments aren't left due to the TLDR effect (that acronym stands for "to long, didn't read") – don't worry, I read your blog posts to the end, but they do have a tendency to be *not short* and so after reading for 20 minutes, some people might not feel like (or might not have time for) commenting?

    I've also noticed that you like to comment on comments from people in exotic locations. We live in regular old Vancouver, WA – although I lived in Germany for 21 years. Maybe a few people will un-lurk if you give shout-outs to some folks from "normal" locations every now and then?

    That's all the constructive feedback from this lurker. :o) Time to get breakfast for the kids, and go to church.

  107. I try to comment once in awhile…but with chasing FIVE kids under age SEVEN around my house, I'm fortunate just to get to sit down to read! (I understand, however, that you probably don't see this as a valid explanation!) Love you guys & pray for your family regularly…

  108. Well, I guess I count as a "lurker". I don't always comment because, well, I don't know what to say. Quite often I am challenged by your posts. Some make me smile, some bring me close to tears, some make me stop and think… and pray.

    I've really began to limit my time on the internet too. Sometimes I just read something quick and then click off because I need to get myself moving elsewhere πŸ™‚

    BTW I do try to comment on the kids birthdays though. I wasn't on the computer at all the day of your last post, so Happy Belated Birthday Isaiah! You are so loved!

  109. I comment on lots of blogs, just not everytime. I know how I like to have feed back from others, on my blog, at least happy feedback, lol. So I like to spread the joy as much as I can, by commenting from time to time.

  110. I've been lurking for a little over a year now. I do comment once in a while. I always feel like I have nothing much to add, I mostly just stand in awe! At the moment we are fostering a toddler in addition to the two year olds we just adopted and the seven and thirteen year olds still at home (other are grown) so time is definitely an issue as well.

  111. I've been lurking for a few weeks now. This is my new favorite blog. Each time I read it I am more inspired and can't wait till my husband and I adopt. I have tried to comment before but the computers at work are slow and it never showed up. Thanks for sharing your heart with us all!

  112. I am a LURKER!!!! :). I have commented on here once or twice…but I'm unsure if they actually got posted? Anywho…I cherish reading your blog and have been a regular lurker since u began your journey to bring precious Ruby home. I am a single mommy to a sweet 6 year old son…who is my WORLD! I have a huge heart for the orphan & really hope to experience my first mission trip SOON. My ultimate dream would be to adopt a child from Africa. God willing…I pray that dream comes true. By the way…my name is Melanie & I am in love with your family!!

  113. Its been awhile since I've commented. Not sure why. Its been a really long while since I've updated my blog. For me, I think life just gets kind of hard and you don't think your comments (or blog posts) really matters. That may not make sense, but I think it might be a form of discouragement.

  114. Linny, you encourage my heart! Thanks for calling me out. I have been following your blob for only 1 6 months or so, but I don't think it is a coincidence that at time, God was putting adoption on my heart big time. We have 2 bio kids and 1 adopted, all a dream come true. This time it feel like the biggest step out in faith ever. I am scared. scared of the unknown, scared of finding the money and scared of how i will find the time to pour into another life. Yet the Lord brings it to my mind every single day. Right now, my husband and I are in a 30 days of prayer about how and when to add to our family. I'm praying for courage and guidance.


  115. Hi Linny!

    I'm thinking since you have been "My friend, Linn" for a few years now, I should introduce myself to you! I'm Jodi from Michigan and I am Tina from Waiting Faithfully's sister-in-love. I am in love with Jesus and also in love with my husband and high school sweetheart (the same person ha ha)! We're celebrating 25 years of marriage this fall. Woohoo! I am a pastor's wife, a homeschooling mom of 5 amazing kids, with 2 out of the house and 3 at home. We adopted 2 little ones out of the foster system.

    Tina told me to go to your blog, I'm thinking 3 years ago. (It was a few months before your fire.) She said that we had a lot in common, and that we do! I read your blog daily and it is like a devotion to me. I talk about your family all the time and my family and our church family have prayed you guys through your trials and have given praises over your joys. We have fasted with you for the orphan, Ruby, Karl, Big Dave and so much more.

    So why have I lurked all these years? I have no idea. After reading your last post I was convicted that I was being a selfish friend and it was time for the friendship to not be one sided! You have been a huge blessing to me and God uses you to strengthen me!

    My goodness, I should have said thank you so many times and haven't. I'm usually not a rude person…was voted "Best Manners" class of 84! Ha ha! Please forgive me!

    Thank you for sharing your life, your family, your joys, tears, and fears. Thank you for sharing your heart! You have touched my heart every day for 3 years! You have an amazing ministry through your writing! Thank you!

    Having difficulty putting a picture on. Will continue to try.

    Your new 3 year old friend!

  116. I mostly lurk because I go weeks sometimes without checking in on you. I do pray for all of you with love any time I think you, and that (in my heart anyway) is better than commenting!

    I also struggle with putting too much of myself out there after being severely burned by a person who google stalked me and used all the information against me. It was terribly unpleasant, and a hard lesson about being careful.

  117. Ok I've been lurking. I'll admit it. I've wanted to comment and I've even started to comment but I just chicken out. I can't really explain why I've been reading your blog for about a year and have never introduced myself. To be honest this will be the first comment I've left on a blog ever. Who knows now that I've taken this first step perhaps you will hear from me more often.

  118. I have commented before, but only once in a great while. I've been reading your blog for a few years now and the Lord has used it over and over to speak to me, so thank you!
    I'm a single girl about to turn 35 and have wanted to adopt since I was in elementary school. I've always wanted a family with a rainbow of faces from across the world. The waiting is tough sometimes, but I just keep reminding myself that the Lord's timing is perfect and I need only to be content with where He has me at this time. For now, I sponsor orphans and organizations that care for them. I also work full time at a Christian camp and love on the children in our surrounding cities that are less fortunate.
    Thank you, Linny, for writing from your heart, which so often goes straight to mine. The Lord is using you in mighty ways! I often pray for your sweet family by name. I'd love to give you a hug in person one day to thank you for encouraging me through your family's story.

  119. It is exactly as you said. If I leave a comment, then maybe you'll "see" me. And if you see me, you'll see my flaws, my failures, my so less than stellar life. I'm always afraid I'll write something that will let others see beyond the surface, and see the real me – in all my inadequacy. Leaving this comment is like jumping off a cliff, and it's terrifying, but your sweet words of love too all your readers have ministered to my heart over the months, so I'm willing to take that leap and let you know why I lurked. πŸ™‚

  120. Lurking is definitely a part of the internet, and blogging and facebook have created voyeurs out of so many of us. It's easy to anonymously check out someone's life with out anyone knowing.
    It takes effort to think of something to say and then type it out. We lurkers are just lazy voyeurs.
    Also we feel like we are just countless faceless people so it is hard to comment. It is good to know that that isn't the case.
    What made me begin commenting was partly because you have encouraged me so much, even though you don't know me, I have begun to feel like we are friends. Also I have my own blog, and it is disappointing when no one I comments on mine; so I want to at least occasionally comment on the blogs I read.

  121. I will de-lurk! I have been reading your blog for about a month or so now. I love to read about your family and your thoughts. I have 7 children, 2 biological, 3 adopted from Liberia and 2 adopted from the US. They are 14,11,10,8,7,7 and 5. We would love to add another one this year but are finding it hard to find a country that will work with us. I like reading about a mom who has been there before and has such a wonderful outlook on life, so thank you!

  122. I think I started reading your blog before the fire (like right before the fire!). I keep coming back for the inspiration… and to see what God is saying to me through your story. You "hooked me" when you moved to Phoenix!! The Valley of the Sun is in my heart and I miss it! Mostly I "lurk" because I am not totally sold on "community" through blogs…partly because my time is spent teaching kindergarten (which also takes most of my energy!!) along with having four children of my own (okay…they are 24, 22, 20 and almost 17 and lack of energy cuts into the time spent "homemaking") keeps me from spending the "time" needed to build relationship through the blog community. I have commented once or twice…but relationship is built through "time". Another reason has to do with the blog itself–MINE. I have my own blog, but at the moment my time and talent is spent using it for my community. My "Saved by Grace" blog is hidden (not technical enough to figure out how to have both!) and the blog that shows up is the "Concerned Citizens for Stryker Schools Levy" blog. I am in no way ashamed of that…feel free to read and comment…but most of it pertains to our local school district. I believe there are truths for all in each blog post…but it seems weird to me when I see my "signature". God's blessings to you and Happy Birthday to Isaiah!!!

  123. Thanks for the provoking questions!

    I am an occasional commenter. I generally read blogs and discuss them with my husband or my mom, kind of like we were to discuss a book I'm reading. Also, I tend to think that with so many comments, it doesn't make a difference whether I comment or not.

    It's good to know now that even with so many comments, you still enjoy reading them all. Maybe I will start commenting more often.

    I do really enjoy your blog and have been reading it almost daily for 1 1/2 years. Thanks for the encouragement!

  124. Well- I've commented a few times but probably not really proportionate to the years I have been "'lurking." Mostly I sit down to read your blog in between moments with my little ones and often I am nursing at the same time making it really easy to read but much harder to type. But I have prayed many times over prayer requests found in comments or in your entries.
    I would have answered you post about the knee team last summer but we were away celebrating our 10th anniversary (smile)when you posted about it and it was closed by the time I got home are read the posting!

  125. Linny,
    I finally came out of hiding just a short time ago to vote on hearing your family's exciting news about IVO. What helped me come out of lurkedom was you explaining again how to comment, so I was able to create an account and start commenting. Seems kinda silly when I explain it but to someone who doesn't do much on the computer it seemed commenting was something other bloggers do. Leaving my job helped me find the time to figure it out too! πŸ™‚ In thinking back to when I first starting reading your blog, I was too shy to comment because I felt I was entering a world where I didn't know if I would be welcome. I don't blog, I don't have kids, I didn't know if my opinion or comment mattered. I needed some time to get to know you. As I pray along with your family and the Simplicity family for you, the kids and your ministry I realized I NEED to start commenting. You need to know that I am out here and I need to know that you know that I can be counted on as a prayer partner. (does that make sense?). It also felt more respectful for me to admit that I am following your blog/life. Thanks for letting me be a part of your life. I really appreciate you! becky

  126. I am going to delurk too. The main reason I have never commented was because I had been getting error messages when I would try to comment on other blogs. After I read your post on Ruby tonight, I decided that no matter what it was time to post a comment or send an email to let you know that I am praying for you guys. Ruby is precious, and it brings tears to my eyes when you write about her struggles. You and your whole family are precious! I am so inspired by you and your love for children. I stumbled upon your blog through a church friend's blog who recently adopted a little boy from Russia. I have been drawn to it ever since. God has really been moving in my life in the last year. He has been transforming the way that I think and conduct my life. There have been times that your blog really spoke to me and confirmed what I felt God was calling me to and whispering in my ear. Your How to Hear God Speak posts were instrumental in preventing me from making a very destructive decision. I have developed a deep love for the orphan and I am excited to see what God has planned. I am so excited to see how he will use me and my family in the future.

  127. I am a lurker. I read, I pray, and I wonder if your words I meant just for me. I love the orphan, your insightfulness, and wonder how I can do more. However, I am one of little words and usually keep to myself. I will try to comment more, especially when I feel like I should, could ought to but don't. πŸ™‚ I will pray that your beautiful Ruby will be home soon.

  128. Hi Linny,
    I've been reading your blog for some time, and I love praying over all the prayer requests regularly. I commented early but for some reason it did not show up.
    I so appreciate your encouragement and you sharing your sweet family with us.
    Praying for Ruby today….

  129. Okay, I am finally "delurking"!! I can't remember how long I've been following your blog (it's been a while), and not sure why I've never commented. I tend to be more on the shy and quiet side and guess I figured my comments wouldn't mean a whole lot. As someone else said that I have to agree with too, I much prefer reading over writing, so that probably has something to do with it as well. Anyway, I am currently a college student in Denton, TX, and I love following your blog. Your family is so inspiring. I've known for a long time that I want to adopt someday along with, hopefully, having biological children as well!
    Hopefully, this comment will get me started on commenting more πŸ™‚ Your family is absolutely beautiful!! Oh, and Happy Birthday, Isaiah!!!

  130. Isaiah just brings such a smile to my face. You can't help but smile looking at his picture. HAPPY Birthday!!

    Like others have said, I comment at times but others put words way more eloquently than I ever could.

    Linny, I know you don't know me, but you have no idea how much I would love to meet you and your family (and I am sure be completely 100% overwhelmed by them) as I was an only child. πŸ™‚

    God has adoption on my heart….. so we'll see what happens. I'm single and in my early 30s…and a west Texan. Some day I will write you a novel of an email with questions and thoughts!


  131. I don't consider myself a full on lurker because I have commented a few times, but I would definitely say that it's mainly because I figure mine is just "one more to have to trudge through" lol.. Praying for sweet Ruby and all of you!!

  132. I guess I lurk because you always get so many reply's and I guess I think what I have to say all the way in the southern tip of Africa counts for much. but I do think that you and your family is awesome and I love reading all your news. And the transformation in little Ruby is so amazing,it is phenomenal what love can do. I hope that the Dr's can get to the bottom of what is wrong.
    lots of love
    Jess – South Africa

  133. You already know me but I want you to know my reasons: WORK! Im usually working so I stalk, read and then go finish what I was doing, so I can get home to my 3 boys! And it does take me time to write in english! πŸ™‚
    So happy about the wedding! And sending lots of prayers for baby Ruby!

  134. I have been lurking since coming across your blog right after your house fire. I’m ashamed to admit it’s been that long! A huge reason I’ve lurked for so long is that I’ve always struggled with realizing that people do actually want to hear what I have to say.

    I’ve held back with commenting and de-lurking because I’ve believed the lie that what I say is not worth it, but this post touched me and make me realize that it’s been a one sided conversation. You are sharing your heart, but you don’t even know who I am!

    So here I am. I’m Rebecca, a college student from Maryland that loves hearing your heart. I’m majoring in Public Health and minoring in Global Poverty. I’m not exactly sure what I want to do with my degree, but I just want to be a voice for someone who doesn’t have a voice, perhaps internationally. A huge reason I love reading your blog is because I love hearing your heart for the orphan, and how you are using your voice for those who can’t use their own.

    Thank you for opening up and being vulnerable with the internet. I know that it is not easy, but God has used your blog in a mighty way in my life.

    I feel like my comment can go on forever, so I’ll stop for now. But look for comments from me in the future.

  135. I sent wedding clothes last year, so not quite a lurker. I started reading your blog when I found it through Cindy Adams blog. She was amazing and wise. We were friends through an adoptive moms email loop. This was right after your fire, so I've been following you for a while.
    Why do I read and not comment? Reading does not take much energy; writing requires thought and time, both of which I do not have. I feel that I am sitting at your feet absorbing all that you have to teach.
    I am also trying to catch some of the joy that you find in your children. We have nine children, most of them under age 10, and life here is busy, hard and stressful especially because our children have many, many issues that kind of suck the joy right outta me.
    My children know your little ones' names and faces and are excited to see a family that looks sort of like ours: big with a mix of bio and adopted and multi-colored. You give me hope for our future.

  136. Hi Linny,
    I recently de-lurked but there are a couple reasons I haven't commented even though I wanted to many times.

    Practically, I didn't have or want an account with google. After I got one anyway(so I could comment on here)it gave me so many problems I was too frustrated to keep trying.

    Really though, I don't usually comment on non google blogs either.
    I feel things in my heart but when I start to write them out they sound too abrupt or akward and I just don't know how to get it across. Usually someone else has already said it, and better so what I have to say doesn't really matter anyway. :/

    I'm glad you've encouraged us to come out. I definitely needed a push, or two. πŸ™‚


  137. πŸ™‚ I LOVE, love, love your blog, read it every day (usually check several times a day to see if there are new updates on various situations), pray for what's happening in your family, and comment on about half the posts. Do you read MY blog? Have you ever commented on it even once? πŸ™‚

    A blog is like a pastor. He looks over his congregation of 10 or 100 or 1,000 or 10,000, and he says, "I love you. I pray for you." But unless he has fewer than 100 congregants, he probably doesn't personally know the name of every person in the congregation. He probably can't call on every member or even on every visitor. He only has so much time. And not every congregant can get to know him. Not every congregant even has time to get to know him. They have relatives dying of serious illnesses, and job struggles, and wayward children, and financial issues, and broken friendships, and they just don't have time to sit down and write the pastor a lengthy note of admiration after every sermon. But they still come to hear the Word, and they probably still love and admire the pastor and are grateful for him and maybe even pray for him. We can only hope. πŸ™‚

    I say, "Keep preaching, Linny!" God is using you in every single post. The "darn lurkers" (as you have called us before sometime in the last year) have a pretty wide variety of reasons for not writing their letter of appreciation after each post. Some have technical issues, some logistical issues, some personal issues, some time issues, some spiritual, etc.. That doesn't mean you're not reaching people's hearts. Your blog is amazing, your responders are amazing, and you are amazing.

    Keep preaching! Your congregation is growing, and your message is powerful.

  138. Linny, I lurk because I so enjoy hearing about your stories with your family. Now, I lurk because I see little Rubie and I just want to see how she is doing. By lurking, I have been able to be part of something so special, the knee team. Praying for everyone has given me such hope. I will keep lurking. God Bless you!

  139. Dear Linny,

    I feel bad for not de-lurking earlier, but better late than never, right?! I love reading your blog and I admire your faith and courage! I continue to be amazed every time I read your posts! You have a beautiful family! God bless you all!

    Best regards, Maria from Finland

  140. Oh, so many minute reasons as to not comment regularly. usually, i red blogs from my google reader on my phone. to comment, i have to open the blog post, and then type in my comment on my tiny phone keyboard, and the whole deal just isn't user friendly. and for some reason, ti usually asks me to log into google (which is odd since i'm logged into google to access my google reader) and it's recognizes me to be in germany, and then it won't always recognize my log-in.
    i keep blogs that i want to comment on marked as unread in my reader so i can go back and comment. but i usually sit down at the computer once a week to do this (if that often) and by then, it seems irrelevant for me to comment. see? you posted this on the 17th and it's now the 21st and i am just now commenting!
    nuts. it's all nuts.

  141. Hello! I officially de-lurked with your Christmas link-up in December, but I haven't commented since. I agree with many of the things that have already been said here:

    With so many comments, it seems that somebody (or many somebodies :o) have already said what I would say. As a woman with chronic illness, commenting is an emotional and physical expenditure for me and I only have the strength to leave my words where I feel they will have the most impact. Which is why I agree with another commenter here that it feels very "one sided." I like to engage with other bloggers when I feel like it can be mutual. I am a relationship person and want to "walk with" someone in their journey, not just "follow" someone around and give them encouraging comments without them even knowing who I am. Does that make sense?

    I am a blogger, too, and with only 60 or 70 readers (according to all my feed data), I am lucky to receive 1 or 2 comments when I post. In some ways, I am thankful for how small my community is because I can reply to every comment and try to engage with my readers as much as possible. But I also constantly remind myself that it is a *gift* that people even read my story, whether or not they have the time or energy or fearlessness to comment.

    I enjoy reading about your family and definitely believe that adoption is in my future. I appreciate your honesty and candor and I hope you will accept my reading and lurking on your blog as a gift rather than being bothered by the fact that I do not comment.

  142. I mostly lurk. I'd say one main reason is the one you mentioned about so many comments. Plus I don't really have anything insigtful to add. It's like when you are learning from a professor. They teach and you learn. I learn so much from you and your faith journeys.

  143. Hi Linny, I have commented a time or two, but not often – I don't know for sure why but think that probably, like many others, that someone has already said what I would say, or that they have said it better!
    I am a mom to 5 – two bio and three adopted. I was married for 21 years and went through a very painful divorce and ended up raising my five children on my own for the last 20 years. I always wanted to adopt again, but working, money, and age kept me from it.
    I am excited to be able to help Kala here in Bakersfield with the warehouse for the orphan project. We are meeting tonight to have an evening of prayer for the orphan situation worldwide.
    I love your blog and would love to meet you sometime if you are back in Bakersfield.

  144. Hi Linny. I'm also one of those who reads your blog in a reader on my phone. I'm not often on the computer, but when I am it seems like I'm catching up or re-reading older posts and I would love to comment on some of them, but I tend to think you have already moved on and my comment would come late and you would be like, Oh, that was so 5 days ago. ha. Funny thing is if someone left a comment for me on an old post, I would probably be thrilled and not even think about it as late. Of course that's partly because comments on my blog are few, whereas you usually already have 147 or so people who have commented, so I think you won't miss me. But I will do my best to set that thought aside and make a point to comment because I truly do love and appreciate all you share with us here!

  145. I comment once in awhile, but have been a reader for years. I have read your blog from countries all over the world. I don't always comment regularly-we are a U.S. mil*tary family overseas and I guess we're just used to the whole OPS*EC thing. I love, love, love your blog though-it has been a huge blessing to me!

  146. I've commented. We've chatted on FB. We ARE going to meet – my next trip to the Valley of the Sun, which is not yet planned but maybe later this year.

    I appreciate you sharing you life and loves. You inspire me.

    –Single Mama, 4 kids, transracially adopted, Jesus loving family living "on the other coast"… πŸ™‚

  147. Linny,

    I wrote a long winded response to delurk and when finished decided to preview it and then it was gone! So maybe the Lord was telling me to keep it short and sweet. Well, I have been reading your blog for a couple of years after my daughter spent an extended length of time at a baby cottage in Uganda and fell in love with a boy with no home and no family. She was in the process of applying to adopt him and as she shared her heart she sent me to your site to read the article about single people adopting. I read more of the blog and was hooked. You are on my favorites and I check in every couple of days. I pray for your family, and love to read how God answers prayer. Soooo excited for your upcoming wedding, and all the joy filled children that you have brought into your family.

    My daughter's request for adoption was denied, but we continue to pray for a home for the little guy who is still in the orphanage

    Thank you for being a voice for the orphans of the world and we pray that IVO will bring hope and love to touch many lives.

    So I have delurked, guess I will need to write again now that I broke the ice

  148. Yaaaay! Didn't know how to de-lurk, but got help! Happy Blessed Belated Birthday to Isaiah!!! And MANY of His Blessings to you and ALL your family and friends! God has used your many testimonies to strengthen my faith, and I sooooo thank God for you and ALL your family and friends! Have a sunshiny and joyful day with Jesus! <3Elizabeth B.

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