Our Favorite Word

Changing the pressure in the font has our little Ruby 
back to her squealing, smiling, bouncy self.
Thank you for all your heartfelt prayers.
Dw and Emma and team leave in the 
wee hours of tomorrow for Uganda.
So thankful to be together as a family tonight, 
with Ruby right here with us all.
Grateful for each of you who have been waking in the night, praying together with your children and interceding on behalf of  our precious gem.
Truly, she is back to her old self.
{and I could just weep at the beautiful change.  Last week was so difficult, 
not knowing what was going on and missing Ruby’s little self
 and all the progress she had made…..so relieved!}
Faithful God. 

45 thoughts on “Our Favorite Word

  1. So glad to hear that! I will be praying for you and your family as DW and Emmy travel to Uganda. I am fasting and praying today for other things and will be sure to include the above today and in the weeks ahead. God Bless!

  2. Yahoooo!! And so thankful she got home before the others had to leave! I know that's a relief 🙂

    (the Methodist pastor in NC who listens to your blog music all day at my desk!)

  3. Thank God Ruby is doing better! We have been praying for her. We recently brought our daughter home from Uganda, and she has been in the hospital several times with seizures, pneumonia, etc. It is scary but makes us rely on God more. I would love to get in touch and talk more about some of the things we are going through, maybe see if you could give some advice?
    Much love, Christina

  4. Hi Linny,
    God prompted me to pray for your little girl Sunday night. I have never prayed for your family before, but could not get her picture out of my head that I had seen a days ago. I couldn't sleep and didn't know why. I actually was in tears praying for her! Then I woke up Monday to see the Emergency Room post. He is so faithful! I am so glad she's better! -Sandy, Wausau WI

  5. Thank you God for healing Ruby! Please guide all involved in the Mission trip soon to begin. Please let it be so successful in every way possible. Let these precious people shine their light before others and inspire others to serve you as well. Please be with Linny and the precious children in her care during the time her 2 wonderful helpers are on their trip. In His name, Amen!

  6. Ah I am so happy! I think it would please you to know that a few days ago, I woke up in the wee hours of the morning to someone gently tapping my shoulder. I looked around and there was nobody there. Suddenly I thought, "I think Ruby needs prayed for….". So I did. I didn't know you all were in the emergency room!
    I'm so glad she is ok and just in time for the Uganda trip!

  7. Praising God with you Linny that Ruby is doing so much better. Praying with you for our families that are together for the next two weeks… praying for you and the rest of the kids at home as well! 🙂 So excited for the work the Lord will do through the Go Team!

  8. Yea for home!
    So excited that she is back to her old self and Dw and Emma can leave with their hearts settled. Can't wait to hear of all the praise reports coming back!
    Praying for a safe journey!

  9. This post makes me so happy! Thank you Lord! Praying for strength and protection for DW, Emma, and the team as they travel to Uganda now… Sending a big hug. 🙂

  10. Praise the Lord that Ruby is feeling better and is home from the hospital. I sure wish that I could bring your family a meal and a hug. I can't imagine how tired you must be. Smiles and hugs for you. Send our love to little Ruby Grace.

  11. I have just set up a blog profile so hopefully this will work now. Thanks for the advise Linny.

    So glad to hear you are home again and that Ruby Grace is back to her 'old' self.

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