Some Thoughts on “It’s Your Turn”

I actually wrote this post from the PICU the other day…but had to ponder,  pray and tweak awhile before posting it….
so here goes…


Where to begin.
When I was writing It’s Your Turn I just {honestly} 
didn’t know if anyone would even respond,
 just needed to share my feelings in my heart…
cause I have often wondered how people 
can stop by for years and never even once say ‘hey’.
I am a visual person…so I recognize names I see written…
it might be months or ever years…
but I still remember…
when a mighty big bunch of you introduced yourselves 
I was truly blown away!
Many of you wrote very thought provoking comments.


 I was so tickled that you introduced yourself.  

And can I tell you something Penny? 
 I grew up in a primarily Jewish neighborhood and my 
closest school friends were Jewish…in fact one friend, Carol, and I caught up now years later through Facebook…
I love that she and I have reconnected!  
Growing up I was mesmerized 
by the Jewish culture {still am}.   
Anyway, I am thankful to know you are out there.
Many of you wrote about reading on Google Reader. 
 I don’t know how that all works, but it makes sense.
All you who are nursing treasures while reading….
made me smile….
typing and nursing is a fine art, no doubt!  
It reminded me of nursing Graham.  
He was a fussy-gus little guy and I would 
actually nurse him almost all day long 
{anything to keep him from being Mr. Grumpy pants}  
I actually managed to learn to nurse him 
while he lay on the kitchen counter 
and I made sandwiches. 
{No I did not take pictures, 
but this accomplishment would probably serve me well if 
I ever played the game of “Twister” again.}  
Graham was happy.  
The kids eating lunch were happy.  
Mommy was happy.
Great word picture you painted, 
kind of my thoughts exactly at times.
Funny story about you and your old friend and, yes, 
I will answer some of your questions in the days ahead.

You are so right! It was especially fun to hug your neck in person when we flew through your beautiful country of England! And no, we would not have spent that time together if you had never introduced yourself!
The Beaver Bunch:
Laughed when I read when you sneak read…
I sneak read there as well every now and then.
So glad to meet you {again} 
but ummmm, what’s your name?
Truth be known, I have come to love many of you by your blogger profile name, but I have no clue what your real name is!
Probably like the coffee shop workers who know someone as “Americano, room for dash of cream” 
“2 pump, 3 shot, non-fat medium mocha”, 
i’m beccy:
Your comment was so sweet…you’re right – I do care!
I’m thankful that I was able to hug your neck 
 Clearly quite a few felt inadequate in conveying their thoughts – which is sad!  Your feelings and thoughts do matter to me.  
Jenny: My bloggy-turned-into-real-life-friend-whose-neck-I-have-hugged – we’re so thrilled about Isabella Addisalem!  
Yippee Jesus!
12 years old?  
Smiling big over here in PICU…and thank you for 
introducing yourself!
 {with two little boys and two foster treasures}
So sorry that you have been misunderstood and criticized…
yes, I do understand….no  doubt, we have a lot in common!
You have a Memorial Box?  
Sooo grateful!
Sue Mom of Two:
I like how your blogger profile name rhymes.
Beautiful scripture….thank you!
So glad you were drawn out!
the artists on the playlist are so beautifully talented…
thankful that it ministers to your soul…
Your “status” made me laugh….and girlfriend – you are definitely NOT old!  I suspect we will still be bringing treasures home in our 60’s….so buckle up – cause if you guys are willing – your ride will be a ride with reckless abandon with no regrets – brace yourself!
Your comments do count!
One Word:

Lovin’ that you, little one, are stopping 
by our Place Called Simplicity.

Jan J:

FYI, ummm, yeah, never, ever, not-even-once
 have I rolled my eyes.  
Pinky Promise. 
Susan A.
You are always, always, always a blessing to me.  
I love you sweet friend and I am thankful that the blog world has opened up so much ministry for you to do…faithful God, always hearing each of our heart’s cry…..xo
I loved “your book” you wrote…share your feelings…people need to know that sharing feelings is okay…God made us with them for a reason and for a purpose…so we could encourage each other and no doubt, to also know that we are not alone in what we feel.
Patrick and Jenni:

Would love to share tea face-to-face one day as well.  
And maybe we can…one day.
Tracey S:
Every time I see your name I smile.  
You are precious, thank you for putting 
another face to all the treasures in the world 
with Arthrogryposis.
Thank you to all who came out and spoke up.
Now that you have ventured out…..
please don’t stay tucked away forever!
You matter to me.
What you’re feelin’ matters.
What you’re thinkin’ matters.
And it helps me not feel like I’m talking to air.
Love to each of you!

23 thoughts on “Some Thoughts on “It’s Your Turn”

  1. The "It's Your Turn" post and also this post have really touched me. I am currently going to school for my Masters in Special Education, with a focus on Early Intervention. I am happy to be going to school for this, but I don't have a job. I wish I had a job where I could help others, but I wonder if I should just be thankful my problems aren't worse. I do have student loans but I want to be earning my own income and not relying on loans. I have been feeling like I don't do anything to make the world a better place, and maybe that is why I love your blog so much – because I believe helping the orphan makes the world better, one child at a time. I filled out an application yesterday to be a volunteer CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) – so I would be advocating for children in foster care. I hope it works out and I hope I get a good job too. Well now I have written a novel. But thank you for caring about me. It has touched me.

  2. Ok so it's my turn to come out of the woodwork! 🙂 I had actually sent you and DW an email and a poem that the Lord had inspired me to write during your Rubys adoption. Anyways, I am making a memorial box for my soon-to-be-husband for his wedding gift, and I'm going to put our first item in it for our wedding and we can fill it together throughout our marriage as we see Gods faithfulness. I would LOVE if you would post the scripture that the Lord used to direct you to this whole memorial box idea. I know alot of it is from Isaiah and the Lord directing them to place a stone that they may remember his goodness. I have been oh so encouraged by your family and your blog. Thanks for being faithful in encouraging others through it. Love in Christ, Molly

  3. It always makes me ~smile~ when you (or any blogger) does a "shout-out" to specific commenters/readers. Its so much fun to scan through your thoughts!

    Please know your always in our prayers and sending you ~hugs~ from snowy Michigan…..although, its been such a weird winter here..downright warm and, yes, 40* is WARM!

  4. Commenting today for the first time in quite awhile. One of my good friends (Lexie) has gone to UG with y'all, and I am Facebook friends with you, so I feel like I know you. : ) I'm a college freshmen, who is passionate about foster care/orphan care, and is pursuing a degree in Social Work.

    I've been reading here almost daily since the day of the fire. I even have my mom hooked at PCS, who is an "older" mom to 4 little adopted treasures. It no doubt encourages her to see others doing something that the Lord has called my family to. We get so many comments and judgmental looks, but goodness, I wouldn't trade my 4 little silly siblings for anything in the world. They bless me daily!

    Thanks for using this place to share your heart so vulnerability. It continually blesses me.

  5. A friend of mine pointed me to IVO where I found your blog. God is using you to ignite fresh flames for my family to reach out to orphans. We are about take in our first foster child in a few weeks, but hope to move to Africa and work with orphan's in the near future. We'll keep in touch as the time gets closer…until then we continue to wait on the Lord as he leads:)

    Thank you for your

  6. My word. You mentioned me? I started jumping around screaming at my mom "THIS MADE MY WEEK! THIS MADE MY MONTH!" Thank you so much. Truly. It means so much to know you read and care. Hugs to you too.

    one thankful girl

  7. Thank you for this post! I'm going through a lot right now and am in a place where I kinda feel "invisible". So simply knowing that a little comment "does matter" made me smile and feel loved today!

  8. You are SO incredibly caring. I am always encouraged and inspired when I stop by your simple place…I guess by commenting I are giving back to you, who so richly and selflessly give of yourself. Thank you!!!!

  9. Linny,

    I know I've written a couple of comments over the years, but probably not near enough. I started reading your blog right before the fire…your blog has ministered to me in soooooo many ways. My mom died unexpectedly 4 years ago and I've had a hard time with not saying goodbye. I also am a momma to 3 and 2 of them have special needs. It amazes me the energy you have to take care of all your sweet treasures!! I REALLY REALLY want to go on one of the mission trips one of these next couple of years. Praying about it! Y'all bless my heart immensely and if you hadn't noticed I stalk your blog several times a day! 🙂


    Sarah from Portales, NM

  10. Hi, Linny! Over the last couple of months I have been reading your blog from almost the beginning (around the phone call from Dw in Uganda about "how many"?!) to the present. Many of your posts have spoken God's word to me – Thank you for being a vessel. May the Lord bless and keep each one in your family and be with you and Ruby as you wait and heal in the PICU. I'll try to be oficially unlurked and comment now and then. Diana in Seattle (Mom of 9, all bio)

  11. Hi Linny,
    Can I post a prayer request please? We sent our paperwork in last week for PA for a 4 year old from China with mild CP. My husband has a misdemeanor from 1991. Our agency knows about it and they told us they were sure it would not be a problem. Also we adopted before from China in 2007. Tonight we got a call from our agency saying that China is having issues with that misdemeanor. Our agency is very surprised as they have had more than several couples adopt in the last year with a similar misdemeanor. Basically China is close to saying no to us. We need to write a letter giving as many details and extolling our virtues to them tonight.When our agency gets our letter they will be advocating for us. But we probably won't know anything til next week. Will you pray that the Lord will open all doors for us to bring our girl home and open the hearts of the officials making the decision in our favor?
    Thank you!

  12. thank you for your sweet mention, Linny 🙂 praying that the Lord will reveal more to you on what He would like you to do so that you may have peace and joy knowing that you are following His leading step by step 🙂

  13. I enjoy and am encouraged by your blog. We are a family of 8 – 4 bio and two adopted from Russia. I would love to do more for orphans they have such a big part of my heart. Now abt. me. I grew up on a dairy farm in PA. Became and RN, then a mommie to 6. I homeschool and am still homeschooling my two 16 yr olds. That pretty much describes my life up until now.

  14. It's so cool that you read and respond to so many comments. I feel like a lot of bloggers with many followers may not and maybe that's why some took so long to de-lurk…You are an encouragement to me and obviously, hundreds of others. What a ministry the world of blogging can be!

  15. I have been reading your blog for a while and am touched by your openness and honesty. I am the mother to 6 – Four bio kiddos and two special gifts from Russia. I contine to homeschool our two 16 year olds. We live on a small farm and enjoy all that brings to my life.

  16. I have been reading your blog for a while and am touched by your openness and honesty. I am the mother to 6 – Four bio kiddos and two special gifts from Russia. I contine to homeschool our two 16 year olds. We live on a small farm and enjoy all that brings to my life.

  17. OK, I finally am de-lurking again. I have commented on rare occasions. I usually feel that when there are TONS of comments, my additional comment will probably just be a duplicate of something someone else already said.

    That being said, I am bummed that I too rarely get comments on my blog and it is nice to know someone is out there.

    So, I hereby declare that I am going to be a better commenter myself. (Sort of like "Do unto others")

    Thanks for the shove, uh, I mean gentle nudge 😉 out of lurkdom!

  18. Linny,

    I wasn't able to post the other day when you questioned why some leark.. I catch up on reading several blogs at work and rarely have time to post a comment. It's not that I don't have anything to say but rather that I just don't have the time at work. I live in a rural area and my connection at home is slow so I opt to try to read at lunch. The only days I don't read your blog is over the weekends but I catch up on Monday afternoon during lunch. Your blog has been a wonderful blessing to me. I recently shared your blog with a friend of mine that is a new Christian and she's definitey been blessed by reading your blog also. Thank you for taking time to post and for the encouragement you bring thru your posts.

    Blessings to you.

    Here's a link to my blog. I don't post as much lately as I use to. I think you asked in your original post for a link to our blogs if we had one.

  19. Wow! Moi? Mentioned on your blog? And with dreidels, yet?!?

    Thank you so much, Linny. Your warm welcome is really appreciated. Sometimes I don't post because as a member of a different faith (albeit with some common roots), I'm not sure whether or not my comments would be appreciated. Thank you so much for making me feel comfortable here! That really means a lot to me.

    And I must say again, I find your story so inspiring to me in my own faith, and a reminder to stay close to G-d. Thank you!

  20. Yay! so glad ive commented on your blog over time, because if i never communicated back i might not have such a precious friend. You are a blessing to me. And no worries – this phone tag game will eventually end today 🙂

    Come on lurkers! show your face 🙂

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