Piles, Piles and Pizza

This mama has a head ache.  
I rarely, rarely, rarely have a headache…
but I think it’s from lack of sleep.
Miss Ruby is home.  
She perked right up when we got here.
I’m thinkin’ she was missin’ those sibs really, really bad.
In fact I think that if I could read the expression 
on her face when she woke up at
 Phoenix Children’s it said, 
“Are you serious?  
THIS again!?!”  
I was truly feeling her pain!
So I’ve been working on the 983 loads of clothes
 that were awaiting me.  There are so many piles.
I had hardly recouped 
from last weeks hospitalization…
{Yeah and if you think that my towels look all neat, tidy and 
perfectly folded, guess again.  The true beauty of clip art.}
By the way, 
I heard when I was a kid that someone somewhere 
was working on paper clothing, 
that we could just wear and throw out…
okay, not talking environmental anything here, 
or anything else, 
but really, about now throw-away clothes 
sound pretty doggone amazing.  
Maybe we could just be a test family for a few months.
Also decided I should look at the mail 
that has been sitting there for a long, long time.
I was afraid that if I didn’t go through the piles
 we were going to have to apply for a permit  
to keep a landfill on our property.  

Sorting through it I found a 

Welcome to the Neighborhood envelope.
Believe it or not there 
was a coupon for a FREE large pizza.  
No gimmick.  
Just a welcome to the neighborhood.
No fine print that these eyes can spot,
maybe I ought to clean my glasses and check again.
I honestly didn’t think there was such a 
thing as a free large pizza anymore. 
Who knew?  
I feel so welcomed.
And thankful.
Guess what’s for dinner tonight? 

So what are you doing this Saturday?
Anything wild, crazy or fun?
Sorting mail?
Counting down the hours till everyone is tucked 
in so you can crawl in yourself?
Looking for free pizza coupons?
{I’ll sell ya’ mine for the right price.
ummm, re-thinking that, ummm, probably not.} 

27 thoughts on “Piles, Piles and Pizza

  1. Sooo soooo sooooooo glad that sweet little Ruby Grace is home! Yay!!!! She's been in my prayers!!

    And, oh my lovely bloggy friend, if I lived in AZ, I'd pull up my little SUV, load all the laundry in the back, take it to a very nice laundromat, and spend the entire day washing and folding it all for you and would bring it back to you all folded and lemony fresh and ready to put away! 🙂

    Alas, I live in Canada, so I cannot come and rescue you from your piles and piles. SIGH.

    FUNNY THING IS… this week I wrote a blog post on disposable paper clothing myself, as my laundry was stacked up this week, MOUNTAIN high! I mean there was snow on the top of my laundry pile… and a chairlift to the peak too! Ha!

    My blog post on laundry said "if we can put a man on the moon, why on earth have we NOT figured out disposable paper clothing yet???!!!"

    I deleted the blog post because I thought no one would understand my laundry pain…. 🙂

    Imagine my surprise to see this post today! LOL!!!

    Hang in there!! 🙂

    God bless you!

  2. Oh just sitting around, hoping to go into labor! Today is my due date, I've been having contractions all week, but no baby! I also have loads of laundry to do, but I'm pretending they don't exist. 🙂

  3. There must be an easier way of doing laundry! 🙂 (thinking).

    This Saturday… actually it's Sunday here where I am… I am faithfully doing what He is leading me… what it seems like He is leading me… it's awesome, the little things that He's been showing me, and the timing… I might do a memorial box on it 🙂 yes, I probably should do that and let Him work through the power of His Spirit.

  4. You were talking about throw away clothes…in China they have throw away underwear! 🙂 Always made me laugh! Paper underwear doesn't sound too comfy to me!
    So glad you all are home and love how God is so sweet to give you a free pizza…what a fun gift from Him! 🙂

  5. Today I also caught up on laundry, and worked on rearranging some kitchen space to be more functional and have been working on trying to find things to donate. I am trying to find 210 things to give away to those who need more, so far I have only been able to come up with 110. I'm afraid that things are about to either get really hard or I'm going to wimp out. I cooked twice today which is kind of a record! And I got to soak in the tub. Next on my agenda is to start working on my Dave Ramsey budget. I may need prayer.

  6. soaking up as much as I can and love, love, lovin' on all my little ones and hubby before heading out to India on Monday. So glad you guys are home!! Thank you Jesus!

  7. We awoke at 5am so that we could get in line to meet Troy and Jacob Landry from Swamp People. Our little six year old son is our biggest SP fan around here. We had a ball.
    So glad ya'll are home! Wish some of us lived closer so we could help you catch up!

  8. Yeah for being home!! So glad Ruby's doing better!

    We're building bunk beds for the kids today. We actually built them last weekend. Today we're staining and assembling the full and after the kids are in bed, we'll stain the twin and hopefully put the whole thing together tomorrow. Can't wait to see it all finished.

  9. Aaaaaah, so glad to hear Miss Ruby is home. Prayed for her off and on this week.

    And free pizza?! I LOVE those happy surprises…

    Today, we had home-made whole wheat pizzas. And I spent the day (most of it) fixing up a mini-make-over in our master bedroom. Finally finishing what we started four years ago waiting for our Li'l Empress. Figured we'd better finish it now, before we bring home Brynna and get lost in the attachment and hibernating process again. Might be another four years. I'll be posting a "big reveal" of our cheap re-do this week.

    And laundry?! Oy. I am with ya. Five kids, two athletes and a Chik-Fil-A employee. Makes for un-ending piles of stink. 🙂

  10. I know others have said it, but if I lived nearby I'd come do all your family's laundry for you so you could get some rest! I'm a mom so that pretty much qualifies me as a laundry expert, right? 🙂 I will be praying that everyone at your house gets a good night's sleep tonight.

  11. I can't even imagine how many piles of laundry you must have. I only have four little ones and the laundry is enormous at my house and I feel a little overwhelmed at times. But every time I feel that little grumble in the back of mind starting to complain, I just tell myself that I am so very blessed to have so many clothes to wash!

    So thankful Ruby is back home. I have been stalking all day to see any updates. 🙂 Congrats on the precious grandbaby! She is a beauty! God is so very good!

  12. My day been full of birthday errands, birthday decorating & birthday party! All for different people. We are celebrating our pastor's birthday tomorrow at church and I had the pleasure of decorating! My son's birthday is today and there was ice cream cake to be had! =) Every 14 year old needs cake! And my momma in "love" as you would say had planned a family wide celebration for today for the birthdays between January and March! So party, party, party is what we're doing this weekend! I hope your pizza was delicious and here's to less than perfect towels! I'm just happy when laundry is clean and everyone has socks! Love and prayers, Linny…for all of you!

  13. I, too, have laundry that needs to be done, but decided to leave it for another day and instead spent some quality time with some of my favorite people, my parents, sister and brother-in-law and my four favorite kids in the world. We bowled, ate, played games, had a water fight in the house and just had fun together.

    SO thankful to hear that Miss Ruby is home again!!!

    Congratulations on your newest grandbaby! I love her name!

  14. I visited my mom today in the nursing home. It wasn't a fun visit. But I sat on her bed and looked out the window and we talked about what was blooming while she was working on her drawers again! I cooked up hamburger with spaghetti sauce and made our own pizza. And later watched cupcake wars while I folded 3 loads of laundry. So we were on the same wavelength today. I prayed for you and little Ruby last night during a song, don't know it's name, at Friday night worship at our church. It was a blessed time last night with music and communion. Glad Ruby is good again and praying she's not going to have the seizures.ever.again!!!

  15. I don't so much dislike doing the laundry as I do folding it and putting it away. Every other time I have to rearrange the girls drawers as they somehow become a jumble. With that in mind and knowing we all struggle to keep up on chores…yesterday we enjoyed a lazy Saturday snuggling with the kids and going out for a family meal. Glad Ruby is home where she belongs…praying she stays well and you get some sleep!

  16. I am having company for dinner so I was cleaning up the table (talk about piles and piles!). I do have some laundry I need to do but that will be done later after company leaves. I always seem to have laundry to do and it is only me!

    On another note, I am soooo glad that Ruby is home again. I am sure she was thinking, not again, I want to stay home with my sibs! What a joy to always have someone to play and talk with! Lucky girl!!!

    Get some sleep!


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