
Thank you for praying sweet friends.
There is no doubt that this is a real battle.
As you know, I posted a precious video of little Miss Ruby Grace yesterday evening.  She has been doing wonderful.
Today she woke up at 3am for a bottle and was doing great, snuggling with mommy and drinking her 7 ounces.
At 5 am though I woke to her seizing against me.  
I jumped out of bed and couldn’t think what to do.  
I knew I had to call 911 because her 
neurologist had told me that was the first 
thing to do after I was certain she was safe.  
I phoned 911.
{After listening to the tape of my 911 
call the day our little log home in 
Colorado was on fire, I had thought I had spoke so slow, 
but that was not the case, so this 911 call I spoke to slow I’m 
sure the woman was thinking, 
“Hurry up lady, just give us the address.”} 
I kept watch on her and was praying over her.  
She continued to seize.
I ran and woke up Graham so he could let the 
paramedics in the front door. 
The paramedics arrived in a fire truck and eventually the ambulance came.  Seven men in our master bedroom!  
Ruby seized for almost a full half hour.  
Graham was with me and he had called Dw.  
Dw and the team were in route to Eastern
 Uganda for the pastor’s conference.  
We cannot think for a second that the 
timing of all of this is ‘coincidental’.
The enemy of our souls hates our 
Ruby Grace!
He hates that her very being breathes of 
her infinite value to her creator.  
That her life whispers of God’s powerful healing.  
That her story echoes of the faithfulness of Almighty God…
And he really, really hates that her smile shouts that God is a miracle-working, mountain-moving, awe-inspiring, gasp-giving, orphan-loving God…. 
He hates it all.
{There is so much more I wish I could share, but it will be
 written in Ruby’s book instead. And when you read it, you will
 understand perfectly why he hates her with such fervor!}
And no doubt the enemy hates what is going on in
 Uganda at this very moment with Ruby’s daddy 
and big sis Emma and the entire team:
that pastors and leaders from around Uganda 
and surrounding countries are gathering 
in a remote area, rarely frequented by 
outsiders to hear Biblical messages from 
God’s word – challenging them to leave a Godly Legacy 
for future generations by craving righteousness, 
pursuing purity, unwavering in integrity…
additionally calling 
these leaders to be the husband of one {only!}
 wife, calling them to treat that one wife as the weaker
 vessel and to love and gently lead their children 
while challenging them to be passionate 
about caring for the orphans and widows nearby…
No doubt he hates it all!
When I climbed in the ambulance, I quickly 
called my precious friend and co-leader 
of the Knee Team, Renee, 
asking her to please write to the 
Knee Team to pray 
{love you girls so much 
and so sorry Renee if I woke you!}…
All the medical personnel who gathered in our master bedroom were so kind.  I showed them the picture of Ruby and another picture I have {worse than the one I have posted}.  
They all were so gentle with her and they transported her 
to a hospital about 15 minutes from our home.  
Then as Ruby was entering the hospital 
again she started seizing, but it was brief…..
they got her into the room began to hook her up
 to machines started to try to get blood work 
and an IV in her 
{which was nearly impossible they even talked of putting the IV into 
her bone in her leg -never heard of such a thing!} 
Before too many minutes had passed she suddenly 
started seizing again, so they began to give her drugs, 
one at a time, in an effort to stop it!
They ended up at the hospital giving her three major drugs
to try to get this seizure to stop and it would not.  
I finally called our friend, Dan, who has prayed
 powerful prayers of warfare and he prayed with me.  
This next grand mal seizure lasted just about a half hour.
A CT scan was next and then with Ruby stabilized 
they called for another ambulance to transfer 
her to Phoenix Children’s. 
And so here we are.  
So grateful for all of you praying and 
lifting our arms up during this time. 
We definitely need it!
Please pray for the kids at home, as well.
And don’t stop praying for the GO team!
I will wait for them to tell you what happened 
when they got to the site of the 
in Eastern Uganda.  It’s their story, no doubt, 
{unless I can bribe them to let me write it out for the International Voice of the Orphan blog that’s here}…
but betcha’ a Hershey bar {with almonds} 
it will bring tears to your eyes.
Always faithful God.

34 thoughts on “Transferred

  1. Praying in Maine, Linny, for God to do His work, and to minister to precious Ruby Grace, to her momma & family. Praying for GO team as well! We serve a mighty God!
    Blessings and almond hershey bars to you<3

  2. Delurking to let you know that I am praying for Ruby and your entire family. Thankful that nothing can thwart His plans and promises.

  3. Oh Linny! Precious Ruby Grace! Praying hard for you and that baby girl. I will keep your family in our prayers.

    Tomorrow our homeschool coop is meeting again and I KNOW I will be asked about Ruby, and we WILL pray fervently for God to use her to kick the enemy's behind!

  4. Definitely praying for you. Our precious treasure with microcephaly seized for a full hour in September. They couldn't get it to stop. That is the most terrifying thing ever. We also were transported by ambulance. So feeling your situation, even your concern for your children at home. It is frightening for them, too. Please know you'll be in my prayers.

  5. Linny,

    As I was reading your first post about Ruby, my precious 7 year old treasure was reading with me. I explained what was going on he started praying for Ruby. I ca't help but think that those sweet, pure, innocent prayers to our Savior are so much more than we can understand. We are still praying for your sweet girl and will continue to lift all of you up.

    Praying from Sweden,

  6. Praying for you all! For peace in Ruby's body, that the seizures are stopped and healing continues. I pray that with this hospital visit that even more people will see God's light in her and His sovereignty. Linny, I'm praying for strength and steadfastness for you in the midst of this battle. As you said, no doubt that satan in not pleased with all that God is doing in your family's lives! I continue to lift up the team in Uganda and DW and Emma as they serve there and live out what it means to be a follower of Him.

    I am continually inspired by your family and can't wait to see what the Lord continues to do with your lives. He is being glorified through each of you! Ruby's life is no doubt a huge testimony of our wonderful Creator!

    All of that to say, I'm praying for you guys!


  7. Praying for you all! For peace in Ruby's body, that the seizures are stopped and healing continues. I pray that with this hospital visit that even more people will see God's light in her and His sovereignty. Linny, I'm praying for strength and steadfastness for you in the midst of this battle. As you said, no doubt that satan in not pleased with all that God is doing in your family's lives! I continue to lift up the team in Uganda and DW and Emma as they serve there and live out what it means to be a follower of Him.

    I am continually inspired by your family and can't wait to see what the Lord continues to do with your lives. He is being glorified through each of you! Ruby's life is no doubt a huge testimony of our wonderful Creator!

    All of that to say, I'm praying for you guys!


  8. Praying for you all! For peace in Ruby's body, that the seizures are stopped and healing continues. I pray that with this hospital visit that even more people will see God's light in her and His sovereignty. Linny, I'm praying for strength and steadfastness for you in the midst of this battle. As you said, no doubt that satan in not pleased with all that God is doing in your family's lives! I continue to lift up the team in Uganda and DW and Emma as they serve there and live out what it means to be a follower of Him.

    I am continually inspired by your family and can't wait to see what the Lord continues to do with your lives. He is being glorified through each of you! Ruby's life is no doubt a huge testimony of our wonderful Creator!

    All of that to say, I'm praying for you guys!

  9. I've been praying for Ruby Grace and your family. You are very correct in saying this is a spiritual battle. Every time we do something for the destitute satan attacks. Rest assured he may put up a fight, but he has already lost the battle!

  10. Linny, I realize this will comment will not be shown, and that's ok, really.
    I just have to let you know that I have followed your blog and I have cheered for your family, even when I saw negative comments about your efforts with Ruby.
    But this latest blog entry, that the "enemy' (devil) hates Ruby personally…I just don't know how to respond to that.
    Honestly, if you spend time looking for hatred you will find it in anything that happens. Just as when you look for love or positivity…or in many cases on your blog, when you look for inspiration, you will also find it.
    Just saying…why concentrate on negativity at all? I do not believe that anyone's struggles to live are the work of the devil. I believe we each have a cause for living, whether if it is for 100 years, 100 days, or even just for a month in the womb. There is a purpose, and our missions are to effect others profoundly in whatever time we are given. God knows the hour we will be born and the hour we will die. NONE of that is in the 'enemy's hands….none of it.
    I believe there are demonic beings, but if you protect yourself with God's love they cannot affect you whatsoever. I know you have faith…but please have PURE faith, that whatever happens to Ruby, God is in control, and that she is here to help you understand God and understand life itself. NO ONE, and no entity can take the power of life from God's hands. You have to believe that.
    I also believe that God is inspiring me to tell you's vital to your own health, and to Ruby's peace, that you understand what I am saying.

  11. Oh, NO! How could that happen to that beautiful, cooing baby girl!! I can't stand it! She is such a beautiful little love! Praying for all of you! "Whatever you do to the least of My people, that you do unto Me!" (I always think of this verse when I think of you all) God loves your beautiful family!–Elaine

  12. I am PRAYING for your sweet African Princess Ruby Grace! PRAYING foor the Go Team and he speaks.In the name of JESUS we have the power to break, bind and render powerless the enemy! Janet

  13. Oh Linny! I am thanking God so much that He lead you guys to move to such a convenient area- I can't imagine how long it would have taken for an ambulance to reach you had you still been in CO! I'm praying for Ruby!

  14. Oh Linny! I am just now seeing this! I'm so sorry the enemy is attacking like this. I will be in prayer for all of this! Ruby is God's precious gem and I pray His hedge of protection over her.

  15. Read your earlier post this morning and could not post from work, but I have been praying God's hedge of protection around you, Ruby and the Africa team. Boy, Satan must be fighting mad!

  16. I am praying. Oh Linny….how you have been through so much with dear Ruby Grace….continue to believe God will heal her and that she will be a dear well girl one day and so thankful for the medics and drs and nurses who care for her. This situation hurts my heart right now to hear of seizures again. A big hug to you, my dear. May God continue to keep you and Ruby and the family in the palm of His hand.

  17. Linny,
    Your faith and strength is absolutely amazing. God is truly using you to minister to the rest of us who visit here often to read your blog. You and your family are in my prayers often and I am thankful to have the opportunity to follow your journey. I will continue praying for Miss Ruby and your family. I can't imagine what it would be like to undergo the difficulties that you are facing with part of your family so far from home.
    (from Georgia)

  18. Linny,
    praying for sweet Ruby Grace, and for you as her mom. we are having similar struggles with our daughter. just had another 24-hour EEG done (the third one in three months). they are trying to figure out how to best treat her severe and very rare type of epilepsy. we are praying for wisdom for the doctors, and for peace for you and your sweet girl. much love!

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