The Buzz

Recently Dw and I grabbed our coffee mugs and headed to the patio out
 back to enjoy a few moments of talking alone.
We weren’t sitting there long when I began to hear a most unusual sound.  
I said, “Dw do you hear that?  It sounds like a swarm of bees!”
Perking up and glancing around he said, “Ummm, I don’t think so. 
 It sounds more like a lawn mower to me.” 
The noise grew louder and within probably 15 seconds of my 
initial comment, I turned and there at the back corner of 
this tiny rental yard was a swarm of bees.  
Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of bees.
{They were definitely NOT honey bees.}
The air was literally filled with bees.
It was completely crazy.
“Oh my gracious Dw – Look!”
We grabbed our coffee cups and bolted for the patio door in record time.
We ran with the kids to our bedroom window where we could easily see the swarm, 
which had now landed and basically completely covered a 
large rock at the back corner of the yard.
Graham did some research for us and found that a swarm of bees has actually 
even halted an Arizona Diamondback’s game.
We are so thankful that we were able to take cover and that within an
 hour or so they had moved on.  What an amazing buzzing orchestra
 they create in such a grandiose proportion and how grateful 
we were to be able to see them up close
 {but not too close}.    

21 thoughts on “The Buzz

  1. How ironic! My husband and I just watched a show about the deadly African bees that have come to the US!!! So glad you were safe…great photos!!!!

  2. I'm a beekeeper, and when bees swarm there are thousands in the swarm! They're usually very docile, because they have no home to defend. You can actually trap the swarm and set it up in a new hive – if it happens again, call your local beekeepers association. Around here, there's several beekeepers that will jump into their vehicles and catch the swarm for you – free bees! We're a frugal bunch. 🙂

    *I'm speaking of honey bees, of course – wasps and hornets are a different story.

  3. Good call on the noise Linny! We keep a few hives of bees and you are correct in that they make a distinct and unusual sound! Glad everyone was able to enjoy the experience at a safe distance.

  4. The same thing happened at the big community park a year or so ago during my son's soccer game. Five year olds and parents were running for cover – it was crazy! I'm glad you were able to get inside!

  5. WOW! I have a love/ hate thing going on with bees… and bats! I find them so interesting and yet greatly fear them.

    On one of our homes we watched over 50 bats come out of a hole in a tree- it was amazing! We sat outside and there was not a mosquito in sight!

    God's world is so so fascinating!

    Thanks for the pics! I loved them!!

  6. I just showed you know who the picture and he knew all about the bees at the Diamondback game, I scroll down and see Graham found out too!

    I don't think I would appreciate a visit by a swarm of anything especially bees!!!

  7. Interesting! I had a bee situation here in AZ once… in fact, it was one of my first blog posts. 😉
    I'm so glad your bees only stayed for a short visit and then moved on!

  8. Oh, and our honey bees here in AZ are of the 'Africanized' (aka: killer) variety. When in swarms, best to take cover & not do anything even slightly provoking and if they stick around, call in backup (the bee specialists) immediately because they build their homes in record speeds!

  9. We had this happen a couple of weeks ago in our back yard in Kentucky. I was in the house and my children were in the far back corner of the yard. Talk about panic! Thankfully the bees kept going and did not make a pitstop in our yard.

  10. Make sure they actually moved on and didn't find a place to take up residence in your home! My mom and dad had the same thing happen at their house here in Southern CA. They didn't know that they had found a place to call home near their chimney until honey was oozing out of the living room walls!! Funny now, but not so funny when the bees had to be removed and all the drywall replaced.

  11. Wow!!! What a thing to see/ experience! Sending you much love today… I've had you on my heart and I'm praying for you. Thank you for your continued obedience to The Lord in faith it effects so many. Love you, my sister in Christ. xo

  12. That is so cool! My dad (who lives next door to me) is a beekeeper and he tried to capture a swarm last year and he had his hive swarm. We love all things bees! My understanding is that they won't sting while they are swarming…they have gorged themselves on honey before leaving and are focused on finding a new home. What a gift that you and the kiddos got to see this process. God's creation is amazing!

  13. Wow! Totally exciting! Loved the pictures!! I've never seen that many…ever! A little over a year ago, we were attacked by a swarm of Africanized (killer) bees but there weren't very many, in comparison, to what was in your yard! That would be awesome to observe!!

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