He Keeps His Promises

I have titled this blog post about a dozen times.
I just can’t find the right words to convey all that I’m feeling today.
Because today is my most favorite day 
{bar none} 
of the year:
Mother’s Day
Overflowing delight 
at the privilege of being called
by so many. 
No doubt, many of you know first hand:
God definitely keeps His promises ~

“He settles the barren woman in her home as a happy mother of children.
Praise the LORD.”
Psalm 113:9 niv

For years I cried out to the Lord:  bring me treasures from around the world and fill my home and heart to overflowing….

And He has faithfully done just that.

How my heart celebrates this enormous privilege:

Mom of Many

Breakfast in bed this morning
{the first time in 20 years, since we are no longer senior pastoring}

From scratch crepes with fresh strawberries and even drizzled with homemade chocolate sauce…..spearheaded by Emmy…
and fresh blackberries…
They all made up for the 20 years of waiting!

So grateful for my treasures near and far….

making homes of their own with their own treasures…

Abigail and her Finley

Ty & Sarah and baby C….

and the once-orphaned but now “adopted” as young adults
heart-grown Ugandan treasures…
{who I desperately wish to have had the privilege of mothering since birth}
But so grateful that they have been calling me Mom for four years now….



 George and LuTaaya

And then the ones that we long yet to bring home…

One day.
Soon, we pray.

And then the ones who call me mom {just because they can}….


and a young man named Gabe….

I am blessed beyond words:

16+ treasures that call me Mom.

And so on my most favorite day of the entire year –

I wish each of you an extra special Mother’s Day with your treasures….

And for those who long to be moms…

May God according to His promise found in Psalm 113:9 bless you abundantly…
because the privilege of being a Mom is the greatest joy in all the world!!

PS And if you are single and longing to be a mom ~ don’t let being single stop you…
{In fact if you are wondering if single women should even consider adopting, please read this:
Should Single Women Adopt?}

Because there are, literally, millions of kids longing for you to be their mom.

Forever Family 

19 thoughts on “He Keeps His Promises

  1. I thought of you Linny when I woke this morning…knowing this was your most favorite day of the year! I couldn't wait to see your matching outfit photo! We are indeed blessed by this priviledge to be called MOM! Love your post!

  2. Happy Mother's Day! It is indeed a blessing to be called mom by precious children. I started off as a single adoptive mom, then adopted a daddy for them. Together we've adopted three more and "heart" adopted several others. Such a blessing it is! So happy for your breakfast in bed! What a TREAT!!! Blessings to you, Linny! And thank you for being a blessing to so many of us. πŸ™‚

  3. I, too, was waiting to see your family in your matching outfits. I'm curious…What do your shirts say under "Forever Family"? Is it possibly Forever Family in other languages, maybe even in languages your little ones spoke when they first arrived home?

    Happy Mother's Day, Linny!!!

  4. Happy Mother's Day my sweet, sweet Linny. Words cannot express how grateful Kevin and I are for all of your encouragement and love in our adoptions. Little ones at our home have you both, in part, to thank for being a part of our forever family now.

    the bourkes
    janet, kevin, ted, sophia, philip, and elijah

  5. Well I went to bed thinking about the traditional family photo and matching outfits that you do on Mothers Day and I stayed up late to see if you posted a picture!!! Alas you hadn't so first thing I thought about as I turned on my computer was I wonder if Linny had time to blog about Mothers day? and You had. What a beautiful photo,thank you for sharing. Looks like you had a great day. Love, hugs and prayers to you all XXX XOX XXX

  6. Happy Mother's day sweet bloggy friend!!! You are called mom to 16 but so many other are being mentored to be mothers and grandmothers through your willingness to live out loud and give testimony to the faithfulness of a loving savior!!!! You dear Linny are a blessing to so very many!! I am so happy to see that you were blessed and loved by those you cherish. May the Lord wrap His loving arms around you and allow you to see how HE sees you! Faithful loving servant!

    And, I love love your family t-shirts! Where are they from?

    much love!

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