I Admit, I Did Say it Rather Loudly on Purpose

With Dw and Emma leading the team in Uganda and Savannah and Graham
 at worship practice, ol’ Mother Hubbard headed to the grocery store 
to fill her cupboards with six of the cutest little treasures in tow.
Elizabeth kept saying, “Mom, we look like a train, don’t we?”
“Yes, girly-girl, a train indeed.”
They took turns pushing Ruby in the stroller, 
took turns pushing the cart{s}
and all helped gather the items we needed.
Someone at one point commented on just how great they were behaving.
But I confess, I’m definitely not fast at anything I do.  
Never have been.  
But slower than I used to be.
So although we started out in the afternoon, it quickly turned to dinnertime.
And the store began to get crowded.
Really crowded.
We did the best we could keeping our cart{s}, 
stroller and bodies to the sides of each aisle,
but it was basically impossible to stay out of the way entirely.
I mean, think about it, we are a small mob.
All of a sudden I noticed that many were giving
 us grumpy, annoyed looks.
You know the kind, dontcha?
The ones with the lips pursed,
the eyebrows all pointified,
and the wrinkles scrunched to the point of the
very real 
possibility of stickin’ permanently that way
{at least that’s what my grandmother used to tell me}.
How is it that people seem to forget that they were young once too?
And although I am extremely laid back 
I could feel myself getting tense.
I don’t like to make people upset.
And I really, really don’t like them to be annoyed by my kids
or the sheer number of our boatload of treasures and 
the kids weren’t doing anything naughty at all.
They were truly helping – every one of them
{well except obviously for Ruby who was just being her usual adorable self}.
Sooooo I decided to alleviate the mean looks,
at least as best as possible on my end.
While looking at my kids, 
I just started saying 
{rather loudly over and over and over again}- 
“Wow guys – You are all absolutely a.m.a.z.i.n.g.
Thank you for being such good helpers.
I love you all so much!
Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

  No one said anything!
How could they?
I was clearly showing my approval
and delight at their hard work helping!
I  also decided it best not to look up to see if there 
were anymore grumpy looks either.  
Eventually we headed home.
Kids helping and having fun the whole time.
Team Report:  
Every one helped carry all of the bazillion bags in.
Every one helped put all the groceries away.
Pantry full.
Refrigerator door kind of hard to hold shut. 

It honestly was complete in no time! 
Kids feeling like they were part of a successful project.
Ice cream for every one for dessert.
Followed with swimming in the pool out back. 
I could actually say it was really, really fun!
Mommy smiling.
 Mission accomplished.
{Hopefully those grumpy ol’ people even reconsidered their grumpy thoughts
as they heard this Mom of Many give honest appreciation to her precious treasures.}

62 thoughts on “I Admit, I Did Say it Rather Loudly on Purpose

  1. I love your approach. I really DO NOT like those grumpy looks. Mostly I don't like when I start feeling like my kids don't have every right to be in the store along side me.

    Great post thanks

    1. That's EXACTLY the feeling I get too from some! You put it in words perfectly – like my children don't have the right to be in the store with me – and we're talking WalMart grocery aisle. Not exactly Tiffany's!

  2. I love love your heart and the way you affirm your children in ALL circumstances!! God has blessed you with many for a reason!!

  3. I think that having a larger than normal sized family garners looks of disapproval in general. Much less when you are an "inconvenience" to people by bringing your brood of kids to *gasp* THE STORE!

    However, when we Mommas know our kids are doing a fabulous job and we see the looks, I think it's even MORE important to show our children that we not only approve of them, but we delight in them. And that's exactly what you did.

  4. I used to shop with our kids and then the day care kids…usually there were only 6 under the age of 4 BUT I went early early in the morning to avoid the crowds…you were brave!!!
    People just are so crabby all the time anyway…sad isn't it. Joy joy joy! A choice!

  5. I think that was a PERFECT solution! Your kids felt good and everyone around you was reminded. You are such a great Mom to those treasures. By the way, Ruby sure is doing a great job of being absolutely adorable!

  6. Oh my! I thought it was just me and my four kids who get those looks, glad to know I am not alone. I handle it the same way too. =) My favorite is when people tell me, "Wow, you have your hands full." I always answer, "And my heart too."

    1. Actually I LOVE to freak people out. So when they say, "Wow, you have your hands full" I almost always respond, "No, actually, look! There's still room for more!" And I walk away grinning. Extra fun to say that. And, of course, I totally mean it!

  7. Just Brilliant!!
    I have a friend with twin girls (well, they are young ladies now) who are autistic. They cause quite a ruckess at the grocery store but the fact that they can go now is a miracle and I have said more than once, in a loud voice, just what you did when the stares start! A little perspective helps everyone!! Sheri

    1. My Jubilee being severely hearing impaired is LOUD. She's not naughty, just LOUD and with her situation she is kind of haphazard in her motions…she makes me giggle. She flails loudly through life lovin' just about every minute of it….but not without some unhappy onlookers from time to time and then I just dote on her like there is no tomorrow! Go for you and your friends with the twins! xo

    2. Fun! Jubilee and I could really put on a show! Sounds like she's just like me! Flailing around and Loud!!
      I read some of your other comments…Can you mix up Ruby's formula for the day in a container and keep it in the fridge? That way your just mixing once a day! You just need to be sure no one else is drinking it!! Sheri

  8. Oh my how I know how that feels! Praise God our kiddos are sent to us by HIM directly. There is no mistaking that my children are my treasures. I pray when you, myself, and other moms go out we can be a light that shines!!! Doesn't matter if your child is behaving perfectly, but if our reactions to them being helpful, or at least trying are wonderful and a blessing- others notice!!!

  9. I love reading of your boatload of kids and daydream of when my precious S will finally have a sibling, hopefully several one day! 🙂

  10. Some people just need to get a grip! Good job Linny! Sometimes I forget with my own small mob that positive reinforcement goes a lot further than my self when I get all naggy and grumpy. Last night my oldest daughter told me to go to bed so I could get some sleep and not be as grouchy as I had been. Gulp. She was totally right!

  11. So off topic but I spy baby formula. I actually have another blog that focuses on coupons. This is a post specifically about getting coupons for baby formula mailed to you. I use them to get free formula monthly as a donation item for my local food bank. Thought you might find it helpful either for Ruby or as a donation option. I love donating but think its extra fun when I can make a big donation for free on my end.



    1. Okay sooooo, it is so funny that you noticed Ruby's formula…two weeks ago I decided to splurge and buy ready-to-pour stuff. I'd never bought it before but just 2 weeks ago I said to Whitey, "I'm weary. Stumbling around in the night trying to measure it out…I'm 53, babe, and I'm going to cut myself a break." Soooo, if you can show me how to save some money…better yet! Will hop onto your blog to see. Thank you so much!

  12. I am often found with my two kiddos, ages 2 and 1, at the commissary on base (grocery store). Both have some challenges and it is a fantastic place to practice and learn all sorts of things! We do get grumpy people and sometimes comments, but kids' presence has brought many smiles and laughs to lonely military members too. I have been told many times how seeing them just "made their day." So we just keep doing what we're doing!

  13. Linny, I love this story! Your kids are rock-star-helpers as we call them in our house. 😉 I have only 4 and I get comments/looks about the size of our family. I seriously want to tell people, "oh this is nothing. I know people who have adopted 10 or more children." (and I do) Four seems like 2 in comparison to your boatload!

  14. Oh. My. Word. Your kids are such precious, precious treasures! I sure hope I have a family that looks like yours one day. Also, I read some of your comment replies and I can't wait for the post about sweet Ruby. The picture of her in her stroller with the flower headband about made me fall over from sheer adorableness. 🙂

  15. Linny – You fabulous and you little super stars were a perfect example of how a family should be doing a normal family activity. Im sure those grumps would not take there children to learn to help and shop. It all starts at the ground up:)

  16. I don't think it's possible to shop in that particular store without getting rude looks from people (and I actually think that particular location is one of the better of it's brand, but still…) – it just seems to be the general attitude of the place. Plus, I think just going there tends to put people in a bad mood. 😉
    If you find yourself in need of some shopping assistance while DW is away, just give us a call – we'd love to help out. 😀

    1. You KNOW what store I'm talking about, since you live around the corner too. Thank you for the offer of help. I will tuck that tidbit in silver noggin BUT the prospect of coffee…now we're talkin…will text you soon. xo

  17. Ha! So I am definitely not the only one! lol! I just keep moving through the store with my pack of 6 (of all different sizes and colors) and let the starers stare. My kids are so good, too! I love having them with me and moving as a "herd" (as we put it). We love, Love, LOVE being together and letting our kids learn how to behave in EVERY environment.

    Frankly, I think that we (large family mommys) make some other's feel nervous because some moms claim they can't go to the store with the one or two that they have (because they will misbehave) and that we can do it (through the grace of God, of course!) makes them feel inadequate.

    I have always had people comment saying "how do you get your children to behave in the (store, restaurant, insert your own environment)?" My simple answer "because we don't expect any different behavior here than we do at home."

    Keep it up, Linny! You take the west coast and I'll take the east!

    "He settles the barren woman in her home as a happy mother of children. Praise the LORD." Psalm 113:9 NIV

    1. Love the idea of you on the East and us on the West…I know there are other ones here and there too! Also LOVE calling them a 'herd'…might just have to borrow that one…since we tend to huddle together and move just like a herd! He is sooo faithful to answer our deepest longings! xo

  18. I'm glad you said something to your kiddos! I'm sure that if you saw those other grumpy people making faces, I bet your kids did too! And all that reaffirming just helped them work harder bringing the groceries in too!! Win-win!!

  19. We get that treatment, too, and we only have 4 (going on 7 treasures!) And, I laughed out loud because I say the same things….when people are getting grumpy toward my children I praise them BIG especially if its busy!

  20. How nice to have helpers at the store. The grumps are just sad that they don't have any sweet helpers themselves and are scowling in jealousy. My kids like to help, and my baby girl,my china princess, she likes to talk really loud in the store…she calls me Cinderella and tells her daddy that I am a princess. IN fact she tells everyone that. How sweet is that?!?!

  21. Good for you, Linny! I'm always getting the stares and comments when I'm out with my 5. Should be interesting when we bring our daughter home this fall!

    1. You will have to brush up on kind answers to enquiring minds so that you can be prepared and your precious new treasure will know that her mommy is ready, willing and able to defend her little heart!! You rock sweet friend, you rock!

  22. It seems we think it is much "easier" to leave the kids at home to get the shopping done, but we never were allowed that as kids, and knowing how to shop is a life essential. People forget that raising children means TRAINING and EDUCATING them! LOL! Great job Mom!

  23. I often find that mentioning their good behavior and helpfulness within hearing of others changes their outlook as well as my own. The grumpies change their thinking and I am able to focus on the positive rather than the frustrated people. Good for you. I haven't been over here as often now that summer is upon us and we spend hours outside, at the pool, and at ballgames, but I "missed" you and wanted to see what y'all have been up to. Hope Ruby is feeling better and that you are getting some sleep.
    Keep up the God work.

  24. What a fun post. One time we went into a market and they had mini carts for the children. I don't like those at all, but the girls wanted to use them so badly. So we looked like a mother duckling and little baby ducks all in a row. I put one thing in each basket at a time until everybody's basket was full. When we were checking out, my daughter saw this lady looking at us in a disapproving way. She smiled and said, "This is just a few of us, there are 11 of us!!!!! 🙂 This was before our last daughter came home and she was counting her sister's in law. You should have seen that lady's face! LOL 🙂

  25. I take my 4 everywhere I go. (ages 7, 6, 5, 5) They are so good and I really enjoy having them with me. When all 4 are hanging off a shopping cart as we go through a store, I usually get lots of smiles and comments like "you have your hands full", but, every once in a while, I do find someone staring at us with a serious, rather disapproving face. And for some reason this usually happens at Super Wal Mart. I'm not sure why as I would think most people would expect families shopping at Super Wal Mart. My kids aren't perfect and every once in a while we do have a "cart time out". Though it's usually just because one of them is not keeping up because they're distracted by the picture on the box of the newest sugary cereal 🙂 All in all they do great, we have a lot of fun, and I make sure to let them know how proud I am of them!

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