The Miracle of Ruby – Part 2

Part 2
As I begin this very, very vulnerable post let me first please emphasize, again, what I mentioned in Part 1: Out of respect for our openness and vulnerability, if you have not read Part 1 in it’s entirety, then please do so thoroughly before reading this Part 2. 
Some may wonder why it is so important to me to ask you to read Part 1 and then Part 2 and why it matters that it is not merely skimmed.  I think it is a respect issue.  

Have you ever been sharing your heart with someone and you notice them checking their phone?  Or maybe you find them glancing around and all the while you are pouring your heart out and you know, without a doubt, that they are only half listening, at best.  And your heart thinks:  “Wow, this really doesn’t matter to them” yet it is my heart being laid bare!?!  Well, it’s along those same lines.
Anyway, back to The Miracle of Ruby
This is our Ruby’s story and really, our family’s story.  This is not a medical dissertation.  It is merely a story of medical things mixed together with the mighty hand of God and the miracles that ensue, all because of Almighty God’s deep power and ever-working love.  
After hearing of Ruby I was praying earnestly that she would be ours.  I remember crying out to the Lord and saying, “I am so scared.  What if she doesn’t even live?  What if we attempt to get her home and she doesn’t make it?  {Yes, “what ifs” are the worst and totally not where God desire us to rest, but no doubt, I am very human too!}  
When Dw had taken Ruby for her CT scan it was confirmed that she had hydrocephalus.  We have long said, that the only true special need any orphan-treasure has is for a family.  No doubt, all Ruby needed was a family and we were praying it would be us!
Dw also, couldn’t stand leaving Ruby behind in Africa.  He was incredibly torn.  He felt like he was abandoning her.  He had held her and sang probably hundreds of times, “Oh how I love Jesus”…how could he leave her now?  His life would never be the same.  Motivated by God’s love for the orphan, he definitely would admit that this tiny six pound dying treasure had changed his world and there was nothing worse than leaving her behind, not knowing what would happen to her.
After the week in Ghana doing another Legacy Pastor’s Leadership Conference, Dw and Emma landed in Chicago and it was then that he found an email from the director of the baby home
He called me from O’Hare Airport and read it to me aloud.  We both started to cry.  It was asking us if we would consider adopting Ruby, and reminding Dw that he had said we would do anything for her.  BUT it also said that the doctor who oversees the care of the little treasures at the baby home had examined Ruby and that he had also looked at the results of her CT scan. She told us his prognosis:  
“The doctor’s report was very disappointing and I do not want to believe it.  He said that from the scan it shows that in addition to the water in her head, her brain has not properly developed like that of  a normal child and that there is nothing that can be done for her.  He also said that taking her to CURE hospital will not help.”  
This faith-filled director of the baby home went on to say “that she did not want to believe his report and that she would choose to believe the report of the Lord – that Ruby would be well”.  She then asked: Would we believe with her the report of the Lord?
We both cried in grief.  The trauma that she had endured was unfathomable.  Sick, abandoned,  desperately ill and grotesquely malnourished.  She needed us all the more!  We tucked the information from the doctor in the back of our hearts, not even talking of it and went full throttle at trying to get her home as quickly as possible.  Every minute there she was on our minds.  She needed hope, she needed unconditional love and she needed it now!
Dw and Emma got home and there were a flurry of activities as we tried to finish up our home study and then, less than four weeks later, Karl was in the horrible accident and lay in a coma.  My heart was in two places, with Autumn and Karl in the ICU and with Ruby in Africa.  It was a horrible and desperate time!  
I remember saying to my precious friend {who is also Karl’s aunt} as he lay in the coma, “Ruby needs me to come for her.” Lisa said, “Linny, you be about God’s business and He will be about yours.”  We ministered in every way we could while Karl lay in that coma and it brings me great peace to know that the Lord was sending people to love on our baby girl when we were unable. 
When the paperwork was complete for Emma and I to travel to Uganda to get Ruby, Karl had just been moved to the rehab hospital in Denver.  Knowing the Lord was working behind the scenes gave me comfort. 
Once landed in Uganda, Emma and I set to getting all the necessary paperwork done to bring her home.  She was so frail and so weak.  Her fontanel {which is still quite large} was bulging.  Hydrocephalus needs close monitoring.  

Dw called CURE hospital in Mbale, Uganda {where Ruby had been taken in early July but was too weak to have surgery done} and talked to a doctor there.  He told Dw to tell me to come the next day and he would see Ruby.  We hastily made plans to take the 5 hour trek to Mbale to see Dr. J.  We arrived just in time for our appointment.  Mama B from the baby home was with us.  Dr. J is a wonderful Ugandan national who is also a skilled neurosurgeon.  Such a kind-hearted man.      
He saw us immediately and they did another CT scan.  I will never forget standing with Emma and Ruby in the room as Dr. J reviewed her CT scan on the screens in front of us.  He took his time and kept shaking his head.  He was hemming and hawwing a lot but explained to me that Ruby had a very unusual case of hydrocephalus.  There were so many pockets of water!  But then he said, “She has had many infections in her brain.  The infections appear to have eaten her brain away.”  
Even typing the words I choke back the tears and sobs.
Such powerful emotions in all that Ruby has been battled, struggled through and endured.  
I have looked at MRI’s of the brain quite a few times because of the Multiple Sclerosis I have. I had seen CT scans of the brain before.  Although only a mom, with no medical experience, I could tell that water filled much of Ruby’s skull.  Before he even said it I thought to myself, “where is her brain?” 
He studied the pictures.  He went back and forth between the slides.  He shook his head slowly side to side.  He told me how loving it was that we were adopting her.  I started to cry, in fact I was pretty much sobbing.   I tried to explain to him that it was our joy to be bringing her home.  Nothing mattered.  We wanted her, just like she was.  She was perfect to us no.matter.what.
When we landed in the United States, Ruby’s neurosurgeon here in Phoenix {Dr. S} confirmed all the neurosurgeon at CURE hospital said.  The infections must have been really bad and they must have lasted a long, long time.  Her brain is only there is small bits.  Large portions are missing. 
So sweet friends, that is what the medical experts say 
{albeit some of the kindest men we have ever met}
 BUT we will believe the report of the Lord.
Now I got to thinking as I sat in the hospital those three plus weeks after landing with Ruby.  I thought, we need a way for Ruby to communicate.  So I began to teach her two simple signs.  Just two, but if she did them, she would be clearly indicating that she knew what she was doing and she would be saying, “I know you are understanding me and going to meet this need for me.”  Within a couple of months, Ruby began to do both signs without any prompting and she is doing them daily.  
Yes, indeed.
Miss Ruby Grace is talking to us through SIGN! 
Oh yes she is!!
When I wrote to Dr. S at Phoenix Children’s to tell him she is signing, he immediately sent a note back:  “You have made my day, my week, my month and my year!”  I could hear the joy. 
Ruby defies every medical odd by signing these two signs.  
It is a MIRACLE!!
Oh yes she does!
We will believe the report of the Lord!
She is able to roll over {not all the time, but she can and does do it}.
Oh yes she does!
We will believe the report of the Lord!  
She has begun to giggle.
Oh yes she does!
We will believe the report of the Lord!
She has begun to play with us, clearly teasing and playing.
Oh yes!
We will believe the report of the Lord!
These steps might be considered tiny to some – but they are STEPS and they are HUGE for our treasure Ruby.
A therapist evaluated her a few days ago. 
As she watched Ruby communicating with us, she said, “Ruby is a miracle, a true miracle!”  
We will continue to believe the report of the Lord.
Will you believe with us?
Will you pray for Ruby if the Lord should bring her to mind?
Will you celebrate with us the victories she has?
And if you should happen to share Ruby’s story {please feel free to do so}…..will you remember to share that we are believing the report of the Lord?  That His healing power is at work in her precious body.  That she is communicating with us.  That each step is a victory and that God has a very unique plan for her life and she is a treasure to His heart?  

And please, tell anyone you meet that although some would consider her special needs great, that her family considers her the greatest gift they have ever been given.  
A treasure.  
A precious gem from the heart of God – our beautiful Ruby Grace.  

68 thoughts on “The Miracle of Ruby – Part 2

  1. LOVE this post! Sweet Ruby, Jesus has plans for you! Linny, you remind me of Joshua and Caleb who chose to believe God's plan in the face of "giants."

  2. First time commenting here, 🙂 usually just a quiet "lurker" , but I cannot be still and quiet after reading this story! How it has moved me beyond words; and how I can feel the LOVE and JOY and PASSION in the words!!! She is a Miracle, and I also truly believe that the Report of the Lord will prevail! You and your family are beautiful, and I would love Love LOVE to talk seriously with you about how My family and I can bring an orphan Home….
    Love, Cheryl

  3. What a beautiful testament of God's power!

    Yes, I will rejoice with you.

    Yes, I will come along side your family and believe with you in God's report.

    And Yes, I totally know how awful it feels when people look around while you're pouring out your heart – I HATE THAT!

    Go, Ruby, Go!!!

    One day, I'm going to love on your treasures and I particularly look forward to holding this bundle of joy!!! 🙂


  4. Linny,

    You already know you are so blessed by Ruby. What's amazing is who all she will touch in whatever time on this earth that God gives her:)

    We had a foster son handed to us at age 4 weeks, we were told he had already lived longer than expected, he would be a "vegetable" having had a stroke before he was born and his brain was "gone". Destroyed.

    Yet, this precious boy smiled, kicked his one leg, squealed in joy and he KNEW us. There was no vegetable about him. He touched so many and his life had such wonderful meaning.

    Our baby boy survived 9 months and 12 days:) Every day a gift. He made us better parents, better people, and a better family.

    We were honored to be chosen by God to share this baby's life. We didn't waste one day and have NO regrets for loving him with ALL our hearts.

    I am sure you understand since you are blessed to be Ruby's family. She's right where she is meant to be.

  5. What a beautiful story! Ruby is definitely a miracle… I believe miracle do happen and it warms my heart when someone shares them! Thank you for sharing your story!
    When is your other daughter coming home?

  6. I feel so blessed to have seen Miss Ruby both roll (and roll and roll) AND giggle while we we're and Phoenix, and I must say that she has to have the SWEETEST laugh in the WORLD! She is sweeter than I could have ever imagined and just MEETING her makes me feel so blessed
    GOD IS SO GOOD!!!! <3333

  7. This is just so beautiful!! We believe the report of the Lord!
    You will so need all of these miracle stories because 10 years from now when you tell her story no one will believe it when they look at her! Not to mention what AWESOME unbelievable things God has for her to do. The anticipation is just too much! 🙂 With her spirit so sensitive to the war going on in U. I can totally see her with Emma in Uganda ministering in a power way.
    I'm still praying for her eyes. Is she seeing to sign?! Thank you for sharing this precious story. Sheri

  8. This is the first time I've stumbled upon your blog. Thank you for sharing the story of Ruby. I am always awed by the work of God in the lives of His people throughout the world. Thanks for shining His light.

  9. What a truly beautiful story! I love to see how God works in peoples lives. Sometimes I wish my faith was stronger. It's stories like yours that help me grow in my faith.

  10. Linny – I read every single word as if we were sitting here together. I could hear your sweet voice and your love oozing out. What a story! Oh how He loves Ruby!!! I believe the report of the Lord. So exciting. Much love, Courtney

  11. yes! i believe with you, pray for ruby and all of you & join you in celebration of the Lord's work in her life.

    thank you so much for sharing with so many. i know how deeply private your heart wants to be, but that you desire for the Lord to receive glory here.

    so much love to ruby grace & you all!

  12. I needed to read this sooo much today! Someone very close today asked us to give up our son because he would cause us a life of bondage and I was just heartbroken that they felt that way. Our little man (who happens to come home next week by a miracle) is so very precious and I could never dream of letting him go because of his needs.

    I am so excited Ruby came into your life and she makes me smile everytime I see her. I will celebrate with you when she does things as Torry has taught us how to celebrate in things like giggling and trying very hard to say "love you". Thank you so much for sharing her story!

  13. I have tears in my eyes thinking about precious Ruby and what a miracle she is. She couldn't possibly have a better family. You all are amazing.

    On the topic of "we will believe the report of the Lord"….my wonderful best friend (whom I left a comment about last week and asked you al to pray) is 22 weeks pregnant and has been given terrible reports about her unborn son or daughter. They tell her the baby has fluid in the abdomen and lungs and throughout the body between the skin, and a nuchal fold which is 3mm over the "normal" highest acceptable number. She had an amnio 2 weeks ago and they have tested for everything – down syndrome, trisomy 13 and 18, and "grew" the chromosomes to see if anything was missing and everything so far has come back perfect with the amnio, but they keep giving her grim news based on the ultrasound. Today they basically told her the baby probably won't live and she is "better off to terminate" when they don't even have a diagnosis, they are basing it all of an ultrasound. She has 3 other precious children at home. Can you and your prayer warriors please keep her in your prayers? I believe He has the ability to heal whatever is going on in this babys body and he/she will be born happy and healthy in October. I know He performs miracles. I just hope and pray He does in this situation.

    1. Jess, I saw your post and had to tell you about a friend of ours… They were told repeatedly that their daughter was missing both arms and one leg and had spina bifida before she was born. As late as the last month of her pregnancy. They refused to abort and she was born perfectly healthy and is a mom to three kids herself now! Praying for peace for your friend and healing for her baby! A little fluid is nothing for our GREAT GOD!! Sheri

    2. Jess, I'll be praying for your best friend and her unborn baby. Isn't Ruby such a testimony? I hope your friend can be built up and strengthened by Linny's words and knowing others are praying to the Great Healer, the One who is knitting her baby together! Amen!!

  14. I just love your daughter. I love her love her love her! I want you to know I am standing with you in "believing the report of the Lord" and I will pray for her every time her sweet little self comes to my mind! What a God! 🙂

  15. I stand in awe. Humbled, that when I ask Him to do something simple for me, I have my doubts that I deserve it or that He's too busy. Then I read Ruby's story and have been witnessing the MASSIVE MOUNTAIN He has and continues to move on her behalf. I'm so grateful you have shared.

  16. I have learned that in order for a miracle to happen, it must first show up as a problem. I believe with all my heart that Ruby is not just a miracle. She will continue to defy the odds, and will be a series of undeniable miracles! She will do what the doctors claim she is unable to do, and she will testify of the goodness of the Lord. God bless you and your family for your faith and your love towards this precious little treasure!

  17. I will celebrate with you. Miss Ruby Grace is a gift from God. How wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing Miss Ruby Grace's story. A story of her strength as she lay in a bed, too little and too young to help herself. She waited for God to bring DW to her. A story of your belief and love. How powerful.

  18. God is so so wonderful!! To see the amazing smile on that precious girl's face when compared to the dire condition she was in just a year ago brings tears to my eyes. Thank you thank you Jesus!!

  19. WOW-Praise Our Awesome Mighty LORD!! Ruby is a treasure indeed…a Miraculous treasure! Jesus AMAZING Jesus…thank you!
    Thank you for sharing your heart.
    Praying you all sleep in peace!

  20. Thank you so much for sharing Ruby's story with us….Ruby is definitely on our prayer list and we are sharing her story….I am standing in agreement with you…the doctors have given you the facts but God alone holds the truth! HIS report…right? And you are already seeing miracles with this sweet precious girl…God delights in her!!!! (Zephaniah 3:17)

  21. That face is not the face of a child with no brain! Miss Ruby is very special – she captured my heart right away and I know God has a special plan for her that she might prosper in this world, if only to be a light in her own family. That would be enough. But so few would have seen that – I am so glad God matched her up with her perfect forever family to give her all the love and care she deserves. Every child deserves that but certainly Ruby was in desperate need for it – how she survived with those issues and that malnourished could be nothing BUT a miracle! Thank you for sharing more details of her story.

  22. O so very dear Ruby. Truly an amazing story of God in your and her life. Continued prayers for all of you and little smily Ruby. I could just hug her and hold her. A blessed treasure indeed! Thanks for sharing this story.

  23. We believe with you Linny… She is a beautiful creation of our Heavenly Father… and just as you are so blessed by her… She is so so very blessed to be a part of your precious family! Much love and prayers for Ruby and your family!

  24. Our God is a God of miracles! My husband Robby and I are believing with you. 🙂 Ruby is indeed a treasure and our Father loves her so!

  25. I'm choking back tears right now, Linny, but I AM believing in the report of the Lord. There are no words other than Praise Him! Thank you for sharing something so close to your heart.
    In His love,

  26. Tears rolling down my face.
    What a powerful account of Miss Ruby grace. She is proof of our miracle working, awe inspiring gasp giving GOD. (Think got that right!!!)
    Yes I do tell others about you when talking about Family!
    Not a day goes by when you are all in my thoughts and prayers! We are all part of Gods family, therefore you are family and always will be.
    It is wonderful to see Miss Ruby Grace developing. Love is so POWERFUL.
    Thank you for letting us share you journey. Look forward to hearing more about those tiny but mighty steps in her life.
    Love, hugs and prayers to you all XXX

  27. Hi Linny, I've been reading your blog for quite a while now but I rarely comment… just wanted to say thank you so much for sharing this amazing encouraging story in detail. Ruby is a beautiful, beautiful girl and it's a pleasure to 'know' her and the rest of your family through this blog. In all things God works for the good of those who love him, according to his great purpose, and what a great purpose he has in Ruby!!! Your family is in my prayers. Your sister in Christ, Erin 🙂

  28. Thank you so much for sharing this! I can't begin to express how much I needed to hear this right now! Tears are running down my face–what a little angel Ruby is!

  29. Wow Linny,
    thank you for sharing, thank you for believing and trusting our Almighty Father!!!
    Kiss Ruby's beautifuul head for me…(i know you gladly will ;))

    Love Adriana

  30. I keep a sticky note on my computer at work. It simply says "RG". I pray for your little miracle. I know God holds her in the palm of His hand, ever so gently, yet ever so completely. Thrilled that you let us peek into your world so we can see all He has in store for that treasure!

  31. I'm bursting-at-the-seams excited for lil Miss Ruby Grace! Linny, please tell us, if Miss Ruby is signing…what it the latest prognosis relative to her sight??? Is she not "blind", in fact, after all??? (Praying, praying, praying…)

  32. Linny, thank you for stepping out and sharing this incredible story about the Power of Love – the Power of God! Ruby Grace is truly a beautiful miracle! To see her "now" photo, all chubby and smiling, just warms my heart. Blessings to your family, who courageously answer "Yes" to God's call. What an inspiration to His people!

  33. I sobbed – both in anguish for what she went through and in JOY for what Jesus can and is doing in her little body. Already she has such a testimony for Him! I feel honored just being able to bear witness to His mighty works in her :o)

    My heart feel just the same way (although our newest treasure is no way near to little Ruby's devestation) about the little one that God has put in our arms. By two months old, she was admitted to the hospital with 3 broken cervical vertebrae and a broken cheek bone. Upon further examination, they found 9 OLD vertebral fractures, an old rib fracture, and a hairline fracture on her femur. ALL this trauma by 2 months…and she was brought in at the same weight as her birth.

    Our eyes still tear up at all she had to endure, but God is showing Himself in such a mighty way! He is SOOOOOOOO able and so willing to show up when hearts are hoping in HIM!

    Thank you for opening your heart to us and lettimg us share in the trials and the victories. Even across the miles – through Him we are joined as family.

    BTW – I am a sign language interpreter and I was so overjoyed to hear that it is an effective tool of communication for her! If I can ever help, please let me know.

  34. Linny, what a beautiful post of your beautiful gem. I pray for your family often. I pray that the Lord would make me a Mom of many with as much love, grace, patience, stamina, as He has blessed you.

  35. I'm s glad that I waited to read this (as much as it was killing me to wait) until I had the time…. tears of course. Ruby is such a special baby girl with a glowing spirit that can be seen in the pictures alone – a treasure for sure! God is so much bigger than medicine! I'm believing with you in the report of the Lord! <3

  36. Nothing but respect and praise for a precious girl…we will believe the report of the Lord. We will be the Joshuas and Calebs and TRUST that what the Lord says He will do, He will do. Stand strong Saunders family!

  37. Yes I do pray for your sweet Ruby Grace! I am believing the report of The Lord! In the soup kitchen where I volunteer their is a prayer request board on it is the name Ruby Grace. The prayer is for healing. Janet

  38. Ach Linney!! Our dear precious special treasures from God!! How blessed we are! Thanks for sharing this story! God has given us one dear son among five beautiful daughters. He chose to allow seizures to become a huge part of our lives. He has allowed Jason to be such a witness to so many people! A gift straight from God's 'special gift box'.
    Praise God for His amazing gifts!!

  39. Ruby is a true blessing from God! Her story just exemplifies God's love and how he will move mountains to take care of us. Thank you for sharing her story! Ruby is so very precious!

  40. I remember reading and praying for your family during all that happened with Karl and Ruby. Karl is a miracle and so is sweet Ruby!! I will continue to pray for Ruby that God will completely heal her brain and restore her to health. Malachi 4:2 that Jesus will arise over Ruby with healing in His wings and beams!!! I am praying and believing the Report of the Lord over Ruby with you!!!

  41. I have goosebumps so bad they hurt. Oh God our God! Nothing compares to You!!! Thank you Linny for sharing part of Ruby's story, so that the name of the Lord may once more become famous and revered to all who read this. He is a miracle working God!!!!!!!!!!

  42. Precious and Beautiful story. God is so good! My husband and I have adopted a son who is missing about 1/4 of his brain. We were told he would never walk or talk; well, no one told him that! God has done a marvelous work, and our sweet boy runs and can say anything that he wants to. What a gift Ruby Grace is!

  43. Gosh I love that kid. She's such a miracle and an inspiration to me. And again, the fact that her heart knows she is loved so much radiates from her. God had a big plan in that little corner of the orphanage 🙂

  44. Aww, so amazing! Linny, thank you for sharing, for opening up such private parts of Ruby's life. You better believe that I am believing with you the report of the Lord! And I still pray for her little eyes. Learning to sign! Oh, Ruby Grace. You have a story to tell. Your very life is glorifying our great God! Smooches to you on your chubby little self, you sweet girl!

  45. I believe the report of the Lord! You always make me cry, Linny. So thrilled Ruby is making such progress and praying with you that the healing will continue~either way she is a testimony to the power of love…the power of prayer…the power of God!
    Keep up the God work.

  46. What an awesome God we serve!! I couldn't fall back asleep after the babies feeding and decided it was time to catch up on YOUR blog and I'm glad I did! I can't wait to tell my husband all about Ruby's miracle story.

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