A Simple, Short {MBM} Story

This week I am going to repeat a very, very simple story I told a couple of years ago.  It happened while Dw was in Africa leading a team.

I need to tell this story today, because quite honestly, I, personally, need to be reminded at this moment that God cares about the teeniest, tiniest details {so He cares about the biggest stuff too!} He cares about every single thing you or I care about…

In fact, I Peter 5:7 reminds us:

 “…casting all your cares upon Him, for He cares for you.”

 “All” actually means “all”.  {Kinda’ funny how that goes.}

Isn’t it fascinating and absolutely amazing that the God of the universe cares about all the little details…Every.Single.One. Seriously?!

So, as the story goes, while Dw was in Africa I took the five youngest kids with me to go downtown. Just as I pulled into my parking spot and turned off the car I looked around at the kids. Oh great! I had completely forgotten to do Jubilee’s hair before leaving the house. I had washed it the night before and let me assure you, it needed serious help! With her hair down, after sleeping on it, yeah, almost scary.

 I rummaged frantically through my purse looking for a elastic hair rubber band.


 I scrambled through the console section between the front seats.


I was praying as I looked. “Please Lord, would you provide a hair band for her hair?” Pleeeeease??

Ugh. There was none in the van. Nowhere. I looked at all the kids wondering if maybe Liberty had two hairbands in so I could ‘borrow’ one?


 I am not a fanatic about how the kids look, but somehow with special needs and a boatload of kids in our community that seems to have more dogs then kids…you know what I mean??

I desperately long for people to see how beautiful my kids are….but some can’t see past anything….and I know that the way her crazy hair was.


 I climbed out of the car and got everyone unbuckled and out of their carseats and went to take hands so we could hold hands walking across Main Street and as I looked to take one of the little ones hands….what was lying on the street right at our feet? A perfectly clean brand new looking hair rubber band!! I gasped!!

 I am actually giggling as I type this. For real. I’m sure my eyes were wide. I looked at Liberty as I scooped to pick it up and said, “Did you drop this?” She looked bewildered. “No”.

I can’t say that I have ever picked up a hair anything off the ground, but let me assure you…I knew this one was from the Lord!!

I quickly twisted her long flyaway hair into a little knot and off we went. I rejoiced the entire time….God cared about one little teeny, tiny hair rubber band.

How much more does He care about my current need?

 How much more does He care about the tiny detail you need answered??

He is so faithful!!

What about you?  What need do you have?  Large need?  Fear consuming you?  Small concern?  He cares about every.single.one.  Just like the hair band.

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9 thoughts on “A Simple, Short {MBM} Story

  1. Linny,
    Thank you for sharing your story of how God cares for every detail of our lives; big and small. My 10 yr old daughter was sharing her heart with me tonight. She longs to have a close relationship with her 2 brothers, who quite frankly, don't really seem to want much to do with her. It breaks my heart. She's such a precious thing. So funny and smart and helpful and… Amazing. One of my boys is 7 and the other is 13. The younger is caught up in the older. The older one is caught up in himself. They do have their good moments, but never forever. Please pray for my family. We are in the middle of bringing 2 girls home from China. I feel like the enemy is literally crouching at my front door, ready pounce at any moment. I feel like I've been fighting little battles lately and the war is yet to come. We are a great family. But we could be so much more. Anyone else out there feeling this way? I'm tired of playing referee. I long for peace. I fasted and prayed with and for you all last Tuesday. I woke up on Wednesday feeling a sense of calm and clarity. I need to keep it going, so I'm continuing to fast for another 5 weeks. Please pray for some personal victories in our family and a closer walk with The Lord for each of us. I will share your post with my daughter tomorrow to encourage her to keep praying, even though she feels like her prayers are too small.

    1. I don't know your family Rebecca or the dynamics of it, but I would begin {or if you already do it, insist on MORE} to carve out time every.single.day. where your kids have to be together. Whether it's kicking a soccer ball around together or swimming or baking in the kitchen {baking/cooking is HUGE}, even building legos together or taking walks together…so that all five of you are together, day in and day out. Another thing that our family loves to do together is to volunteer…whether at a soup kitchen or in an orphanage…we love serving together. Actually we love doing anything together. Our big kids will say 'no' to friends at times, if they know we are going to be doing something as a family cause they don't want to miss it.

      If anyone were to say anything unkind to the other, I give my kids 'barley green'. It's super good for them, but tastes nasty…I also use Barley Green for lying. That way the boundary is clear: We will talk kindly and LOVE each other – PERIOD.

      You don't need to play referee anymore. Establish the boundaries and then enforce the rules. If we are slack at enforcing the rules, kids know that we don't really mean it. Make the punishment swift and weighty. And kids who have to "miss" something or do without something will not have their world end. They will become better people! There is a 'right" mentally out there in America…I have a 'right' to this or that. When the truth is that we don't have any rights at all. We are nothing without HIM.

      Put "family rules" up on your wall. There are companies that sell them from a Biblical perspective. Then practice them. Do a Bible study on them together and fast and pray that your family becomes completely cohesive as you prepare to add two more to the mix.

  2. What a beautiful reminder that God cares about the smallest details. Nothing escapes His sight! I had a similar experience one year I was shopping for Christmas gifts and decided not to get certain toys because they were too expensive (we were in the middle of an adoption). Then I happened into a thrift shop and found all of what I was looking for, in gently used condition. I didn't spend more than a few bucks. God was in the details!

  3. Thank you so much for this reminder that God cares about ALL our things. My daughter had a pretty serious wreck yesterday, and Thank God she is ok. But we were already short one car, my husband and I have been sharing (I get up at 5am to take him to work before time to take other kids to school on my way to work. My middle daughter drives so she can do her nursing clinicals and an internship). Now we are down to one car. The replacement value on a 13 year old 175K+ mileage car is probably not going to get us a replacement car. Much less two. But God does care. If it's not His will, we will make do! I needed that reminder today!

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