A Treasure Like Ruby Needs You…

In Swaziland there is a tiny little treasure who needs a baby sitter for a bit.

Here’s the story:

There are some missionaries who have been serving hard in Swaziland…and during their work they found a little tiny treasure.  When I saw her picture, she grabbed my heart, because she reminds me of our little Ruby Grace.

Anyway, the missionaries met her and brought her home to live with them.  They have been caring for her since.

Look at her:

Isn’t she beyond precious?

Here is what was written when they found her. :

As is predictable, Amy came face to face – literally – with an opportunity to say “Yes.”  You can read here about a little girl she met named Mukelo (pronounced moogelo).  A short-cut to the full story is Mukelo was abandoned at the hospital by her mother.  Mukelo is around 2 years old and has cerebral palsy.  Absent miraculous healing, she will be dependent on full time care her entire life.  She’s a sweet little girl.  She’s living with a contorted body, some difficulty eating and breathing, and vision impairment.  She’s a 24 hour requirement – just like a newborn baby.

Didn’t I tell you she reminds me of Ruby?!

Anyway, this precious missionary family have been working hard on the field and are scheduled for a long overdue rest in the United States.  But the Swaziland government will not allow this treasure to travel with them.

So they have a little itsy-bitsy need…

and I just have this sneaky feeling that there is someone out there in blog land
who has been crying out and asking the Lord:

“What do you want me to do?
Is there somewhere you want me to serve?
Surely there is something unique you created me for! 
What Lord do you have for me?  What did you uniquely create me for?  
I want to have an adventure Lord for you!  What?
I want my life to count and  I want to make a difference!  Please show me what to do.”

If God might be whispering to you as you read this, please email me and I will forward it the right people.  Please put “Mukelo” in the subject line.   I don’t know anything more than what I posted, so all questions need to be addressed in the email {which I will forward}.  

4 thoughts on “A Treasure Like Ruby Needs You…

    1. Joanna,
      I thought of you right away (well, after I stopped wishing there was a way I could go)… Praying for you and that God would make His will clear!

  1. Will be praying for her their needs to be met so this sweet girl can have her needs met! You mentioned healing needes for her cerbral palsey and it reminded me of the story I just read about Pastor John Osteen's daughter Lisa being healed of the same thing as a baby…..miracles and healing ~ big and small happen all around us. Lord hear our prayers…..

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