It Was Isaiah’s Idea

Bright and early this morning Isaiah and I had to hit the road heading to downtown Phoenix for a doctor’s appointment for him.  He goes fairly often as they are working hard to treat his Arthrogryposis.  When he heard we had an appointment his response was pretty sweet:  “Yes!  Yes! Yes!”

His enthusiasm interpreted:  “Alone time with mom, not to mention that mom almost always takes me for something special when we go – so yes, yes, yes{!} this is gonna’ be good.”  

My personal theory is that someday when he looks back on his childhood and all the things that he had to endure in dealing with the Arthrogryposis, he will smile and remember there were a few special perks along the way brought to him by a Mommy who loves him oh-so-much!

As we turned off the freeway heading to the hospital, Isaiah spotted a car, “Whoooooa, look at that car mom!  On our way back you should take a picture, put it on your blog and show your bloggy friends.  Isn’t it cool looking, Mom?  They would want to see it too.”

{How sweet is that – he was thinking of you guys.}

So at his suggestion, on the way back toward the freeway, we pulled over on the side of the road and took a picture for Isaiah to show you.  It did, indeed, have a pretty fancy-schmancy paint job.

And as long as we’re at it, how could we pass up on showing you the LaMar’s donut he picked out?

It was e-n-o-r-m-o-u-s!  

{He was only able to eat a bit and brought the rest home to
 share with the other kids after lunch, who were more than
happy to help him out with such a burden.  Ha!}

There is nothing so precious as time with our treasures, no matter the circumstance – they are only little for a short time…make time to enjoy yours today too….

27 thoughts on “It Was Isaiah’s Idea

  1. Isaiah, that is a seriously cool car! I like the shiny purple color. I'm so glad you showed it to us. Thank you!

    And your donut looks really, really, really yummy. Did you eat the whole thing all by yourself? Did you share a little teeny tiny bit with your mom? Now I want to go to the donut store and buy one just like that and eat the whole thing!

    1. He seriously thought you all would like to see it. It made me giggle how he brought that up out of nowhere. He ate some and then took the donut home and shared, cause seriously it was enough for about 6 people. All the kids are good 'sharers'….and no, I didn't buy a donut for me and didn't even steal a bite as he ate. He would have let me have some, but I am trying to lose a few. =)

  2. Even in the hospital, I cherish my time with Annie and I hope she will feel the same way as she gets older and actually "gets" that she is stuck in a hospital. 🙂 I love how he pointed out the car! So sweet! And that donut- wow! 🙂

    1. Annie will love the time you invested as she grew. There is nothing they remember much more than the 'time'. I look at my Emma and wonder where the time went? I am so thankful for all the things we have done together, but still – the time is what matters most!

    1. I will tell him. I never got to tell him that I did the post. He will smile that he has some comments and I'll help him read them. It will make him smile HUGE and, no doubt, the others will want to do a blog post now as well. Ha!

  3. see the arrow on the road, pointing to the car? 🙂 letting us know where exactly it is that Isaiah wants us to see it! 😀

    and I love hearing how you love your kids and how they love being with you!! 🙂 it is very, very heartwarming.

    1. That's funny Susan – as I took the picture, I noticed the arrow and thought, "That arrow is pointing straight at that car!" Funny you noticed as well. I keep meaning to write you and see how it is all going?? Update when you can.

    1. The best thing we have found for whining is the Thankful Game! Play it – it helps to cure whininess {and crabbiness}….cause we all have been there before! Just start by asking one of the kids to name 3 things their thankful for…and go around the room and make everyone play…nothing helps ALL of us to end our whiney/crabby/cranky/complaining times with thankfulness. We sometimes go around and around the room, and once it catches on, the room turns to fun. Truly, it has completely reversed the mood of everyone! And we play different variations – like "you can only say something that no one else has name before" or "you can't name family"…but truly, it works! Try it – it will revolutionize your family's days! xo

  4. That was some sweet treat! Love that boy!

    Our three have so many doctor's appointments. I, too, always try to get some kind of treat for them. It makes all of the medical stuff seem less scary.

    janet and gang

    1. Isaiah is facing surgery before too long. And we were shocked to find out recently that other joints are getting involved and there will be needed surgery on those as well. It makes my heart grieve. He's soooo brave and always smiling. Such a lesson to all of us! And ya' know what's crazy? Isaiah's name at the orphanage in Ch*na was Toby!!! How crazy is that??

    2. oh my! VERY CRAZY!!! 😉 Hee hee! Love how God does little "winks" at us like that! I didn't know other limbs could start being involved! Has he only been uppers and now it's lowers? I'd love to chat more about it!

      Love you friend!

  5. Ginormous is the PERFECT word to describe it…and white creme filling throughout? Not sure it gets much better than that. Although I chose not to indulge, I could 'imagine' how it tasted and probably put on 2 pounds…haha.

  6. I have somehow missed some of your posts the past few days (the pottery day and this). Can I just say that Isaiah and I would totally be friends? I want to go to Round Rock, TX solely to go try a donut that is the size of your head… And it looks like he found one! I definitely agree, he'll be remembering those times with you over the doctor appointments.

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