I Feel Compelled

As the world has sat stunned by the loss of innocent life in Newtown, Connecticut, it is incomprensible that on the very same day on the opposite of the world, a 36 year old stabbed 22 school children in Henan Province, China.   What in the world is going on?

No doubt, we just cannot fathom these acts of violence against some of the most innocent and vulnerable of all.

God’s faithful promise keeps coming to my mind over and over:

“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted….”
Psalm 34:18a

In our very human minds we grapple with the reality that the world could be so wicked.  And, no doubt,  our thoughts are only complicated by the belief that December should only be a time of families celebrating together, making memories, and filled with great joy….yet there is ugly dispair, horrible heartache and unimaginable grief.

We just can’t even begin to believe it!

No doubt, praying people around the globe have been interceding for the families and friends of the victims, remembering also those who have had to tend to the crime scenes and all who minister to those affected.

At the same time, I have received many, many emails recently from brokenhearted people struggling with their own grief.

Painful situations.

Sudden loss of little treasures.

Health issues that are life-threatening.

Broken relationships.

My heart has been so heavy and since our Place Called Simplicity is known as a place of Prayer and Fasting, {where we have seen Almighty God move some mighty huge mountains} I feel compelled to call for a day of prayer and fasting: Humbly asking God to comfort, heal, bring hope, minister to, restore and that His presence would become known to all….

*Prayer and Fasting*
December 18th, 2012

{on that date there will be a Prayer Request post where each person 
may post a prayer request so we can pray for each other as well}

Would you be willing to join in prayer on Tuesday 
{and fasting, if possible}?

“Carry each other’s burdens…”
Galatians 6:2

31 thoughts on “I Feel Compelled

  1. I have been a lurker for quite sometime.. only posting once or maybe twice in the past, but follow your blog daily! I am so relieved to see a day of prayer & fasting! Between horrific news from my family, as well as the shootings in my home state… we all need it! Thank you Linny!

  2. First time poster here! But I had to share…this morning I felt the Spirit leading me to a fast on…yep, Tuesday!! Then I pop over here tonight and see this! In the midst of darkness He is always at work.

  3. I am in. I think we should do like last time when Linny said lets praise Him first. My praise is we had Christmas party at our church tonight. At the very end we were singing a few songs and the Holy Spirit was drawing the pastors niece. When everyone was cleaning up she was pouring her heart out and she laid it all down. She wanted to be baptized, so we stopped cleaning and witnessed her baptism. God you are so, so good. You bring light into darkness. Your mercies our new every morning. Thank you that your loved surrounded this precious young girl. Thank you that you are near to the brokenhearted and that this is not our home.

  4. I'm new here, and already I love your heart for the Lord. Joining with you from Canada. "The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks Him. It is good that one should hope and wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord." Lam. 3:25-26

  5. I'm new here, but already I love your heart for the Lord. Joining you from Canada. "The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks Him. It is good that one should hope and wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord." Lam.3:25-26

  6. You can literallly "feel" the broken hearts of our world around us. So many hurting, suffering, and in need of healing and comfort. Romans 12 says,Rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep…..I believe God weeps too for the way those He created hurt each other. I will join you and will ask the Knee Team to do the same.

    1. I am in. This is a perfect time for me to update you from the last fasting/prayer day that you had. I posted asking prayer for my husband Mike to be open to the idea of another adoption. The Lord had clearly revealed that was his plan for us. After two years of prayer, fasting and interceeding, we finally reached an agreement 3 weeks ago. We are going to move forward to update our paperwork and give the Lord from Christmas to Christmas to bring a little one into our home!!!!!!!! Whoo Hoo! I am sure the prayers uttered by your readers helped make a break through for us when it looked like there would never be one. With much love~ Jo Ellen

    2. I am in. I asked for prayer last time for my husband Mike who was reluctant to move forward in an adoption even though the Lord had clearly revealed his plans to us. After two years of fasting, praying and interceeding, we have finally reached an agreement. We are goin got move forward and update our paperwork and give the Lord from Christmas to Christmas to bring a little one into hour home. Whoo Hooo! I have no doubt that your day of prayer made a huge difference in bringing us to this point.

  7. I'm in. We are short $13,000 to travel to get our 8 1/2 year old SN girl from China. We are trying to arrange travel for Jan 4. But can't go without the funds that we KNOW God is going to send from somewhere. We will fast while praying for Him to send the money needed.

  8. Please pray for the healing of 8 year old, "Daisy Love" she has been battling a re-occuring cancer since September of 2009. Her family just received the news last week that her doctors have discovered 2 new cancerous tumors in her abdominal region. One is at least the size of a large grapefruit and is connected to major arteries and organs. The other is smaller and on her liver. This time, both are considered inoperable. They are starting chemo again today.

    Also, just recently God answered my prayer, that my husband would agree to adopt. We are nervous and unsure of where to start but I feel it is God calling us to do our part in comforting the orphaned. Please pray for wisdom and support.

    I will definitely be fasting and praying! I am slowly de-lurking;)


  9. Please pray for the healing of 8 year old, "Daisy Love" she has been battling a re-occuring cancer since September of 2009. Her family just received the news last week that her doctors have discovered 2 new cancerous tumors in her abdominal region. One is at least the size of a large grapefruit and is connected to major arteries and organs. The other is smaller and on her liver. This time, both are considered inoperable. They are starting chemo again today.

    Also, just recently God answered my prayer, that my husband would agree to adopt. We are nervous and unsure of where to start but I feel it is God calling us to do our part in comforting the orphaned. Please pray for wisdom and support.

    I will definitely be fasting and praying! I am slowly de-lurking;)


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