Graham’s Prayer

Almost daily we need reminders.

Think about it.

That’s why we have alarm clocks and calendars.

We have day timers and cell phones with alarms.

Sticky notes in any color of the rainbow!

If you need to be reminded, there are literally, bunches of possibilities at your fingertips.

And let’s be honest.

So it is with God.

Even though He has been faithful in the past, it is so stinkin’ easy to “go there.”

If you have blood flowing through your veins you know what I mean.

We can see God’s hand one day and the very next wonder, “Will He do this as well?”

Sunday was a rough day.  I was so weepy {more than usual since Emma left}.

My heart was just feeling so discouraged.

The kids and I did not go to church because I had been really sick with a staph infection.

Anyway, Graham was up and getting ready for church.  We talked for a few minutes.  I shared something that was so heavy on my heart.

Later he told me that he prayed some pretty specific prayers for me.

One of them was that a friend would come and encourage me on Sunday.

Now living in a not-so-familiar city, he said he thought, “I wonder how you are going to do that Lord.”

But he prayed it and felt that God was going to do it.

After church he had hung out with some of his friends and then went to the Young Adult service at night.  As he drove home he found an unfamiliar car in the driveway. He thought, “Who could be here?”

He walked in and found me laughing and talking with a dear old friend.   This precious friend had FB messaged me that she and her husband and kids were passing through Phoenix.   She wondered, “Would I be up for a visit?”

Oh me.

The Lord had indeed heard Graham’s prayer {which I didn’t know Graham had prayed}.  And the Lord had sent a friend from a distant city who “happened” to be passing through.  This sweet friend is one I’ve known for years now.  Both of us adoptive moms.  She’s a senior pastors wife.  We can just be ourselves any time we are together.  Our husbands are friends.  The kind of friend that you can just  pick up right where we left off.

Her visit ministered to my soul like only the Lord could do.  Such a sweet time together.

I told my friend of a situation that was deeply troubling to me.   I actually mentioned how I was feeling led to fast on a particular day over this yuky situation.   Later, as she left, she hugged me and said, “I will fast with you on that day.”

Yes, she’s that kind of friend.  

Dear bloggy friends, use this story as your reminder today.

He hears your prayers.  

He loves you immeasurably.  

He is capable of anything. 

He is not slack concerning His promises.  

Nothing is too difficult for Him.

If He needs to orchestrate someone to come from another city
 to minister to your soul – 
He not only is capable, but He will.

He loves you and I so much!

11 thoughts on “Graham’s Prayer

  1. It's so good to be reminded of this…. We've had a rough ten days of delay regarding our I800 and filing a Supplement 3 for Shaggy has felt insurmountable. He's in Cambodia with YWAM. So we've been trying to pray and keep our eyes on HIM not on our paperwork glitch. Thanks for the reminder to remember!

  2. Linny I think of you often and have been praying that the Lord would comfort and encourage you in missing your girl…
    Sending hugs, and thank you for always encouraging US when you yourself are the one in need of encouragement as well. Bless you!

  3. Thanks for sharing this. God has used your stories and blog to encourage me so many times and I don't even know you! Just the other day when you posted about fasting, I was right along side you because I knew God brought me to your site after reading that post about the woman going continually before the king. God had just given me that scripture a few days before. So I knew He was speaking to me. I'm so glad for Gods love for us and how he uses others to encourage us.

  4. God is so good! He always knows our needs and provides. I am always amazed at something else God shows me. If I am feeling sorry for myself, He always makes me aware of just how blessed I really am. If I am feeling overwhelmed, He shows me that I should be thankful for the things that are overwhelming me because it could be that I didn't have a job at all or that I didn't have the opportunities that I have to help others. Sometimes, I just have to be reminded! I am so glad He answered Graham's prayer for you. It is such a blessing to share with a friend that really understands you and lets you just be you!

  5. This really ministers to my heart. I realize that when you are doing life like this, adoption, sold out for Him, it can be rather lonely at times and I am glad I am not alone in feeling the heaviness and discouragement at times. One morning a few years ago I was up, exhausted being up with one of the babies and quickly getting breakfast prepared etc. My husband had abandoned us and I was feeling kind of discouraged and weary. My phone rang and it was actually the wrong number. The man was thinking I was the jail. I was polite and told him sorry wrong number but truthfully just wanted to end the call. He then asked if I would be kind enough to look up the number for him since He was blind. As I hunted for the number I said sounds like you have some stuff going on. Out of that question He shared that his nephew was in jail and this led to a huge conversation with a stranger on the phone. He was a pastor in Georgia and we had an amazing God moment on that phone and I hung up so encouraged and so in awe that God would love me so much to bring this all to pass. I continued to pray for His nephew and did talk to this pastor another time. He was used for me as well to stand on what I was believing. I hope this encourages someone. I am praying for you Linny and for your health.

  6. Linny,
    You have NO idea how timely this post was! I needed to read this reminder, terribly. Mike and I are looking/praying/thinking about something really big and we need the Lord to speak clearly and work over-time in this particular area. It is so scary and overwhelming sometimes. So thanks for writing what the Spirit told you to write.

    1. Susan, Graham is a very tender young man. He is an earnest prayer warrior. He prays fervently. He is a regular faster as well. He's a blessing to our home and we are so thankful that God has used him in so many ways. xo

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