Monumental Events

As I get back into gear, there are so many things that I wanted to mention.

Today, January 14, 2013 we are taking time to thank the Lord for His sovereign protection over us just four years ago on this date.

For those new to our Place Called Simplicity, on this date, four years ago, with Dw out of town, I woke up to our smoke alarm {that had, by God’s grace, been fixed the day before} alarming.  Six of our kids sound asleep {including Elijah and Elizabeth who had only been home from Uganda for less than 4 weeks}, I groggily plodded my way through our beloved log home wondering in that not-so-alert state what in the world was going on.

Before long I discovered that our treasured ol’ log home was on fire.  The rest is history, but there is no doubt that it was a defining moment in all of our lives.  Yes, God allows pain.  He allows heartache.  He allows loss.  Losing our home and it’s contents to a fire will always remain a place that we refer to as Our Holy Ground for many reasons…first and foremost though, as that is the day that we saw a scripture come to life in a very real way like never before:

“The angel of the Lord encamps round about 
those who fear Him.”  
Psalm 34:7

There will never be a doubt in our minds that the true angel of the Lord was present that day four years ago, keeping the wood wet until I was awake enough to wake the older children who helped get the little ones out in to the 15 degree temperatures…or there is no doubt that we would have all perished.  I was just too sleepy when the smoke alarm first started sounding.

A couple of years ago a kind bloggy friend sent me a wall cut-out decal of Psalm 34:7 and I had never gotten around to actually putting it up {the Lord knew that we would be moving several times before we would permanently be in our home – yippee Jesus!} and this home we now live in has the perfect place for it, right above the front door.  I am certain that when the builder built this home several years ago he did so under the guidance of the Lord, because the spot is truly perfect for the words, {which I will be putting up before long}.

Another date that stands out for our family is Friday the 10th of January as this is the anniversary of Almighty God’s healing touch on my arm from the Multiple Sclerosis.  I shared my miracle story here.   
My body had become quite a chore until January 10th, 2006. Faithful God – seven years ago – already!

Graham and I were talking about my healing on Friday as he remembers so clearly how bad I trembled and shook.  We were mentioning that one does not often hear of true miracles in our modern society very often – but our family has seen so many, and huge ones at that!  We are humbled at God’s daily work in our lives, in both seemingly little and ginormous, humongous ways!

And no, I will never apologize or feel bad about telling our stories over and over and over…because it is in these miracle stories that joy is found, hope is encouraged, and true faith is built.

The most beautiful part of it all is that the Lord is not just faithful for us.  He is faithful, no matter who you are or your station in life.  He keeps His promises – always.  His word never changes.  And you can take that promise to the bank.

“For what you have done I will always praise you in the presence of your faithful people. 
And I will hope in your name,
 for your name is good.
Psalm 52:9

15 thoughts on “Monumental Events

  1. AMEN!!!! I never get tired of hearing about God's miracles….that would be like getting tired of reading the Scriptures? NO WAY!

    TELL IT OVER AND OVER write them on your door posts and tell them to your children and your children's children :).

    Thank you for sharing Linny!

  2. Your story is amazing and wonderful. You make me feel like with God I can accomplish just about anything. It makes me really want to listen to his plan. Thanks

  3. I love reading your real life stories of God the everyday little details and the ginormous ones too! Yes..He's working Huge in my family too! Thanks Linny…Iron sharpening iron!

  4. You dont have to post.. This is AnneP. I just wanted to say praise the Lord you was delivered from Multiple Sclerosis. I dont like that disease. That disease stole much life from my family. My dad got it and when I was 5 he went into the wheel chair and died 8 years ago with this disease. I know I am who I am today because of what I have went through but my dad never accepted it till before he died. I believe he was finally at peace with God. He had faught all his life in his own way and in the end there was complete surrender and ready to die. God told us he would heal my dad spiritually not physically. BUt I know my dad is healed in a way that out weighs the physical praise the Lord. I am so very thankful you believe in prayer. I am so very thankful you believe in miracles. I am very thankful I found you. I know when I come to your blog I am going to find something really special and I always do. THank you.
    We still need a miracle we leave the 19th and I am trying not to be scared and I am trying to be brave. I am traveling alone with our 14 year old son. Picking Chance up in Russia Lord willing the 21st. Please pray and if you can get everyone to pray while I am there. I will be in St Petersburg from 20th to 28th departing for Moscow 28th evening leaving Moscow Feb 2nd. Pray we get a birth certificate and Passport and are able to get threw passport control in Moscow. Those are the BIG humps that we need to see happen in the next 2 weeks. All we have to go on is agency on foot the government is not saying much about those who have had court already. I know what my God has told me and that is where my promises lay and I am believing him no matter what IT look like. Blessings Believing the IMPOSSIBLE. THanks for sharing I believing in healings too.AnneP

  5. Amen and amen, tell me the stories of Jesus, I love to hear, things I would ask Him to tell me if He were here…… you keep on telling us, just like it is, we love to read (and hear).
    So glad you're all still here to teach and to guide us…. much love from Africa.

  6. Remember the fire post well! I found your blog from another blog due to the title of post about the fire. Then spent the next 2 weeks of evenings reading ALL blog posts before. Can't believe that was 4 years ago, BUT I have to say I so very glad I clicked on that post and found A Place Called Simplicity. Love hugs and prayers to you all XXX

    1. The fire, although one of the most traumatic, trying and difficult events of our lives, there were many beautiful things that the Lord brought out of it -including new, precious friends – of which you are one! xo

  7. I read this and it made me feel both sad and happy, we to have been touched by fire that took where we lived and our "stuff"! It sure makes you look at things differently from then on. Thank God that it was during the day around 12pm when our fire broke out because if it was at night we would have not made it out as it was right next to our bed. God sure has been doing much work in our lives since then and you are so right, with pain and hurt comes great things. Some times it is hard to look at it then but you just stay strong in your faith and you will see.

    Thanks for sharing with us. 🙂

  8. Please never stop telling your stories. They are such an encouragement to me, and your quiet spirit and patience as a Mother inspires me to do better with my own children. Thank you for sharing your heart, and the words the Lord gives you here.

  9. What an incredible miracle! You amaze me…always looking for the good in everything. I know that must be hard at times, cause in the past week the Holy Spirit keeps prompting me to pray for you.
    Oh, totally off topic…I heard Phoenix was -2 yesterday…and we were at +4 today…who knows… Saskatchewan may soon be the new Phoenix…lol! I'm thinking you may have need of a big comfy wool blanket. 😉

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