Ruby’s Miracle Story Continues

An extra sweet miracle story to tell this Valentine’s Day 2013…

Please do NOT skim…
or you might miss the most important elements 
of this story….

As Ruby’s story continues to unfold, I share the details of our lives so you, too, can rejoice, celebrate the miracle of adoption and praise our Almighty God with us!

I have been giddy since last week….and then, it was all confirmed on Tuesday {and I have video to prove it!!}’

Here’s the background:

An eye specialist came to Ruby’s hospital room when we landed in November of 2011 and upon examining her had found that she was blind.  We were in shock.  We had had absolutely no idea!

Six months later, in June of 2012, Dw and Emmy were in Uganda leading a mission team as I took Ruby to a second eye surgeon at the suggestion of her pediatrician.  He also confirmed that Ruby has cortical blindness.   He went on to say that it was pale {as opposed to white} behind her eyes.

I was so hopeful going to this second eye surgeon, hoping that maybe he would see something that the first eye surgeon specialist had not seen when examining her in the hospital.

Wow!!  Had I heard him right?

He just said it was pale behind her eyes….Yippee Jesus!

I was so excited!

Smiling widely, I blurted out, “Well in the hospital they said it was white behind her eye, but pale is better, because there now is blood flow, right?”

He looked me straight in the eye and said, “Yes, pale is better than white, but she is blind and she will never see.”  

The adamancy with which he spoke took me back.

Wait a second!!


I was thinking of that verse:

“Hope deferred makes the heart sick, 
but a dream fulfilled is a tree of life.”
Proverbs 13:12  niv 

The reality of any situation is just that, R.E.A.L.I.T.Y.  

However, we can always hope, and this guy was trying to steal my hope.  

After all, we have a really, really, huge God.  

He can do a.n.y.t.h.i.n.g.

Besides there is such power in prayer {and fasting}.

In fact around here we refer to our great God as:

The Miracle-working, Mountain-moving, Awe-inspiring, Gasp-giving God.

So from the time of Ruby’s blindness diagnosis in the hospital back in November 2011 we have prayed: God would you please heal Ruby’s eyes?   In fact our little Elijah took it upon himself to pray about her eyes at every single opportunity.  He was kind of on a mission:  God heal Ruby’s blind eyes.

So as I found myself sitting in this second eye surgeon’s office with complete hope and truthfully I was hoping that this second eye surgeon would have hope with me…

I pressed it a bit, “But we are a praying family and we really believe that God can do anything, so to me the pale as opposed to white six months ago is a sign that God is doing something.

This time his jaw got a little more set and he looked at me again and spoke slowly, 

“She is blind.  

That will never change.  

She will never, ever see.”  

My own eyes welled up with tears and with the Holy Spirit’s boldness flooding my soul and with firmness of heart and soundness of speech, I resolutely spoke with complete gentleness, my voice quivering a bit as I continued:

“So what you’re telling me, is that Ruby will never see?  Okay, well then, since you are so positive that she will never see and that there is no hope that she will ever see, then should my God heal her eyes and give her sight, you would be willing to admit that it was ONLY GOD who healed our Ruby’s eyes, and you would also then be willing to give Him complete credit, right?” 

The doctor stared at me and with jaw set squarely, his eyes steely cold,
 he looked at me head on and spoke:

“Your daughter will never see.  It will never change.”

With that, he turned and left the room.

As I drove home that day I bawled.  Sobbing and sobbing.  His attitude was so yukky.  He clearly doesn’t believe that God can heal and he surely did not offer any hope.  I sobbed for a good part of the long drive home.  Stupid specialist.

And then the Lord whispered, 
“I can do anything.  
I can heal Ruby’s eyes.  
It does not matter if there is a defect with the eye 
or cortical blindness of the brain.  
I can do anything.  
Your hope has to be in me.”

Right then and there I told the Lord as I drove on the 101, “Forgive me Lord.  You are so right!  You can do anything!!  It doesn’t matter what that yukky surgeon says.  Show that doctor your power!  Show him that with you all things are possible.”

And so that takes us to last week…

Off and on over the next few months we had noticed that Ruby seemed to be “tracking” with us periodically.  Not every single time, but enough that we had noticed….if we would set something in front of her, every now and then she would purposefully reach and grab whatever it was.   BUT we had not had anyone who “counted” see it happen.

Until last Tuesday.

Artemis, her physical therapist was working with her and very clearly, Artemis, on her own, saw Ruby ‘track’.  Artemis {who, I might add, believes in the power of a healing God} got so excited!  She almost shouted, “Look!! Did you see that?  She tracked with me.”  Over and over Ruby grasped something put in front of her.

Ruby’s reach was intentional.

It was purposeful.

It was a miracle!!  

And the best part of it?   Artemis had seen it!!

We were giddy.  Artemis and I cheered and cheered!! We rejoiced all day!  Someone who ‘counted’ had seen it!  Artemis made a special note in Ruby’s therapy notes that she turns in to her superiors.

Then this Tuesday, Savannah and Graham and Ruby and I were in the family room.  I had finished up school and the kids had gone to play.  Graham was drinking tea.  Savannah had been sitting in a chair near drinking water.  Both cups were on the floor, partially filled.

Very distinctly Ruby rolled toward Savannah’s clear Mason jar, partially filled with water, and with one purposeful swoop she grabbed the glass and dumped the water all over the floor.  We shrieked in delight!!  We could not believe it!  She doggone well knew what she was doing and was enjoying every second of it!

We laughed and giggled and screamed and carried on like a bunch of ninnies!  Ruby grinned!

Ruby then, without any effort, immediately rolled to where Graham’s tea was sitting on the floor.  Purposeful.  Intentional

I ran to grab my camera.

I had to get this monumental moment on video.

I didn’t make it for the first grab and spill…

But I made it for this….

And Savannah and Graham and I watched giggling and rejoicing….

So sweet bloggy friends and lurkers around the world…we do hereby declare that Miss Ruby is beginning to see!

Oh yes she is!!

And ONLY Almighty God gets the credit.  

He is our miracle-working, mountain-moving, awe-inspiring, gasp-giving God…

Yes indeed –   

Ruby’s “cortical blindness is turning to sight”
and her miracle is beginning!

Celebrate and Rejoice with us!! 

“As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. 
His disciples asked him, “Rabbi,who sinned, this man 
or his parents, that he was born blind?”  
“Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, 
“but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him..”
John 9:1-3

75 thoughts on “Ruby’s Miracle Story Continues

  1. … the lame will walk and the blind will see
    Im so thankful you took time to tell us this, we share share in the Glory of the goodness of the Father. amen and amen

    1. Don't worry one speck!! I will be reporting when I go back…it won't be anytime soon…we have changed eye surgeons {to Jubilee's – who is gentle, kind, tender-hearted and HOPEFUL}…but ONE day I will go back…with our treasure-girl Ruby and let God's truths speak for themselves!

  2. Linny! This is SO awesome and I'm so happy that Ruby is going to prove that "specialist" wrong! Our Lord is the ultimate healer and the most Divine specialist of all! PTL!!

  3. I have goosebumps running up and down my arms. Yes, ONLY GOD!! God LOVES to do miracles! And we are most humbled to be part of them when He chooses. Yippee GOD!! 🙂

  4. How wonderful for Ruby. God is good and does heal. Doctors are just God's catalyst for performing the necessary steps to help the healing. Unfortunately, some doctors believe they are God which really serves them no good. Only God truly heals. I have worked in health care a long time to see God's work done through the medical team. We are nothing special, just working with God to help out humans…His people.

  5. O sweet Jesus, glory to God!!!! I had a feeling this was coming soon!!! She is truly a miracle girl. Her life is redeemed from destruction… every single bit of it!!! Celebrating with you. Thank you, thank you Jesus. And thank you Linny for sharing. This makes my day, week, month….

  6. Oh Linny! That is just awesome – what a fabulous God we serve. Ruby is being healed one step at a time and in God's perfect timing. He is continuing to use Ruby's story for His good. Thank you for being so faithful to see His miracles and to believe in them. Love you guys and Happy Valentines Day to all of you and to Emma Joy in Uganda.

  7. Oh I am full of HAPPY tears, my friend!!! All I could say while watching the video is, "Praise you Jesus. Praise God!" Victory dance over here!!! What a blessing it is to witness this miracle and beautiful little girl!

  8. praise the Lord!!! OF COURSE ruby is beginning to see!! and OF COURSE it is all God's hand – He is the Great Physician afterall! Much more powerful than that stupid specialist…. :} please, please please tell us the conversation you have with him when he HAS to admit that ruby is indeed beginning to see!!! 🙂 <3 such a fun post to read at the end of this happy valentine's day. 🙂

  9. Uh huh! I knew she was intentionally putting her head in Fiona's lap and grinning right at her face!! I would have sworn she could see her there and knew exactly where to aim! Ha! I LOVE it!!!

  10. OH, praise to God! What we've hoped and prayed for. Giving thanks to the Great Physician. Happy ending to my day. So glad y'all saw all this and caught it on video tape.

  11. Hallelujah! Praise the Almighty!! I am reminded about Luke 5:13 where the leper said to Jesus," Lord if you are willing…. and He answered and said: I am willing….."
    I've got goose-bubbles, this is for God's honor and credit.Thank you for sharing.

  12. wow!!!! amazing!!!! i can not wait until you can go show that "yukky surgeon" what our God can do!!!!! i would love to be a fly on the wall during that doctor's visit!!! 🙂 keep praying and keep seeing miracle ruby!!!!

  13. Amazing! Top 5 of one of the best things I have ever seen. God is so good! I cannot begin to tell you what hope this gave me. Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing Ruby's incredible story.

  14. HOORAH – miracles DO happen – we only need the eyes to see them. Any chance you could e-mail that video to Dr. Disbeliever? 😉

    hugs and great joy – and happy about the mess too!

    aus and co.

    1. One day I will go in person and take Miss Ruby – it's too miraculous not to do it in person…ONE DAY!! Besides with his firm disposition and set jaw, I just have to see that set jaw drop in person. =) I might have to have the video rolling for it too. *giggle*

  15. That the doctor might believe. Beaming… God is AWESOME 😀 Praying that God will heal Ruby's sight and that this unbelieving doctor will not be able to deny our God any longer. I have HOPE that this doctor will realize God is HIS God too!

  16. Oh wow! Tears in my eyes as I read this! Faithful God!! How awesome it is that He has chosen you guys to declare publicly, to even those who don't believe, how powerful and mighty He is! Yay Ruby! Yay GOD!!

  17. Tears here!
    You probably don't remember, but awhile back I left a note about praying for Ruby's sight and hearing the Lord say he was "preserving"/keeping them and she would see down the road. That is not exactly how it was worded but I REALLY struggled with posting it because if she was not meant to be healed here on earth that is ok and you all were certainly ok with that too. I didn't want to sound like that was even necessary for Ruby to have a full wonderful life but I really felt that God had said it.(Hope that makes sense.) Anyway! Here we are and he has "preserved" her sight!! Doesn't it just make you struggle between running to those doctors and falling on your face before the Lord and never getting up? Also, just so you can start wrapping your head around it now, I'm going to "speak" this out loud now…Ruby will be working with Emma in Uganda one day! Sheri

  18. Oh Linny, I just knew the doctors were wrong. I never said it out loud, but I knew with your first post about it, I knew that God would prove it otherwise. Rejoicing with you. Praying for the hard hearted Dr.

  19. He can and will do anything. We had front row seats to seeing God heal our son (adopted from foster carse) of FASD!!!! Oh yes, He did and we have proof!!! "Blessed is she who has believed God will do what He said He would." Luke 1:45 (or around there… :))

  20. Yes, at first I thought she might be hearing very accurately what is happening – that would be hard on carpet. Also, I do believe in the power of prayer and in God's abiltiy to do whatever he wills. I also believe in man's arrogance and stupid humanness – one person may be trying to "get you to accept the truth" but lets be real – hope should not die – we are not in control of what a child can learn or develop to do. Also, the medical world is not omnicient, God is. What may be known or accepted at this time could well change in Ruby's lifetime. Corrective surgery or medically unaccepted treatment such as vision therapy (which works!) may be come possible and accepted and change people's minds. I don't think there is ever a definitive statement such as she will never see – none of us can say that. Good Job Ruby!

  21. Rejoicing with you! Oh Ruby you are perfect in every way. I know that day was hard with the doctor, but your response was so amazing and I am always so inspired by you. Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. His love never fails it never gives up and He loves her so much!

  22. I SOOO needed this reminder today, that HE DOES MIRACLES STILL!!! BIG ONES!!! We are actively praying for Him to unite us with a precious little baby in Asia who has stolen our hearts and who we have been told that it will take a flat out miracle to have her placed with us. The Lord continues to remind us that HE CAN perform this miracle! Thank you for testifying to His goodness and power!

  23. Singing praises and rejoicing with you! "The lame will walk, the blind will see, deaf ears will open, God's arm is not too short to save", such specific and special promises from above – thank you for your example of faith and your bold testimony!

  24. Wow, thank you for sharing this amazing story! How neat to hear about how God is still hearing the blind in this modern day.

    A word about the eye specialist. I might think of him not as cold-hearted but just as someone who was extremely nervous about avoiding a lawsuit. I can see that many people, if told there was some chance of recovery, might sue if the patient did not recover. (Of course, I know your family wouldn't do this.)

    When I counsel clients, I always put instructions in writing so nothing can be misunderstood. I'm very careful to say, "it's unlikely," or I explain what might happen if they do not follow the procedures. You never want a client to say, "You didn't tell me" and sue. Of course, God does miracles. But I sure wouldn't want a client to come back and say, "The situation didn't improve like you promised!"

  25. I am praising the Lord for your willingness to share about your sweetie pies and how Lord is blessing their vision. When my daughter was 5 she was diagnosed with congenital glaucoma in her right eye. The eye doc said she had never used that eye and we started patching to strengthen those muscles. Fast forward to the present. My sweet girl is now 7 and we moved across the country last summer. The new doctor laughingly announces that my dear precious girl no longer has her peripheral vision. He also declares there will be no patching. I am completely distraught!! The Lord has proven to me in the past, that where my kids are concerned, He is the Healer of the Impossible. He reminded me of another time that my daughter had an injury and all the professionals said there would be no healing – God brought complete healing. So, I am praying for His complete healing of her optic nerve and for regrowth of those nerve cells that have ceased to exist. Thank you Linny for your encouragement!

  26. Tears of joy for sweet Ruby! We believe in miracles! After Dave's motorcycle accident, doctors said that he would never walk again, never use the bathroom by himself, never go to college, never be able to take care of himself, and he would ALWAYS need a shunt to drain the excess fluid in his brain. BUT GOD had different plans and COMPLETELY healed him! He got is BA in 3 years, had his shunt removed (doctors still are scratching their heads about that one), and went on to get his MBA. He gave his life to God after that accident and lives daily for Him. I praise God for the miracles he's done in our lives. There is always, always hope! Praising God with you for Ruby's miracle!

    Amy P.

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