Today our family is riveted to the Tornado stories that we are hearing out of Moore, Oklahoma.
The tragedies are breaking our hearts.
The miracle stories are making us cry as well.
Tears and prayers all day long.
All of it so sobering.
Our family knows well the trauma of a tornado, and it was horrible,
but it was nothing like this one in Moore.
Tornadoes all around our nation – so much devastation.
Tornadoes are terrifying.
Knowing there are still potential tornadoes across our nation, who can imagine?
The station we are watching just said that there is an average of 1270+ tornadoes across the United States each year.
Have you ever experienced a tornado?
If you have, it might be good to talk about it. Sometimes it’s just good to talk.
And if you feel like, go ahead. I’m all ‘ears’.
Either way, have you been watching the news today or is our family one of the few?
I've been keeping up with the news of the tornadoes on CNN. So happy to hear today that the death toll of 51 was wrong. But 24 is still terribly sad. Perhaps it will make many think on eternal things. "God speaks once, yea twice…"
We were rejoicing at the lower death toll as well. We were also thrilled that so many were found alive today! That was exactly what we prayed for!
I don't have cable, but I've been reading the stories online. It made me a bit nervous when we had a small thunderstorm come up today. Praises that the death toll is so low. Prayers for those families who have lost loved ones.
Amy in ga
The stories are incredible. Miracles everywhere!
Oh linny… I had the roof blown off my grade school when I was in kindergarten…. thank God it was on a saturday… but I have been pretty terrified ever since of storms…
We are cutting the trip short and heading home already… should have the boys ready to go help in Moore by Friday… after working in Joplin many times we know the need is huge… thanks for praying for our state… love to you all!
Wow Sara. I can imagine how that would make an impression forever!
I know how much you wanted a vacation, but I also know that you guys are precious and no surprise that you would head back to help. I sure love all of you!! xoxo Grateful you guys were able to spend some time with us.
We too have been watching and praying…heart breaking is what it is! I cannot imagine sending one of my children to school and then never seeing them again…
I was saying to Dw and my bigger kids today that if I had to wait to see if they found my child, you would have to sedate me -heavily! Can't imagine at all.
My Don and myself have been praying and crying many tears over the loss. It is truly heart breaking. And yes, we, too would have to be heavily sedated. Can bearly watch the news…
God Bless,
Most recently, I know how difficult it is to wait when our medically fragile precious Ruby is in having brain surgery – knowing the risks. I know what it's like to wait when Karl had just been air lifted in and Stuart saw the CT scan and whispered to Dw, "It doesn't look good"….
Both, personally, such agonizing times..
But to sit and wait knowing your child is under a pile of cement, steel and debris? Truly, it could only be God's grace that would sustain…what if you don't even know the Lord?
Yesterday there was a woman being interviewed…she had grabbed her little boy and drove like crazy and her house was destroyed. The reporter asked her something about 'thanking the Lord"…{such a shock given it was the most liberal news channel of all} and she sheepishly said, "I'm an atheist, but I don't blame anyone who does thank the Lord". I am going to be praying for that young woman – clearly only God spared her life…
May this tragedy have people turning to Almighty God and Hm alone.
One tragedy after another. Heart breaking. Do you let the little ones watch? Sometimes I think I give my little one (8) too much reality, sometimes not enough 🙂
We do let them watch, as much as they want to. They come in, run and play some Legos, come back…If there were to be something gorey, that would be different….but we had a tornado a few years back and our home sustained $17,000. damage…Dw's office at the church was destroyed, parts of our little town's village completely destroyed…that was reality for our kids at home at the time…
We have always just had a very open policy to the realities of this world…we talk freely about it in an effort to prepare them, see the hurting of others and remind them always of the faithfulness of God.
Wow, you guys have been through everything and bounce back even stronger in faith. Does Satan ever give up on you ?
Your answer reminds me of a quote attributed to Mr. Rogers
"When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, 'Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.'" — Fred Rogers
Our neighborhood was hit by a tornado 9 years ago this summer. 30 homes were flattened, 100 damaged. We were lucky and only ended up with a random trampoline in our yard, and our swingset demolished. The neighbors directly across the street had one of their bedrooms completely destroyed, while the homes about 6 houses down the street were destroyed completely. The only death was one pet dog,and only one woman was seriously injured. Still it was devastating to our community and to the children especially,who were home at the time (we were not). My heart goes out to the people of Oklahoma.
I am so sorry for the loss to your neighborhood 9 years ago. It has a profound impact, doesn't it?
It is hard! I have about 30 family members that live in OK, and about 15 of them in Moore. My grandmother and aunt's house was completely demolished, wiped to the slab Monday afternoon in this terrible storm. Thanking God Almighty for protecting them by sending them out of town. They came home Monday night to total devastation. My grandfather passed away about a year and a half ago and my grandmother hadn't been able to go through his things yet. I did find out yesterday that her biggest prayer was to find hers and his wedding bands and last night as they were sifting through piles they kicked over a piece of wood and under it was her jewelry box with their rings! Reminded me of your story Monday, He DOES care about the little details!!!!! Please continue to pray, as we all are. There is A LOT to be done surrounded by A LOT of heartache!!!
I will be praying for your family. I am so sorry. And what an amazing story of the wedding rings. Thank you Jesus. Precious treasures kept safe by the most loving God.
We do not have "pipped in" television in our home. But I go and visit my dad (a widower) every evening for a while to check in and keep him company. I usually watch the weather channel with him for a few moments. I was aghast at the destruction of this tornado in Oklahoma. I pray for those who lost loved ones and homes. I have lost a child so feel so badly for the families that lost children as well. I have been praying for God to be with all those that have a long road of clean up and rebuilding their homes and lives. Those whose lives will be changed forever. My family and animals on our farm have a huge respect and (my children are now very afraid of storms) because we live in North Georgia where we have had many tornado's in our area over the years. The closest ones that went right by our home were the one huge tornado that went thru a few months back. The path was less than a mile from our home and we lost a huge tree. All around our home and down the street from us was just devastated. The path was all the way from Adairsville to Oakman. It was powerful and on the ground for a long period of time. The path of that thing was just piles of rubble once it was gone. Praise God our community lost only one soul. Bless his heart. It would have been much worse but happened while everyone was at work as well. So most of the homes were empty. About a year before this one came thru another had went thru on the exact same path, varying only slightly in some areas. Many that had repaired damage and rebuild from last year lost everything once again. It is just so sad anytime this type of thing happens. About 5 years ago we had a tornado go directly over our home. We live in a little valley and the tornado sucked up our neighbors garage, jumped off the ground and took the tops off the trees off around our home, but hit the ground on the other side of our property. My husband and I were out on a date when it hit. I praise God for sparing my children. Needless to say when there is bad weather our animals and children now are just really scared. They have seen it so many times. They know to pray and trust in God. We have an area of our home to go to in case we hear the tornado sirens. But both this year and last year we never heard the sirens the wind was so loud and powerful. We heard the train sound and felt the air pressure change. I always put pillows all over my son who is in a wheel chair as he is so big there is no way to quickly and safely get him out of his chair and covered up. I stand over him to try to protect his head just in case. Praise God we have never lost more than trees and some roofing pealed back. I Praise God for his sparing us but we have seen time and time again first hand the landscape changed, homes gone and never rebuild by powerful tornado's in our area. I pray God be with all those across the nation who are in the stages of clean up and dealing with such loss. There has only been a small amount of clean up and rebuilding done in our area as many had no insurance. May Gods mighty hand of protection be over our nation in His mercy and grace and may many souls come to Him thru all that has went happened. God be with you, susan
I am so sorry for the loss of your child. What heartache. I am also sorry for the tornado you experienced. Traumatic events like that change our lives forever. No matter how much we do after to go back to "normal". It's a new normal. Bless you my friend.
Boy do I have a tornado story or 5. We take them very seriously around here. The latest one hit just a block away 2 weeks after we moved into our new house. (our 1st house without a basement.) The pressure caused the drywall on the ceiling in the garage to fall down but no other damage to our house. One house was leveled though. The one that left the biggest mark for me was the furthest away. My mom was at my grandparents house in Kentucky and the day I left to go down to visit and bring her home a HUGE tornado struck the little college town where they live. I heard about it for the 1st time on the radio as I was driving through Cincinnati. I had 2 1/2 hours to worry myself sick about them. The national guard had the city shut down. My cousin was trapped in his car under a power line in the middle of town for 4 hours. When I arrived at the house they had no idea what had happened because the power was off. Geesh.
Wow. That must have been a terribly frightening 2.5 hours. And then their power was off and didn't even know what had happened? Geesh is right!
I haven't been directly involved in a tornado but as close as we got to one was pretty darn scary. I was a young teen at the time and we were camping in our RV in Minnesota. My mom had been following the storm for a long time on the tv and I think it had developed a tornado but I can't remember specifically. I remember putting all the stuff we had out in secure spots. And then watching to see if we needed to go to the shelter. We didn't go because my moms boyfriend at the time didn't feel it was necessary but us kids wanted to go. The storm hit and that camper was rocking, I think on 2 wheels, and we were praying and telling stories to try to not be so scared. The doorbell rang, who has one of those on a camper anyway? We did. My mom's boyfriend at the time thought it was a rescue and opened the door. He was quickly pulled out of the camper by the wind catching the door. After it was over his body print was in the door he got sucked out and banged so hard. Anyway, no one was there and he slowly got back inside and wasn't injured, bruised maybe but no broken bones or anything. I think god rang that doorbell though because after the door was opened the windshield blew out and the camper quit rocking and we rode out the rest of the storm a bit easier. Afterwards there was many campers destroyed. Our sustained quite a bit of damage but we had not pulled our vehicle behind this time so we had to drive home in the rain with no windshield which really hurt. We made it to my mom's work and then her boss drove us home. The camper was totaled because the walls were so warped from the wind and rain driving in them. It was straight line winds with out a tornado but still destructive and dangerous. Still don't enjoy storms while camping I will head to the shelter probably long before necessary now and just wait it out.
A tornado in a camper would be petrifying. I can't imagine. I am thankful you were all okay. And yes, I would be heading to safety as soon as I knew a tornado was even possible. xo
I too have been following online some. It really does make me remember that life can change in a minute without any warning. My prayers go out to all of those dealing with the aftermath.
It is pretty sobering just how fast life can change. I'm sure those affected are all thankful for the prayers offered.
I too have been following along online and my prayers go out to those dealing with the aftermath. This has made me remember that life can change without warning in moments time.
Linny, I can't begin to tell you how much your blog has impacted my life. I your witness and testimony
of how God works in your life has truly been a blessing. Your heart for God is so big. I know it is all
God but I am grateful that you share it with us.
Thank you It'sMe. You have no idea how much I needed your tender comment today. xo