Maybe It’s the Silver Hair

Today Isaiah had an appointment downtown for his Arthrogryposis.
Ruby, Isaiah, and I left early this morning to get there on time.

He needed to have some x-rays done and a mom and her two kids joined the three of
us as we waited in the chairs outside the x-ray room.

The mom and her two kids stared straight ahead.  We were in tight quarters,
 but you know that awkwardness when you are in tight quarters with others
who you don’t know, no one is saying a word and there is no end in sight?

I suddenly felt that I should just start telling them Ruby’s story, after all,
maybe these two little boys know nothing about the power of God.
Or maybe the mom has never imagined all that God can do.

Truthfully, I really am shy, but maybe it’s the silver hair or maybe it’s just finally {!}
realizing that time is short and people need to hear about the power of God
or maybe it was just the Lord prompting me…but I dove right in.

Unsolicited I turned to the little boy who was nearest Ruby and began,
“Would you like to meet my little girl?  
She’s a miracle.  
Do you know what a miracle is? 
Have you ever seen a miracle?  
It’s something that no one could do, only God.  
And He’s doing it.   
He’s healing this little girl, right here!  
Do you want to see what she used to look like?”

The mom was leaning in, smiling and listening as I grabbed my cell phone and
flipped through the pictures to the one you all have seen of Ruby in Emma’s arms…
the mom gasped!
The little boy’s eyes darted back and forth between Ruby and the picture.

I flipped to another picture, one I have not posted anywhere
{although I may include it in her book –
I’m still working on it and praying it is ready for Christmas}
due to the pain associated with the picture.
It is probably not like anything anyone has likely ever seen before.

As the mom stared at the pictures, her eyes appeared teary, listening,
as I poured out Ruby’s story and all that God had done and was doing.
I told her about her eyes and the healing that God is doing there too.

Did you realize that when you tell a story of something that happened to you,
no one can argue?

They can’t.

It’s your story or in this case, Ruby’s story and no one can argue when it’s a personal story.
And no one can deny the power of God as they hear it and see the pictures and then look into her adorable, enthusiastically smiling, most exuberant squealing face
{she love, love, loves to meet new people}.

It is these stories of the Ruby’s, your children, your own life that open people’s
hearts to an all powerful God.

He is the healer.

He cares.

He works.

He advocates.

He rescues.

He defends.

He is faithful.

He’s not just a little faithful.

He is always, completely faithful.

Have you shared your story lately?
Have you opened up to people you don’t even know to tell them
what Almighty God has done for you?

Silver hair aside, it was a powerful few moments.  Ruby loved meeting them and grinning and squealing and I just have to think that all day today that mom and her two children thought about a baby girl, emaciated and dying in a garden who was rescued by God and now lives to tell the miracles of Him.

Tell your story.

It doesn’t have to be as dramatic as Ruby’s.

It’s yours.

He’s been faithful to you.

The world needs to hear it too.
Because many don’t know about God
the power of God
the love of God.

Go ahead, share it.

Don’t wait for the silver hair.

28 thoughts on “Maybe It’s the Silver Hair

  1. All of your children have amazing stories! I love hearing them. Mine have sweet stories as well, simple stories, but they are unique in their own way. I always hope that Emma will share a bit more about the journey she is on.. hint hint. lol

    By the way… if you aren't already you should carry "friendship cards". They are basically business cards but with your blog info. So you can easily direct people to the rest of your stories πŸ™‚

    1. Kandi,
      You are so right!! And today, for the first time ever, I tucked cards with my blog info on it in my purse as I left for downtown. But did I think of handing it out? Ummm, no. Silly me. Silver hair probably. Maybe a tattoo on my hand would remind me. Kidding, kidding. Ugh. I will remember, one day!

  2. I prayed about it for years……About writing a book of our lives and all the miracles that God has done for us and our children. True huge miracles. Undeniable miracles. I worried about exposing our family and our children to the world and to ridicule. I also prayed about blogging and had the same concerns. I do share the miracles God has done for us one on one all the time with people. People who have lost hope and need encouragement. I am a chaplain at our local hospital. I have been their Sunday chaplain for 12 years. This year they had a new rule. No working in the hospital unless you had a flu shot. From October 1st till end of March. I can not take the flu shot. So for the first time in 12 years. I had six months of Sundays of not serving at the hospital. I felt it was time. I felt it was ok. So, I finally wrote the book during that time. The book of our lives and miracles that God did over and over again and I started blogging. πŸ™‚ I still have not figured out yet how to go about publishing the book. But I will one day. God is so good. Everything in His time. God bless you for being so faithful to share. God pours in, we pour it out to others. It feels so good to be a useful vessel of our God. May we all always be faithful to share. Blessings.

    1. It was exhilarating. Of course, I share Ruby's story often, if someone even slows to smile at her…but this was different, they were staring straight ahead and all I could think was, "Let's liven this little place up a bit with a beautiful story of miracles from God!" So fun!

  3. I love to share our Meya's story. I want people to know how blessed we are to have her versus what so many say about her being blessed that we adopted her. I think it is hard for many to wrap their heads around the joy we get loving our kiddos that have severe special needs. I can attest how much my faith has grown and how in awe I am that God chose us for our Meya. Ours was a domestic adoption with Meya being our foster daughter first and then after much struggling with (gasp) our age being a factor in adopting her – we heard things such as from a doctor "you will go to your grave caring for her" and my reply was I couldn't think of a better way to live my life. Anyways, she turns 7 soon and I turn 49 soon (dh is early 50's), so it all worked out and here we are sharing our story!

    1. You understand the joy! Yes, we "get to"…I hate, hate, hate when some one says, "Oh you are so blah-blah-blah for doing this." We always say, "Actually, we are really selfish, we want all the fun we can have!" Ha!

  4. So True! We each have our own story, filled with Miracles from our God! I remember a sermon years ago on "how to witness" and that it was just telling your story; where you were before God and how far you've come since knowing Him. It was such a simple idea, but so profound…

    1. It is the perfect way to witness and yes, I've heard it before too. It really is so true. Who can argue? The worst she could have done was stare back. But she totally got into it and got emotional and ohhd and aaahd about her. Because the pictures tell it all! xo

  5. although i love telling my own God sightings and stories, i sure do love telling Ruby's story with people πŸ™‚ that girl is something special.
    love, her wisconsin friend, Jensine

    1. You know what I love most Jensine? That you've held our little treasure. That you've snuggled with her. That you've whispered to her. And you've told her how precious she is, because you *know* more the most, her intrinsic value, because of the road you've walked. I love you my friend!! xo

  6. What a beautiful experience. Ruby is such a blessing to so many, our family included. It is amazing to see what the Lord is doing with Ruby, and through Ruby. She brings so much joy, hope, faith and encouragement to our family. Thank you so much for sharing her story. God bless you. ~Tina

  7. I've started walking once a week with a neighbor, building a relationship & working toward sharing the gospel with her. This was just what I needed to hear before we walked, and tonight I shared a (small) story of God's faithfulness in my life. I hope it's the start of many important conversations we have. Thanks for the nudge!

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