Ruby Today – Update at Bottom

Although today was proceeding as usual, shortly after 3pm
Ruby has had a long grand mal seizure.

We have a rigid routine we are to follow to try to stop the seizure
as the length of them could be life-threatening.
We were able to do it just like the doctor had prescribed,
administering the very powerful meds in her bum,
twice, and finally it stopped.

As it ended the paramedics arrived and eventually transported Ruby and I
 by ambulance down to the hospital.

If you are my Facebook friend, you may have 
seen this picture of our miracle girl
 which I posted just two days ago.  
Can you believe her giggle? 
It’s truly contagious.

Two days ago Ruby was having a blast in her stander as I made dinner –
tossing that toy off the side, laughing, waiting for me to pick it up and set it back,
where she would grab it again and toss it over.
We love her being a two year old and her giggle truly is contagious.

Anyway, the grand mal was long and we are here waiting to see what the plan is,
I pray they watch her a bit and then let us go home.

Of course, besides the seizure, the large doses of the meds rectally also have knocked her out.
She’s sleeping soundly beside me.

If you think of her, our miracle girl could sure use your prayers.


Thankful for all of you who have been praying.
It has been a really long day.
{Knee Team – you rock!}

When the ambulance got to the ER this afternoon the ER doctor
was the very same ER doctor who was on the night I landed with Ruby from Africa.
 How cool is that?
The doc was tickled today to see Ruby and
couldn’t believe how much she has grown.

Anyway, after giving her a good looky and consulting her neurosurgeon
and neurologist they decided to up her dose of seizure meds.  
Ruby was totally out of it, but eventually woke up enough to ‘meet’ the nurse assigned to her.
She perked a bit and it was so good to see her more normal.

They then said if we were okay with going home, we could.

There is nothing sweeter than sleeping in our own bed, so we headed out!

She became very animated on the way home 
and was actually making me laugh out loud.  
She’s a true hoot when she gets going.  
And being a bit of a Ruby-whisperer, 
I’m pretty sure she was saying, 

“Thank goodness we’re outta there!”

Dw commented a few minutes ago, “You know it’s been a tough day, 
when the easiest part of the day was finding our gas had been siphoned last night
{while he watched Graham play at a local coffee shop}.”  

The gas thieves must have seen a big monster van and figured it 
was as good as being at the pump –
 right there in the convenience of the coffee shop/movie theatre parking lot!  

Perhaps they even sipped a coffee as they helped themselves.

Bless their hearts.  

Anyway, thank you all so much for praying for little Miss Ruby.

We went to turn the script in for the ‘during the seizure’ meds
and found our local pharmacy closed.

After all, it was 7 on a Saturday night, why would they be open?
Silly us.

So Dw dropped us at home and drove to one a few miles away.

Closed as well.


The only one he could find open is one that is back downtown,
ya’ know, where we just came from Phoenix Children’s.

He’s headed there now.  

After stopping to get gas, 
of course.

34 thoughts on “Ruby Today – Update at Bottom

  1. Lord God in heaven, we praise you and thank you for all you have done for us. For your mercy and grace. For salvation and your love. That you love each of us so much that you sent your only Son to die for us. But your Word also says that Jesus stood at that whipping post for our healing. Your Word says, By His stripes we are healed! I claim this for precious Ruby oh Lord and ask for her miracle healing. That you will hold her and her family in the palm of Your hand bringing christian people along to minister to them as unto the Lord. That you will give the doctors and nurses wisdom and understanding in doing test, reading results and providing medication. We thank you and praise you for your faithfulness. For always being with us. For being with Ruby from the beginning of her life till now. You have always had your hand on her. Thank you almighty God. Amen.

  2. oh praying for you on so many fronts! Precious Ruby…gift from God! Please anoint the doctors, Father and give them discernment on what is best for this precious child. Oh Lord, please be with Linny as she waits…give her peace and assurance…touch her heart with Your deep love and whisper Your comfort to her. We pray for them unceasingly and lift up all the cares they have right now…protect all their precious children across the world as they serve You with all their hearts. We thank You for each one of them and praise You and give You the glory for the outcomes! In Jesus Name…<3

  3. oh sweet Ruby…sorry to read of the seizure but glad she's ok. Gas thieves? Maybe a looking gas cap is in the future? Bummer! Hugs and prayers.

  4. I'm glad you still have a sense of humor despite all that's going on. You rock, girl!
    Glad you're all home now. Praying for Ruby and for all of you to have a good nights sleep.

  5. So glad to hear that sweet Ruby is doing better. I will keep her in prayer concerning this for sure. My daughter has occasional seizures and the next few days after one, she is pretty tired and wiped out a bit. Muscles sore from contracting so hard and all. Sorry to hear about the gas being siphoned. Gas being siphoned out of a van that belongs to a child of the King! Bless their hearts. If they only knew! I pray Ruby is back to her giggly self and your day today is blessed and uneventful. God be with you!

  6. Linny! You're so strong and faithful. I would be a weeping mess if all that happened in a day. I've never experienced someone I know having a seizure, but I can only imagine one never gets used to it. I'm praying that the new med dose works and Ruby become free of seizures. Hugs!

  7. So glad to hear that Ruby is doing better. Those extended seizures are the worst. It's good the rescue med you had worked. Our treasure also has seizures, one lasting over an hour. Great news that she is perking up and acting more like herself.

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