Many of you who have been hanging around our
Place Called Simplicity for a few years will remember
me mentioning Wolf Creek Pass.
It’s a mountain pass that we would have to travel through
fairly often: heading anywhere North like Denver or
Isaiah’s casting appointments or East, like to our hometowns.
Wolf Creek Pass is gorgeous beyond words.
Here’s a picture I took up on Wolf Creek a few years back.
Loving the landscape, I’ve taken tons of them.
And truly, one can’t grasp the beauty without seeing it
for oneself.
It makes me gasp every time.
I love, love, love the mountains.
Autumn called the other day to ask me,
“Have you heard about Wolf Creek?”
I had not.
{Autumn and Karl live about 1/2 hour south of Wolf Creek pass.}
She went on to tell me that there is a terrible fire raging up there in the
thousands of acres of national forest.
Autumn and Karl’s home is not in any danger
{unless the wind shifts}.
Personally speaking, probably as a result of losing our home
to a fire, I have very strong emotions when it comes to fires.
I hate them.
They freak me out.
They are so powerful.
And in this case, so much of God’s natural beauty destroyed.
I hate them.
They freak me out.
They are so powerful.
And in this case, so much of God’s natural beauty destroyed.
West Wolf Creek Fire – Photo from Pike Hot Shot/ Twitter
The little town below of Del Norte is where we have stopped
dozens and dozens of times…
I am in disbelief.
We know the area very well.
Laura McConnell, PIO Mountain View Fire Rescue
So many natural disasters these last few years.
Where, once upon a time, they were a rare thing.
Now it almost seems daily.
Below is a picture that Autumn took of the Wolf Creek fire
as she went into work last night.
If it crosses your mind, would you pray with me that the fires cease
{in Colorado and elsewhere}?
For protection for the firefighters, residents, etc.?
Yes, I will continue to pray with you.
Will pray-there is a ministry we listen to in Co Springs and many staff have been evacuated due to fire in the Black Forest. We have heavy rains here. Just got another 1 1/2 inch this morning. Flood warnings for rivers. Many in NE Iowa did not even get crops planted this year. To bad this rain could not get to Colorado.
Scary stuff! When I was 9 or 10 my mom spent some time working in camp crew during fire season to bring in some much needed money to our tight little budget. She has some stories to tell! I'm glad I didn't know about most of them until I was older as they are kinda scary at times.
Last summer when returning from vacation to visit family in Oregon (we live in Cali) we traveled through about two hours of the road being burned on both sides with their being no end in sight to the blackness. We were praying that we did not run into a fire anywhere and were thankful that it had already passed a few days before and not while we were trying to get home.
We have been praying all day long for the Lord to grant favor and change the direction of the wind. He answered our prayers. For tonight, my dad's cabin at South Fork is safe. Tonight, my 5 year old prayed "I love you Lord. I know you can change the direction of the wind." It is my prayer that my (unbelieving) dad sees Jesus in those words. Thank you for this post.
Yes of course l am praying for protection for brave firefighters, residents, animals, etc. I hate horrible fires too .