We Won’t Be Disappointed

This heart of mine has been feeling pretty heavy.

So many tragic things going on around us.

Precious treasures in the hospital fighting for their lives,
one particularly close to our hearts, Mattie.

Communities lost to the tornadoes recently, like Moore, Oklahoma.

Hundreds of homes lost in the last two days to wild fires in Colorado,
{right where we looked at homes when we were hoping of moving to 
Colorado Springs once-upon-a-time}.

A dear friend battling cancer {love you K.}.

Another precious friend hanging on by a thread to hope for her future.





Many have had to wonder:

Why even pray?

Does prayer even matter?

Stop the wondering!!!

God’s word has always got to be our final authority.

Why pray?

Because God’s word tells us we are to pray about 

“Pray without ceasing.” 
I Thes. 5:17

It also tells us:  

“Cast all your cares upon Him, 
for He cares for you.”
I Peter 5:7

He longs for us to talk to Him.

He craves us coming to Him with our cares.

To tell him our struggles, our grief, our loss, our fears, our heartbreaks, our betrayals.


Because He wants, more than anything, relationship with us.

And because He wants to answer our prayers.

He really does.

Sometimes He moves just because we simply asked.

Sometimes He moves after we have prayed much.

Sometimes He moves in ways we hadn’t prayed, but always it’s for our best.

Sometimes He moves when many join together to pray about the same thing.

Why does He do it like that?

I have no idea.

Perhaps it’s because when we come together earnestly praying for one common cause:

We are unified. 

 He loves to see us kneeling together, hands joined, arms linked, contending for one purpose.

And there is definitely, no doubt, that He loves to move on our behalf when we
collectively come together for one common purpose.

Sadly, there is grumpiness, anger, bitterness, unforgiveness and even hatred among God’s people.

This grieves God’s heart.

What parent likes to see his children fighting and being mean to one another?

I know I don’t sure like when my kids argue at all.

So maybe that has something to do with it.

Whatever His reasons, there is a common thread throughout scripture that
when people agree and pray together,
 He does,
 move mountains.

On that note,

let’s pray [and fast] together on

Monday, June 17th.

We’ll open up the comments and allow prayer requests.

Let’s kneel together for miracles.

Let’s kneel together for healing for those who are sick.

Let’s kneel together for the fires to stop,
the tornadoes to end,
the hurricanes to banish…

For farmers to have crops flourish where drought has been.

For the treasures in Russia caught in the cross-fires of the adoption ban to be set free!

For those needing adoption funds to come  – to be flooded with donations. 

For those sponsoring kids this summer to have an opportunity to show
them the love of God in a real and tangible way.  

For missionaries on the field to be encouraged.

For orphans’ families to find them.

For those imprisoned for their faith to be set free.

For those sharing the Gospel with the threat of imprisonment to be encouraged.

For the moral decay to end around the world.

For those holding onto unforgiveness to release it.

For those struggling to be set free.

Whatever the need  – He *is* the Need-Meeter.

He can do anything.

There is nothing too difficult for Him.


“Those who hope in me, 
will not be disappointed.”
Isaiah 49:23

Let’s join together this Monday and see what God will do, when we are unified.

This week-end I will be posting about how to prepare to fast, I invite you, 
if you have never fasted, or haven’t fasted regularly, 
to prepare for this spiritual discipline.

Join us.

God’s going to do some amazing things, I just know it.

Ya’ know how I know?

“Those who hope in Him will not be disappointed.”
[That’s where my hope is.]

26 thoughts on “We Won’t Be Disappointed

  1. oh Linny…Hope is rising! Praying on Monday! Thank you for renewed focus and purpose to stay the course, pray unceasingly and keep our eyes on Jesus! Hope for the brokenhearted! A day of prayer and fasting…just what we needed! blessings<3cindy

  2. I will be joining you. I needed to hear this verse tonight. Tomorrow afternoon Joel and I will be heading two hours north to Mpls. To a healing service. People from CO are coming to hold it. Those who hope me The Lord will not be disappointed!

  3. Thanks for praying, and remnding us all to pray together. My sister has evacuated her home in the Springs, and I keep remembering what you said about how devestating losing a home is and praying for all those families that have already lost theirs…

  4. I am in. I was just feeling the need to fast again. So many needs such a big God. I am so thankful for the prayer and fasting times with you guys and so thankful I am part of the knee team.

  5. Will be joining y'all in prayer and fasting here on Freedom Hollow Farm in Middle Tennessee. I continue to pray for reconiliation with my boy Brock. It is coming on 4 years this September since I hugged my boy.

    God has a plan and it is way better than mine. How I'll rejoice and praise HIm when I hug my boy again!


  6. Praying with you all….I too have had such a heavy heart with all that is going on. In my own life, I am praying for The Lord to send someone to speak to the young girls in our community on issues like purity, modesty etc. He has put this on my heart and I am trusting Him to provide the details! May God bless your dear family. You are truly an inspiration.

    1. Autumn, I am glad you are joining with us. A thought from this silver haired mama? If the Lord's put the need on your heart, I am wondering if you are the answer to the need? You are perfect, because of your obedient and tender heart…and if He's calling you, He *will* give you everything you need to accomplish it. Just tell Him you will and see what happens.

    2. I appreciate your thoughts…..although it does send shivers down my spine and causes these weak knees to knock. At 29 and Mommy to 3 little ones, I feel I am still in great need of being taught. Not being the teacher. I will be open and obedient to His will, though. Thanks for the prayers. On another note…just found out a friend of ours was in a bad accident and at the moment is paralyzed from chest area down. He is 25 years old. He is able to move his arms at this point. I am so thankful we serve an all-knowing God!

  7. Linny, please pray. My marriage is falling apart. My husband has been unfaithful many times during our marriage and it appears that he is once again choosing someone else over me. I am tired of forgiving, tired of holding out hope that he will repent, just tired. On the surface, all is well. I teach a Bible study class on Thursday evening, he attends church on Sunday morning. At home, he is constantly berating me, bitter and angry. It is like living in the house with a rattlesnake, never knowing when he will strike or what will provoke him. Surely God didn't mean for me to live this way forever. There is no easy solution. Please pray.

    1. Oh my sweet friend,
      If I was nearby, I would take you for coffee to talk. I am so sorry the betrayal and deep heartache you have experienced for so long! It's time to move on. Infidelity without repentance and accountability only leads to more infidelity. You have bravely forgiven and moved on.

      Clearly your husband is non-repentant. Yes, God does hate divorce, but He allows it for infidelity. You will need a trusted Biblical counselor to walk through this season for the final time. Dig into God's word, He will give you the courage you need to say, "it's over". He will give you the strength you need to move on and heal. I pray that God's truths will set you free. It's time. xo

  8. This is great….PLEASE put my daughter Selah Clanton on your prayer list…pray that God will heal her brain from the near drowning she suffered and bring her back to us!!!! Thank you!

    1. Yes, Yvonne, we will pray for Selah. Please post a comment on Monday's post. Many, around the world will pray through the requests…as people post their own requests…it has been a beautiful time of bringing the body together when we've done this in the past.

    2. We are in Linny….our whole family will join in this much needed time of fasting! Susanna's story has gone far and wide and her life has touched so many! We are amazed by the number that have heard her story! We are so grateful! May many be moved to bring home a child and free them from the darkness of life without love, family, and Jesus! Insight into what God desires of us to keep her story alive. I feel that He is calling us to press into him for the finances to bring our Will home! It feels like a spiritual lid has clamped down on any ability to fundraise. We battle discouragement, but fight to continue moving forward in faith! We pray for a break through and for wisdom if God has another little one He would like us to bring home with Will. We look forward to joining and lifting up the many needs that are pressing all around us!

  9. I have been trying to get school secretary job for two years now. Tuesday at 9 a.m. central time I have an interview at the high school I have been working at in cafeteria. I really like the principal and staff and most importantly I LOVE THE KIDS! The job is secretary in student services.

    Oh how I pray this is the job God has just for me. Will you pray with me that if this is the job God has for me, that I will be offered the job? And if it is not the job for me, I'll return to the cafeteria this coming school year and do my job with a happy heart and bloom where God plants me!

    Looking forward to some knee time and praying for everyone else.

    Blessings to you all,

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