An Obscure Question for My Bloggy Friends

I have something I have prayed about for many, many years.

Thirty-six actually.

Lately it has been on my heart so much that I am wondering if it is time.  And yes,  I could be wrong about the timing, but since I cannot get it off my heart or mind, being perfectly vulnerable, here goes…..

Once upon a time a baby girl was born.  

Perfect in every way.

Beautiful beyond description.

When I use the word “beautiful”,

I mean beautiful, gorgeous, stunning and precious beyond words.

She giggled and laughed easily.

The story goes on and it is painful, as many stories like this can be…..


I have to believe in my heart of hearts that as much pain as there was on this end,
there was great joy on the “other” end.

Her birthdate was March 29, 1977.

I have searched registries.

And one day, a few years back,  the Lord whispered that maybe a bloggy friend
might know {a now 36 year old} woman, born on March 29, 1977
and subsequently adopted.

So here goes….

If you know of someone who’s birthdate is March 29, 1977,
born in New York State
adopted a few months later…..
would you pray and ask the Lord if you should contact her…
and then if you are able…
would you ask her if she is willing to write to me?
{  Subject:  March 29, 1977}

Although I have no idea where the search will lead,
I will leave that part with the Lord.
If it’s in His plan, He will orchestrate each detail.

If nothing turns up, maybe one day I will put it out there again.

{not her real picture}

But maybe, 

just maybe, 

the time is now.  

Thank you for your love and prayers.  

102 thoughts on “An Obscure Question for My Bloggy Friends

  1. Linny,
    I so wished that I knew someone, but know that I have prayed that you will find her. There was something that just pulled at me as I read this. I just know that God will continue to remind me to pray that you find her.


    1. hank you so much Abigail. I have no idea where this will lead, but maybe one day it will be a story that I can share. I was shaking as I read it aloud to my children. Thirty-six years is a long time to pray to meet her again.

  2. Praying that you find her, that the Lord will reveal truths to both of you, love, grace, and if there's any need for it….forgiveness, answered questions for both, and most of all God's unending and immeasurable love.

  3. Oh Linny…are you saying what I think you're saying?? Whether or not that's the case, praying for you, for her, and for a happy outcome for all concerned!

  4. I will be praying for you as the Lord works out the details of this part of your life. As He, in His perfect timing, heals and fulfills the longing to meet her again. Big hug from me. You are a brave and wonderful testimony and child of God. His mighty hand is all over your life and will take care of this perfectly for you as well. I was born and raised till 14 in upstate NY as well. We have so much in common. God is so good, I know you will see her again. He knows and sees the desire of your heart. Peace to your heart and soul. Blessings.

  5. Remember too that you can provide connections she never imagined – if she is not interested in connections, her children might be. Wishing I had some connection to my adopted ggrandfather's birth family, or my other abandoned ggrandfather's birth family. Happy I have connections to my 1st ggrandfathers adoptive family.

  6. 1977 was the year I was born, so this touched my heart. I wonder if this woman knows that there is someone out there who loves her enough that even after 36 years, she is still remembered and hoped for. I hope someday she knows, and you will see the way the Lord's hand has worked even when you couldn't see it. Praying that the Lord will draw your paths together again in His perfect timing.

  7. Praying sweet friend as God works out the details in His perfect timing. He loves you so much. I have been studying psalm 37 some and thought of these verses…"Delight yourself in The Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit to The Lord. Trust in Him and He will bring it to pass."

    1. Thank you for sharing. The thing is, although it happened in NY, they could have transferred the next month to Southern California. Who knows. Thank you for trying to help in any way.

  8. Oh dear Linny – my heart raced when I started reading this post! I wanted to see "born April 21, 1968 in Brownsville, Texas and put up for adoption in Ohio," but it was not so. I continue to have hope and pray that the Lord will reveal my birth mother to me. As I pray for that day, I will also remember to pray for that baby girl born on March 29, 1977!

    You stopped by my blog several months ago – thank you for your sweet words. The twins are almost 8 months old and I think I am finally "coming up for air!" Such incredible gifts and blessings my 3 little ones are to this 45 year old momma! 🙂 Blessings and hugs!

  9. I'll be praying every time the Lord brings you to mind (which he often does). I cannot wait to hear the answer He gives! 😉 love you dear friend.

    PS. Mr. Darcy says hello!

  10. I will be praying every time the Lord brings you to mind (which he does often). I can't wait to hear the answer! 😉

    PS. Mr. Darcy says hello! 🙂

  11. The birth date for mine was August 4, 1981, in Cincinnati, Ohio. It was an arranged, private, interstate adoption and he left the hospital before I did. He contacted me (!) through the attorney about 13 years ago, a couple of weeks after his 19th birthday.

    Our first conversation was a little over an hour on the phone, and then sporadic email contact for the next several years – sometimes very long times in between. I actually found him on facebook around 5 years ago, and then got to meet him in person for the first time about 4 years ago. We've stayed in touch much more frequently since then, and I got to see him again – for just the second time – last October, when I was traveling for a weekend visit to my sister with my brother and brother-in-law. We have some long (late night) chats on facebook sometimes.

    My heart aches for you, as I know how difficult that decision was to make, but that it was how you could best love her at the time. That you have continuously prayed for her and are making this attempt to find her now only tells me that love has grown exponentially. I pray that God will bless you during this search, and give you peace, comfort, and guidance. I hope you will have a blessed relationship with her, and she with all of your (her additional) family someday too.


  12. I've not seen your blog before – followed a link on facebook from the post of a friend of mine. She's the mother of nine, five of whom are adopted. The birth date for mine was August 4, 1981, in Cincinnati, Ohio. It was a privately arranged, interstate adoption; and the baby boy left the hospital before I did. I know how heart-wrenching that decision was to make, even though it was probably the way that you could love her best at the time.

    This young man contacted me (!) about thirteen years ago, a couple of weeks after his 19th birthday, through the attorney who handled the adoption. We talked on the phone for about an hour, then had sporadic email correspondence over the next several years – sometimes months or even a couple of years in between – but I didn't feel I could be too "pushy" in trying to keep him responding. I periodically let him know I was still around, but wanted to give him some space/time to think about things.

    I actually "found" him again on facebook about five years ago, and we became more regular in keeping in touch again. Then I got to meet him in person for the first time around four years ago; he came to town with some friends and we met for dinner. I was so grateful for a chance to look him in the eye, talk with him, and hug him for the very first time! We now have fairly frequent, long (and often late night) chats on facebook. And when I was traveling with my brother and brother-in-law last October to visit my sister in New York, we passed through his town and got to stop and visit with him for a couple of hours too. That was the first time he met anyone else in the family.

    That you have continuously prayed for her tells me that the love you initially had for her has only grown exponentially. I pray that God will bless your search, and hope that you will get to have a wonderful relationship with her. In the meantime, may H grant you peace and comfort, and provide you with clear guidance.

  13. On Facebook there are a couple groups that help people find people. There is People Seeking People and also Seeking the Lost. Give them all the info you have and most of the time they have info for you within a day. Good luck!

  14. I have a cousin[in her 70's] who just located her daughter about a year or so ago. I am going to ask her who she went through to see if this might help. I will ask the question on my fb page and see if anyone responds. I do have friends in New York and all over.

  15. Praying sweet friend!!! Knowing God loves you so much then and now… created you perfectly for the plans he designed for you! Praying for the Lords perfect will to be done!:):)

  16. Linny – while I'm not the contact person on this one – know that I'll be praying for the best outcome for both of you…and remember if it's not the outcome you wanted – that the outcome will be the one that is best to the Master of us all!

    And Blessings on you for the choices that you made so many years ago…no doubt the hardest thing you have ever done!

    hugs – aus and co.

  17. I'll be praying and it's easy to remember the birth date as March 29 is my birthday too…though 1972! My heart is with you in, thought, word, and prayer. May the Lord hear our prayers and move those mountains in which you often speak about to bring a connection. Blessings~ Laura

  18. Praying that you find her in God's time! A friend just spent quite a bit of time searching for her father's birth family. She finally found them and it turns out his biological brother or cousin (I forget) lives right near her!
    God Bless!!

  19. I'm a reunited adoptee. Has the agency been contacted for whatever information they may have? I was sent my non identifying info, and with luck, my mother's first name was accidentally left in one sentence, and her last name in another part. I had asked God for an initial or name so I could pray for her, and he gave it all. The info, even without a name, may provide clues. is also a good site. They have a registry and forum as well.

    Good luck! I will be praying for you!


  20. I found my birthmother through a search service the agency that facilitated my adoption provided. You may want to look into something like that. Maybe the agency would be able to assist you in your search. I will be praying that God will make the path to your daughter clear and it will be a wonderful reunion.

  21. Praying for that yearning mama heart of yours! I trust in the leading of His Holy Spirit (as I know you do!) and if this is what He has prompted, it will not be in vain. Know that you bring His heart to many, many here and your transparency through your very personal struggles glorifies the Father as you demonstrate your trust in Him.

    Thank you!

    She will be in my prayers as well as I believe He is at work behind the scenes (as He always is!)

  22. Oh, Linny! I will be praying! If you are saying what I think you may be, it makes your life story so much more amazing and grace-filled!! What a precious miracle it would be if this lovely young woman is found! I love you, my friend!

    Nancy in CT

  23. Praying! If you decide you'd like to do a little more digging, please let me know. My amazing mother is adopted and has been involved in helping others find their birth families, whether to meet or just to gain medical information. She is very good at it! It's a big step, though, so if ever you are ready or interested, I can connect you two. Hugs!


  24. I have never felt the need to search for my birth parents … but if either happens to be reading here, my birth date is 9/18/70 and I was born in Jackson, Michigan. If the door is to be opened, I trust God will lead us both to it …

    1. Julie, It's true that many do not feel the need to search. I am an adoptive mom. Some want to know, some do not care. There is no "right" or "wrong"…kind of like the people who have a child die and some get rid of everything, some keep everything. It's personal.

      I knew there was a possibility that some would not like the post I wrote about the baby girl born 3/29/1977. But it's a risk, after 36 years, I will take and I will let the Lord take care of the rest. He has always been faithful. Thank you for sharing your heart. I pray that God will direct your steps.

  25. Praying for you! Oh, how I dream of the day when I may find out that someone special has been searching for me. Until then, a piece of heart longs to know more…

    1. Awww Rebecca, I don't know *your* story, but I guarantee that there are people connected with your story who love you, think about you and miss you. And it's okay to long to know more. It really is. I pray the Lord gives you the desires of your heart.

  26. Linny, I was so touched by your post. I don't know of anyone who fits that description but will be praying. You are so courageous to lay open your heart . . . again. I hope if the day comes when any of my children want to find birthmothers, they will be successful and feel we have supported their efforts. Having struggled with infertility, miscarriage, and given birth to some of my children, I am so grateful to our birthmoms and the sacrifice they made for their babies. That is unselfish love!
    Praying for you!

  27. God Bless your heart as you willingly follow God's lead in your life, Linny. I will pray His will be done.:) Much love sent to you from me!
    Take care,
    hollym.:) Hugs to you

  28. I will pray that you are brought together soon. I found my birth mom using cousin connect, I think, but for some reason I'm drawing a blank right now! Anyhow, someone on the site used their account at to find her/ I connected with her on myspace that same night, and met her two weeks later. Praying you get to reconnect as well!

  29. I use to watch a show called "The Locator" on t.v. every day….. a guy by the name of Troy Dunn has a business finding missing people and he had a show about his work. Anyway! Just a name you might consider googling and an avenue you might go down. Many blessings.

  30. I've been out of town and so I'm catching up reading now. My mother is adopted and while she has no interest in knowing more, it's pulled at me my entire life. I read all of the great comments and it looks like there are so many more options to find people now with the internet, should your heart lead you in that direction. It often really is a small world afterall. Praying you find some answers and peace, in whatever form they come to you.


    1. It always is interesting how some search and some choose not to. It was a difficult decision for me to request help from the blog world. Thankful the Lord is faithful and He will lead the way. Thank you KK for your prayers.

  31. My Sweet Linny….I know it has been weeks since you posted this…and I am sorry that it has taken me so long to comment. I KNEW there was a connection for us I KNEW that somehow, we had more in common that we thought. I cant remember if I have ever shared my sweet blessings story with you…but as one mama to another…I pray that God sees fit to open this door for you. My door opened 12 years ago…it just didnt have the outcome I had prayed for. And My sweet miracle had already gone to be with the Lord. I love you Linny…and I am praying!

    Love from a little PINK in Texas!

  32. My Sweet Linny….I know it has been weeks since you posted this…and I am sorry that it has taken me so long to comment. I KNEW there was a connection for us I KNEW that somehow, we had more in common that we thought. I cant remember if I have ever shared my sweet blessings story with you…but as one mama to another…I pray that God sees fit to open this door for you. My door opened 12 years ago…it just didnt have the outcome I had prayed for. And My sweet miracle had already gone to be with the Lord. I love you Linny…and I am praying!

    Love from a little PINK in Texas!

  33. Just going back and reading your old blogs. You are my favorite blogger ever and your stories have literally brought me to my knees in prayer. Today, God’s timing is yet again perfect as He brought your blogs to my mind as I am seeking what the future holds. Thank you for sharing. My sister was born March 27, 1977…in Nebraska though…but for a moment my heart skipped a beat (trying to remember the exact date). I hope she finds her birth mom someday. Have you had any progress in your search the last few years? ❤️

    1. Amazing you are reading the old blogs. Thank you for your kind words – today is a good day to read your encouragement! God in His mercy and grace has answered my prayers. I am not ready to share the story, but she has been found recently. The Lord has been astoundingly faithful. Thank you for caring.

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