The Load

The picture above is common in Uganda.
Large items balanced on skinny bike tires 
that were certainly never meant for carrying 
such heavy, bulky and gangly loads. 
No doubt, the carrier of the goods must work 
tediously to balance 
with precision the weight of each load.
I have marveled for years at the industrious
internal fortitude that is needed to make
 it all happen without incident.
And then it hit me:
How many times do we take on burdens, 
worries and fears
that were never meant for us to take on?
Truly, I know you know what I mean.
The team had an awesome time of ministry 
yesterday and it continued on until the midnight hour.
But then as I went to bed, I just couldn’t sleep.
Normally, sleep overtakes in seconds as my 
head lands on the pillow.

But last night, sleep just wouldn’t come for me.
For one, our precious daughter-in-love was laboring 
on the other side of the world.
Concerns for a little orphan I held yesterday morning.
My friend battling cancer.
An email about a little girl who just had a stroke.
Another friend who has just began chemo.
A precious friend who needs an enormous mountain moved.
A heavy situation we are still waiting to hear word on.
Texting another daughter on a layover.
I began to read my Bible for peace, comfort and wisdom 
in the wee hours.
I read and read and read.
Many chapters.
I prayed.
I worshipped.
I re-read the same chapters.
And then I re-read them again.
Over and over and over.
And I realized that I was attempting to carry
things I wasn’t intended to carry.

Almighty God has to be my burden carrier.
He has to take the heavy, bulky, and gangly loads
but He can’t just take them, 
unless I give them to Him.
Silly me.  I know these things. 
But I just couldn’t get there last night.
It was after 5 am when I finally fell asleep,
but not before much prayer, reading my Bible and finally
giving them all to Him.
How about you…
What are you carrying today?

What burdens you were never intended to carry?
Give them to Him.
Let Him carry them {and you}.
He wants you and I to sleep,
trusting Him and Him alone.
He’s up working the nightshift on our behalf.

He is always faithful,
when we give our burdens to Him.

7 thoughts on “The Load

  1. Love you Linny! Needed this!! I'm carrying too much. Have a constant stomach ache worrying about one of my daughters. Waiting on a decision that will either break her heart or make her jump for joy, and it's something I have no control over. Have been sick over it. I must hand it over to God!!!

  2. Thank you for this timely reminder!
    Our newest little one – home 8 months has just been diagnosed with a very rare deformity of her spinal cord. She will require surgery in the next couple of months to repair this. Problem is, it is a high risk surgery and because it is very rare, it is difficult to find a neurosurgeon skilled in this repair. We are seeing another doctor this Friday for a second opinion. Please remember our Kyrain in your prayers.

  3. Thank you for that, Linny. My poor mom living with us with Alzheimer's/depression/a complainy attitude, and us really not being able to fix it or make her feel better, was a burden I wasn't expecting, and I don't always carry it as graciously as I should. Thanks for the reminder that G-d is ready to share it.

  4. It is soooooo true…He wants us to come to Him, and I was just reminded of that very intimately yesterday, when He said to my seriously grieving heart, this is why you need me!!!!

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