Clearly from the response after yesterday’s post, there are a
bunch of bloggy friends in the same boat –
needing to hear and be encouraged {again!}:
“Those who hope in the Lord will *not* be disappointed.”
Well as I mentioned the Lord’s clearing the path on the Freeway {again!} was His whispers that
He cares,
He knows,
He’s got our back,
He’s faithful.
I wrote it and I meant it.
I was feeling confidant in Him.
I went to bed really early. I was exhausted. When I woke in the middle of the night I found an email I had been waiting for.
{I know, I know, why am I reading emails in the middle of the night? But this was one I had been waiting a long time for.}
Only thing was that the email contained news
that I hadn’t expected.
As I read it, panic filled my heart.
{I am soooo human friends!}
I sat for a moment, my eyes barely open trying to figure it all out.
You know the drill:
“What should I do?”
I knew I needed to pray with someone, so I called a friend who doesn’t care if it’s the middle of the night or not – she’ll pray with me anytime.
Her words were comforting to me.
I asked the Lord for a special word from Him.
My morning Bible study didn’t speak to my heart like it so often does. However, as the kids and I were doing our Bible study together….here’s the scripture that was for today…Mark 4:35-40
Thank you!!! Today as I left PWOC/bible study for Army wives (military wives) my husband left me the truck and he took the kids and my van home. I started driving and the fuel light turned on, no money on me and no money in the account to put gas in the tank, I started praying, as I left post and hit the interstate the light went off and I noticed the tank was showing there was a little more gas in the tank. The whole way I home I prayed/praised the Lord, the gas didn't seem to go down at all. I pulled into the drive and noticed it went down just a tad, but was still higher than when I started my drive 30 miles ago.
I then get home, check my email and see our electric bill, which we prepay for and showed we had just less than $30.00 left in our account (so about 5 days worth left), then remembered a dear friend sent us $100.00 in the form of paypal…so once again the Lord has literally kept the lights on we'll be able to put gas in the vehicles tomorrow.
Praying with you. God is a God of justice. You are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. Sending love & hugs!!
Ohhhhhh, how I needed this verse today!! My faith is at times and I'm fearful A LOT! Thank you sharing! Believing for great things from God, in FAITH!:)
Adonai li v'lo ira……
and let's see if this works: ה' לי ולא אירא
Thank you for sharing. We are in the process of adopting and almost have our Dossier ready to send out….and then fear struck! It blind-sided me & I basically freaked about everything – but mostly the $. I came across your blog just a couple of days ago and your post today spoke to my heart. I will be memorizing this scripture with you. Thanks!
Yes! I do struggle with trusting God. I wish I had just a tiny fraction of your faith!
Praying for you and with you, Linny.
Thank you- I needed this as I have lived in fear of our neighbors. We have moved but I still have dreams and I still don't completely believe that they won't continue harassing us. God told us to move- we have dealt with it for 5 years and he has protected us each time they have attacked.
I need to rest in His peace and be comforted by His words. Thank you Linny. Saying a prayer for you too! HUGS