You Can Call Her: The Ambassador

Recently we were asked if Ruby would be able to serve as the Ambassador for United Cerebral Palsy of Arizona this year.  

I tear up and giggle at the same time. 

Who would have believed as Miss Ruby Grace lay emaciated, struggling and dying in an East African garden that Almighty God was working the night shift on her behalf, moving all of heaven and only Him knowing in advance that in 2013 Ruby would be chosen as the Ambassador for UCP and honored at a Gala in November? 

Seriously friends.

Who would have believed it?

Then again, to think that an orphan girl {did you catch that, she was an orphan?} would be adopted by her uncle and eventually become queen and instrumental in saving the entire Jewish population from a order issued by a wicked man?  

Only God, working behind the scenes on Esther’s behalf {If you haven’t read the book of Esther in the Bible – you must!}

Over and over sweet friends, God has the most astounding, shocking and overwhelming surprises in store…

He is so always faithful.   

Ruby’s early days were not easy – they were horrific, heartbreaking and spent living on the brink of death.  

Yet God knew all along.

I marvel at just how powerful He is, that even when we doubt or are weak, He is still moving, working and orchestrating situations to accomplish His miraculous plan.  

We are so thrilled that Ruby will be the Ambassador at the UCP Gala in November.  We an amazing privilege.

This morning a camera crew is coming to film and interview Ruby, myself and Artemis about the role of therapy in Ruby’s healing.  We will give all credit and honor and glory to the Lord…

Treasures with severe brain trauma can have awesome days and not-so-awesome days.  

Would you please pray that in this morning’s interview Ruby shines – giggling and thriving in it all?  

I long for the world to see what we see almost every day:  
the overflowing joy of an once-orphaned and dying baby girl thriving because of God’s grace through the tender love of a large family.  

Thank you in advance.     

14 thoughts on “You Can Call Her: The Ambassador

  1. Standing in prayer with you that Ruby will be her glowing self!!! And Praise God that she was chosen. She was chosen before she was even created…He whispered her name into the depths of the darkness before the Earth was formed. Now *that* is a loving God!

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