with the Lord, I set out to write a blog post.
I was going to write about an extremely fun
large-family-idea that my pile of treasures and
I did over the last few days to launch into some
{virtually free}
summer fun!
It was such a blast I just guessed that some of you
might want to do it too.
Our family will likely talk about it for a long
time to come.
Such sweet fun!
However, in the midst of
putting the pictures into that post and
getting ready to write about it,
the Lord spoke very clearly to my heart that
that was not the post for today.
But something else was.
Something very heavy.
Now let me interject right here,
what I’m about to share is not for the faint of heart.
It is not a fluff-n-stuff kind of post.
It is a serious post about some serious matters.
But in complete obedience
and with a passion for justice,
I put aside the other post and got busy
gathering the information that was needed to share
what needs to be shared.
So here’s your final opt-out:
If you’re not up for serious,
last chance –
opt out now….
If you’re still here,
let me first share a little background…
The kids and I have long studied dozens of missionaries
and even some martyrs of the faith over the years.
We have a DVD series that has rocked our world.
One of DVD’s is about a woman named Perpetua.
Perpetua is known as the first woman
martyr for refusing to deny Christ.
Her death occurred in about 203 AD.
I’ll be honest.
I cannot watch the DVD of Perpetua
{and we’ve watched it many times}
without sobbing and I mean sobbing.
Perpetua was a true hero of the faith
and her story leaves me feeling overwhelmed
and undone totally humbled at
what others have done for the cause of Christ.
I feel like such a wuss each time I watch it.
yesterday I heard about another
Perpetua-type woman….
only her name is Meriam
and her story is unfolding
in a Sudanese Federal Prison as I type.
Photo compliments of Gabriel Wani
Meriam has been sentenced to
{by hanging}.
Her crime?
Twenty-seven year old
Meriam Ibrahim,
a medical doctor,
has been sentenced to death
because she refuses to denounce
the name of Christ.
Meriam has also been sentenced to 100 lashes
because she married a Christian man
rather than a Musl*m.
The lashes alone could take her life.
Meriam’s story has been shared on many
news sources, including
FOX news, CNN and dozens of others.
Here is a YouTube video about Meriam Ibrahim
with clips from several different news sources:
This morning the Lord reminded me of this scripture….
“For I was hungry and you gave me food,
I was thirsty and you gave me drink,
I was a stranger and you welcomed me,
I was naked and you clothed me,
I was sick and you visited me,
I was in prison and you came to me.’
Then the righteous will answer him, saying,
‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you,
or thirsty and give you drink?
And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you,
or naked and clothe you?
And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’
Matthew 25:35-36
Thank you Linny for spreading the word…..been following this story for a while and it is just well, there are no words really. Praying along with you.
Thank you lizzielou for joining in prayer with us!
I just read this story myself. The inhumanity of it all is appalling and heart breaking. Lord have mercy. I will be praying
Thank you Jessica for praying!
Over the last few days, as I have read her story, I have been grieved as well. Thank you so much for sharing some ways we can help.
In Christ,
janet and gang
Thank you Janet!! Got your email…will respond in the next day or two…therapy, MRI, flying solo. xoxo
Thank you for this. We have been praying in our church family for Meriam for several weeks now. It is heart breaking. I understand that those advocating for her are trying to get the courts to agree to allowing her to feed the baby til weaning (2 years). If this can happen, they will have more time for appeals, etc.
I will be praying with you today as well.
Sandy in the UK
Yes, she is not supposed to be hung until the baby is allowed to nurse for 2 years. However, her 100 lashes could be any day…that alone could kill her.
I hate absolutely everything about this case. Thank you so much for providing the numbers. I spoke to someone at the White house but couldn't get through to the Sudanese embassy (come to think of it, if they are predominantly Muslims I'm guessing they're closed on Fridays).
And of course, I will continue to pray.
The Sudan Embassy never answers their phone {as you have found}. Clearly, they don't want to hear from the public about anything!
Thank you for writing this.
You're welcome Jenn!