Over the years we have had many days of Prayer and Fasting here at our Place Called Simplicity. We have often highlighted a need that is known nationally or internationally. And yes, we have seen our powerful God do some amazing things! He is definitely and positively more than able!!
Meriam Ibrahim is a very recent example! No doubt, thousands around the world were praying for her release and we got to be part of that! What an absolute thrill!!
Today we are praying {and fasting} while asking God to heal Dr. Kent Brantly and a nurse, Nancy Writebol, and also to miraculously halt the Ebola outbreak in several African nations.
I also know many of you in the midst of very
troublesome, trying and difficult situations.
Let the truth be known:
God cares.
He hears your cries.
He is always at work around you.
He moves [what seems to us to be enormous] mountains.
As I’ve been praying today the Lord
has brought some of the needs
many of you have written and shared with me.
May He grant your requests!
Thank you for joining in this special day of prayer!
Tomorrow I have a very special post…
I am almost giddy to share.
Fasting and praying for the Ebola situation, but also for my boys. I feel like the more I pray for healing and wholeness, the farther we seem to move from that. I sooo long to see God's hand at work in their lives.
Praying in NE. Thanks for asking us to join you in prayer.
I am so discouraged…I no longer know if He even hears my prayers.
What a privilege to be a part of this day! May He be glorified, may they be healed, may the virus be stopped as the mountains are moved in Jesus Name! Can't wait to read your post tomorrow….praying for you and yours <3cindy
I'm sorry, I just can't fast today, but will check prayer requests. Mine are: comfort for my mom, who broke her pelvis, is now in rehab, and because of advanced dementia has no idea where she is or why, and why she can't come home with me; my husband just told me again we can't adopt (ha! I'm definitely waiting on G-d for that one 🙂 ); Israel's struggles for peace and security amidst a sea of hatred and the distortions of the media, which is weighing very heavily on my heart; and the innocents suffering on both sides of that conflict.
Amen! Praying for the two, and those in Africa facing/dealing with Ebola. May it be stopped immediately!
I tried posting this yesterday and don't think it worked. Anyway, please pray for the Musser family (http://theblessingofverity.com/) who tragically lost their son to drowning last week. (They are a large adoptive family with a huge heart for orphans in Bulgaria, and my heart breaks for them.)