Yesterday morning, as I was reaching to fill my coffee mug, I turned just in time to see the news:
Meriam’s arrival on United States soil….
Oh me.
Doesn’t she look stunning? Her handsome husband, Daniel looks overwhelmed with emotion.
To think, that she was sentenced to death by hanging for refusing to renounce her love of God…
To think that she gave birth on Death Row….
To think that she was supposed to receive 100 lashes as well….
And here she is…
The power of God displayed after prayers from around the world reached Heaven’s throne….
Friends –
We were part of that!!
How beautiful to have my little treasures cheer with me as we watched the news yesterday morning – my treasures had all fasted and prayed many, many earnest prayers for Meriam and her children.
Oh thank you sweet Jesus – Meriam Ibrahim is free!
And we Got To Be Part of Her Rescue –
just because we prayed {and fasted}!
I am overwhelmed by the reality of it all….
There is no doubt,
God moves when people join together
in prayer {and fasting}!!
So on the heels of Meriam’s freedom, I come to you today with another request….
Our Place Called Simplicity is known as a place of corporate prayer and fasting. And truthfully, we have seen God do some amazing things!!
So I humbly ask….
As most know,
at this moment,
there are two American missionaries who have been giving
their lives away caring for those stricken with the deadly Ebola virus.
Though Kent Brantly and Nancy Whitebol have followed the medical protocol diligently,
in the midst of their sacrificial lifestyle,
they have also contracted Ebola virus.
Dr. Kent Brantly serves with Samaritan’s Purse {a ministry founded by Franklin Graham, son of Billy Graham} and Nancy is a nurse serving with SIM, they work together. To tell you what type of man Dr. Brantly is…when ONE single dose of experimental medicine was brought to Liberia,
Dr. Kent Brantly insisted it be given to Nancy. Greater love has no one then this…
that he lay down his life for his friends. Amazing.
Kent arrived today in the United States {of which he is a citizen} for treatment.
Nancy Writebol will be en route at any time now to the same hospital.
Actually Megan, who is part of The Knee Team
{a prayer ministry of A Place Called Simplicity}
is friends with Nancy Writebol’s daughter.
The virus is extremely serious and known to be quite deadly.
But no matter the medical prognosis,
we know the Chief Physician –
His name is Jehovah Rapha –
the God who heals!!
Remember how Queen Esther was used by God to call a National Fast
to overturn the deadly fate of the entire population of Israel?
The Hebrew nation fasted and prayed for three days….
and Almighty God was working behind the scenes…
and although the outcome was uncertain from human eyes…
God moved in a powerful,
in an as-only-God-can-do way…
and the entire nation was spared death!
Of course missionaries are close to our heart over here at our home….
and their situation is extremely critical…
Just think about it:
WE GET TO be part of
Kent and Nancy’s story…
Would you be willing to pray
{and fast}
with us for three things?
1. Complete healing for Kent Brantly.
In the Bible Esther’s fast that she called for was
WOHOO! I am in!
We are praying here about the Ebola virus epidemic. I heard about the American Doctor, and we prayed for him at church, but I didn't realise he was a Christian. So, we will also pray for his testimony to the medical profession in America.
(Our church has a time of open prayer instead of a Pastoral prayer in the service. It is amazing how God uses that to draw us all closer together and to show us that even though we are very small, God uses our prayers on a global scale.) Isn't it precious to have those whispers from God about what He wants us to bring to Him?
Thanks for showing the wonderful photo of Meriam and her husband!
God Bless you Linny for encouraging us all to walk closer to Him.
Praising God that Meriam and her husband and children are here in America and safer. Praying for the two missionaries who have ebola. Prayer works wonders. Thanks for sharing! Hugs!
I was so happy to see Miriam on US soil, too! My heart aches for all the suffering from this virus in Africa. As we pray, let us not forget about the US citizen who went to his native Iran to open an orphanage. He has been in prison there for 2 years, beaten and tortured for his faith in Christ. Our nation is doing nothing while his wife and children pray for him daily. Can we remember him, too? He is a pastor from Idaho, Pastor Saeed Abedini.