Our Jubilee is a Teenager!!

Where oh where has the time gone?
Just five years ago Emma and I landed on Christmas Eve
with a frail 27 pound Jubilee 
two days shy of her eighth birthday.

Mommy meets Jubilee for the first time – 
27 lbs  and just days before her 8th birthday
Oh precious girl – you have waited so long for a mommy.
Arriving at home….
and one thrilled Daddy.
Elizabeth almost 4
Jubilee 8
And today Jubilee turned 13!!
The day didn’t go quite like planned….
late-morning while working in the kitchen,
and keeping an eye on Ruby sleeping on her monitor
I noticed something….
Running to our bed I found her having a grand mal
Administering the drug as the doctor prescribed
we waited for the paramedics…
Daddy drove home…and arrived just as Mom and Ruby 
were going to the ambulance.
Sweet Jubilee pleadingly looked at me as I was heading out the
door and said, 

“Mom!!  We go on date????”
Thankfully, they were able to up the dose of Ruby’s seizure meds
and we were home by late afternoon.
When we phoned Liberty to tell her we were
heading home,  Jubilee ran and waited by the door!!
So thankful for her flexibility and love for her baby sister.

Abigail and family headed to her in-laws right after singing to Jubilee.

This guy is growing up too fast too!

Emma and Josh were able to Skype in and sing with us
– so thankful they had power!
{On a side note: Daddy says he would have never said “yes” to 
him marrying her if he had known Josh would buy 
Emma a San Francisco 49ers shirt!  But Emma
said there will be Payback with a Arizona Cardinals shirt for his

Happy Birthday precious girl – 

We are so thankful you are ours!
We adore you and are certain
our family just wouldn’t be the same without you!

If you wanna wish her a Happy Birthday
she would be tickled to pieces – 
She love, love, loves friends!

32 thoughts on “Our Jubilee is a Teenager!!

  1. Happy 13th Birthday, Jubilee! Hope you had a great day and did you have to share your breakfast with all those people who were on your bed? HAHAHA!! God bless you today and always. So thankful God gave you a loving family to live with and have a good life! Hugs!

  2. Happy Thirteenth birthday sweet Jubilee!!! You have grown from a pretty little girl into a beautiful young lady! May God have his hand on your life always and you be greatly used by Him forever! Hugs and Blessings!

  3. Happy birthday, Miss Jubilee! I know God has a mighty plan for you, sweet girl. My heart is so happy that your and your family found each other. God is always so much bigger than the needs we have! May our Abba give you as much happiness as is good for you, as much grace as you need, and as much love as you can hold in this next year.

  4. Happy happy late birthday, Jubilee! So sorry I missed the actual day, but we just got internet in our new home. You are a beautiful young woman with a beautiful story. Thank you for being such a blessing! Beccy in Colorado

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