Our Littlest Gem’s Name…



Awww, what to call our sweet little gem??

We have prayed long and hard.

We have practiced with names.  We have played, “Let’s pretend…”

And it all boils down to this:

We want to declare her precious value to God and to us!!



Just like her big sister Ruby…whose name also declares her prized value each time it is spoken…



Our sweet baby gem’s name will also:


Pearl which means: Prized Gem


And her middle name will be:


Bonnie is my mom’s name.  Bonnie means, “beautiful” and not only is my mom  beautiful, so is our sweet Pearl.

Pearl Bonnie – 

Our beautiful and prized gem from the very heart of God.



PS Barbara M. your comment on the last post made me giggle  – you totally guessed it!!  There is nothing better to go with a Ruby, than a Pearl!!

Like I mean, seriously!!


Is there anything sweeter??

We don’t think so!!


24 thoughts on “Our Littlest Gem’s Name…

  1. Oh my goodness, I am so excited that she’s Pearl Bonnie! A perfect name for a perfect girl, prized and beautiful, for sure!

  2. What a beautiful name. It fits her perfectly! I saw Barbara’s comment on the other post too and thought “ohh yes Pearl would be perfect!” 🙂 I can’t wait to see pictures of Ruby and Pearl together, just thinking about these “twins” being together warms my heart.

    1. Miss Barbara’s comment was seen by many and I LOVE that!! And our two little gems being together sounds so joyful – we can’t wait!! Pray them home! The time can’t come quick enough!!

  3. Love it! A Pearl of great price. <3

    My sister went to school with a family that had (I think) five sisters, all of whom had jewel names. Jewel, Emerald and Jade are the ones that I remember. Just in case you need some ideas for sweet treasure #15. 😉

    1. Lonni!! You, sweet friend, are thinking like I’m thinking…that poor hubby of mine can hardly keep up…but I love your help…if your sister ever tells you what the other names are – let me know!!

  4. I can’t believe Barbara guessed correctly! I think she deserves a prize, I never thought I’d see the day someone would beat you to the reveal Linny.

    Pearl is definitely a ‘bonnie lass’ like we’d say in Scotland 😉

  5. Yes, I agree, when I saw Barbara M. guess “Pearl” the other day, I thought that would be such a precious name for this little one. I am tickled you chose the name Pearl! Will be SO fun to see Ruby and Pearl together!

    1. I couldn’t believe Barbara M. said “Pearl”….I giggled and grinned! ANd from the moment I mentioned Pearl’s name being Pearl, Ruby was all over it!! I mentioned a few others, but Pearl was it! I pray that one day she will be able to say it!

  6. Dear Sweet Linny, we met briefly when you and your family were in Atlanta and I am one of your bloggy friends who prays and love you guys! Tonight I needed a reminder of the Lord’s faithfulness and so for the last hour I have been laying on my bed and reading past posts from years ago, that I may have read but forgot about. The memorial box ocean/shark story moved me to tears, just remembering who my God is. Thank you, sweet friend, for being willing to share and for allowing your life to be a testimony of God’s faithfulness. I feel prompted to tell you that the Lord is saying YES to something you’ve been praying for. I have no idea what and I know you are praying for a lot of mountains to be moved but maybe you will know which one He is talking about. I just wanted you to know that your blog encouraged me tonight. I have moved to Germany three months ago as a young single missionary, Love to you and your family. We rejoice that Pearl has come home!

    1. You are so sweet Annalisa!! I am so grateful we met in Atlanta! The Memorial Box stories are truly my favorite…I need to remember just what He’s done!! I pray God’s faithful love, steadfastness and kindness envelop you as you serve in Germany!! What a beautiful heart you have! I would love to hear from you: APlaceCalledSimplicity@yahoo.com xo

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