The Sweet Little Face of Our Number 14

Oh the joy!!

Frankly, I never did like odd numbers!!

{Of course, when we have our “even” home…then Dw knows that I will immediately be telling him that I am not very fond of even numbers either!!}

Cause really,

as the old saying goes,

The more the Merrier!!


Introducing the precious little face that we are also paper pregnant with!!



Doesn’t she look just like she belongs with us??

We’re going to call her and Ruby “twins”…and Ruby loves the idea of a twin and being a big sister!


61 thoughts on “The Sweet Little Face of Our Number 14

  1. Oh Linny! Your daughter is SO beautiful! I would be tickled pink too!! I can’t wait to see pictures of both your kids home!!!

  2. Awe she’s just precious maybe a Pearl to go with your Ruby? `There I go trying to name other people’s babies again. You have to admit she’s truly a precious jewel. Or maybe Selah Pearl, ok I’ll stop and let you name your own baby.

  3. Oh just seeing her sweet face brings tears of joy to my eyes! She is BEAUTIFUL!! What a precious gift from God for the Saunders family!! Praying for speedy homecomings for both she and big brother!

    1. Oh Anne!! We “get” to!! We are so blessed and we cannot thank the Lord enough for His gracious love toward us. We have never done anything good enough to deserve His great blessing!!

  4. Oh my gosh! She’s adorable and trust me… This twin will be so much fun!! I have quite a few in my class and love everyone!

    1. Oh I love that you had your treasure home for Thanksgiving!! I am so grateful for your love for those waiting. Merry Christmas!! And thank you for the prayers – they mean more than you could know!! Her heart is sick…and she needs to be home!!

  5. I’m a special education teacher and her beautiful face reminds me so much of a certain student I had who also rocked an extra chromosome…. Your family is truly blessed!

  6. Chinese babies are the best! COngrats, I knew you wouldn’t settle with #13. Adopt two at a time to keep the numbers even! COngrats to Ruby for becoming to twin and a big sister. She will be so loved!

  7. She is beautiful – What a blessing !! Your joy is slowly changing my life, I truly believe that. THANK YOU for always sharing 💜

  8. What a sweetie! It is so easy to imagine the newest Miss Saunders and Miss Ruby dressed in matching outfits being twins. I am giggling thinking about you introducing your twins to new people and them trying to figure out how an Ugandan Princess and a Chinese Princess can be twins. 😉

  9. Such an adorable blessing! Congratulations to the whole family! 18 your favorite number huh? At least DW knows in advance your number! At least! Enjoy all the snuggles! Can’t wait for pictures of this family united! Praying for speed in bringing these loved ones home.

    1. Well who knows if we will get to 18…actually when we were engaged Dw asked me how many kids I wanted. I merely said, “How many do you want?” He said, “Four or five.” I said, “Oh a big family!” and that was that. He never asked again. And some have been added after some prayer and fasting on my part…husbands and wives are not always “gung ho”…but prayer and fasting does move mountains…

  10. Yippee!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!! She is beautiful. Do you have her name chosen yet? Oh wait, I know how this goes. You’re going to tease and drop hints and make us guess, right??

    I had to giggle at the comment about making people double-take. I get them when people are asking about ages and trying to figure it out and I say “my firstborn but not my oldest” son. Heh heh.

    BTW earlier when I read the cookie teaser post [but had no time to comment because “Mamaaaaaa!”] the thought that immediately popped into my mind was a certain phone call from Uganda asking how big your arms were. 🙂

    1. Actually I won’t have the guessing time this go around…but we have finally decided on a name!! Now we just have to tell the big kids.

      I do think the ‘double take” will be fun!! And wow! You have a good memory to remember, “how big are your arms?” That was one of my favorite moments in my life! And Bethie is a delight through and through. Joyful, helpful, tenderhearted and she sings all day long. I love her so much! I am so grateful for God’s divine intervention in her life. I remind her regularly that she was such a suprise gift from the Lord – I cannot ever thank Him enough!

    1. You are so right!! A quiet retirement would sound like opportunity for me to get into big trouble – so we will fill it with lifers to keep me out of trouble!! haha. Thank you for sharing our joy!! xo

  11. She is beautiful Linny! Looks just like a lot like Jubilee.

    Praying for a smooth ‘pregnancy’, I hope you have your girl home soon.

    1. Colette!! There is a picture of this little pumpkin that I had to do a double-take!! Was it Jubilee or her?? You are not the first to comment that either. I pray I can go get her and JonWesley by April!! Thank you for praying with us!! You’re awesome!!

  12. She is just precious!! Congratulations on your latest upcoming addition! Your love of your special treasures makes my heart smile every time I read your blog!

  13. What?! I’m not around here for a few weeks (for various reasons) and you already have another one coming home! You amaze me! (trust me, it’s in a good way, LOL)

    Be blessed!

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