35 thoughts on “Whatchu Sayin’ Ru?

    1. Thankful you giggled. I don’t know if some get ticked…but I’ve decided I need to do a blog post about the Rule Book. Did you know there is a Rule Book? Yup. So on page 57 there is a section about people adopting and when/how they tell their peeps. And it specifically says that if you are 57 and 60 you can take as many days as you want to tell and tease as much as you want…Can you believe it?? I was like shocked! Who knew?? *giggle* xo

      1. Hahaha, I didn’t know about this rule book! I will be checking in several times tomorrow. So excited to hear all the details!

  1. Ruby, you’re a stinker just like your Mama! <3
    All of your friends want to hear about your little brother/sister!!!
    Congratulations, Saunders Family!!!!!

  2. I just yelled at my computer . . . my kids are wondering what the heck is going on. RUBY you are a huge tease. Can’t wait to see who your new baby is?? Please don’t take too long to share. So exciting!!!

  3. I have been really enjoying your blog – at times, encouraging, others challenging, and sometimes just pure delight. But this is the first time you have completely left me in suspense! So excited for you all and I can’t wait to hear more about your next child. A great big huge congratulations from our house to yours.

  4. I love reading your blog and am SO excited for your family!!! Can’t wait to find out who! 😊 Also, Ruby is beyond precious!!!!! ~Allie (stoptofindtherosies.blogspot.com)

    1. Isn’t she just the cutest?? I prayed that she would be able to convey her joy about being a big sis – ummmm, He even cares about that! What a video – I was delighted!! Bless you Allie!

  5. Oh. My. Gravy!! Love, love, love!!! Cannot wait to hear the details! I want to be just like you when I’m 57, Linny…just waiting on the Lord. 😉 So happy for you and your beautiful boatload!! Thank you for sharing your exciting news…even if you and precious sister sass are in cahoots to keep us in suspense! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  6. What?? So awesome…I am as excited as Ruby!!! Girl I need a phone call with you so bad. Seriously need to hear your voice oh and we are coming up with fundraising over here for you. Kids are all in and can’t wait to bless the Gems

    1. That face made good for a sweet morning giggle! Well friend, about 16 years ago you said that Liberty’s arrival sealed the deal, I’m guessing you’re just shaking your head saying, “Sealed 2 times over!” Haha! It was so great seeing you and your beautiful bride this summer. Sell that house and come visit. It’s been way too long since we all played!! Love you guys bunches!!

  7. I’m amazed at her ability to communicate. That’s only the second video I’ve seen of her yet you can tell her feelings and thoughts. God has done a mighty work from that baby in the pictures. Wow! I’m just amazed.

    1. She is astounding all who have seen her MRI!! And that’s why I had to turn the announcement into 3 days! How could I not show you guys how seriously excited Ruby is that she’s going to be a big sis?? She’s truly joyful!!

  8. From one “not so little girl” with CP to my precious Ruby: Bein’ a big sister’s the best! And handflapping- What a gift it is to be able to show joy that way- I do it too!

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