Every Step – He was There!

Not gonna’ lie.

Thinking of a trip to the OR with Ruby was definitely not in my top things I wanted to do.

I mean.

She’s already had six surgeries and five of them being brain surgery!!  But that wasn’t the hardest part – after some of her surgeries (including the last one) Ruby had had seizures and that’s just not good, since Ruby’s are life threatening – some lasting a full 30 minutes of grand mal seizing!!

So to say I was pretty much dreading this morning would probably be accurate.

I’m so grateful I was able to ask you friends to pray with us, and I mean it sincerely:  Thank you!!  Thank you!! Thank you!!

Recently when Isaiah had surgery we had the kindest anesthesiologist.  He allowed me to come into the OR and stay until Isaiah was asleep.  I was so impressed with this man and of course I thanked him profusely.

It was then that he told me I could request him if any of my kids ever had surgery again (Ha! We will probably have him on retainer before long!)  He then held up his name badge to show me his name.  I asked if I could take a picture of it and have kept it in my phone since.  When I knew Ruby was having surgery, I requested Dr. K  be her anesthesiologist.

And the Lord’s presence was so real today…

Since Liberty is in Africa, Dw would stay home to watch the others.

From the moment I woke Ruby to go to the hospital, she began signing, “thirsty”.  Ugh.   Each time I looked in the rear view mirror she would sign, “thirsty”.   So heart wrenching!!

Knowing I would be in recovery, I knew I couldn’t take any of the younger ones, so we prayed about how I would get the wheelchair out of the van in the wee hours of the morning.  It’s really, really heavy and bulky.  Dw prayed with me and firmly declared, “I know the Lord will provide someone to help you.”

I pulled into the parking garage at Children’s Hospital and our faithful God had prepared the way.  There stood a security guard.  I was able to roll down the passenger window and ask if he would help me lift it out when I parked.  He was happy to do it.  I thanked him over and over and as he strolled away I called to him, “Your mama would be proud.”  He laughed, “Yes, she would.”

The entire time Ruby kept signing “thirsty” and then began to add, “hungry”.   So hard.

Ya’ know how each patient has a nurse assigned to them?  The nurse assigned to Ruby was “G”.   She was really sweet.  She asked if I wanted to pick out a stuffed animal for Ruby.  I told her that actually Ruby would pick one out!!  So I held up the one bright pink Beanie baby bear and a light pink flamingo.  Ruby looked back and forth and then, without hesitation, reached to hold the bright pink one.  I was so stinkin’ proud of her!


Purposing since the day Ruby landed 4.5 years ago to show each person who works with Ruby her first picture, today was no exception.  It’s so important to me that each person understand just how fragile and precious our Ruby is and to also see how much God loves the orphan!

Nurse G was in the room when Ruby was growing frustrated signing, “thirsty” and “hungry”.  I had had worship music playing, but now paused in hopes of distracting Ruby by singing together.  I began singing her favorite song (these days) in hopes Ruby would hum along.

“I have decided to follow Jesus, I have decided to follow Jesus, I have decided to follow Jesus, No turning back, no turning back…”

Well I barely began the first phrase and Nurse G joined right in singing word-for-word with me.  It was wonderful to have a nurse with us who knew by heart the same beautiful song!!

Nurse G disappeared for a while but as the surgery time approached, she popped in and asked if she could pray with us….she then took my hand and laid her other hand on Ruby and prayed!  Ruby grew peaceful as she prayed a powerful prayer for Ruby’s protection and healing.

Dr. K came and was so kind.  Then Ruby’s surgeon came (who is very kind as well) and before long it was time to take her back.  Dr. K allowed me to stay with her until she was sound asleep.

While in the waiting room Savannah arrived – she had been able to get away to come sit with me.  (We sure love that girl!) And then a new friend even stopped by with her daughter.

Dr. K, our-now-favorite-anesthesiologist, came out eventually and said that Ruby was out of surgery but was still hooked to a breathing tube and IV.  He continued that if it was okay with me, I could come back while her tubes were still in.  He said he felt I could handle it.  *smile*

Savannah and I grabbed Ruby’s wheelchair and nearly ran back.  He didn’t think she would be awake for awhile.

But before long Ruby woke up and it was truly miraculous!! Not one seizure.  No vomiting.  Nothing.

Barely awake, Ruby signed “thirsty” again and we were able to give her some juice in a sippy.  The nurse assigned to Ruby for this part of Ruby’s journey was also a Christian and we had a great visit while Ruby continued to wake up.  Totally and only God.


Ruby’s done so well, we were able to head home and she is now sound asleep on the floor with her arm touching me while her leg is thrown over Savannah.

The Lord answered our prayers every step of the way, again reminding me that He is always faithful.

Her hospital bracelet is already in our Memorial Box with the words, “NO SEIZURES” in caps.

Thank you friends for being part of it!!

Our faithful God has been so good to us!!


I will sing the LORD’s praise, for he has been good to me.   Psalm 13:6

14 thoughts on “Every Step – He was There!

    1. God is so very Good ALL the time!!! Praise Him!!! Love to hear you share of our dear sweet Ruby signing and making choices. God’s choosing you + Dwight as her Forever Family was no mistake. Continued prayers + Blessings.

  1. He is a Good Good Father!! While I was reading when that nurse started singing, I. Started. Bawling. When she started praying… Oh I bawled through the whole post!! So, so thankful that Ruby had no seizures. What a mighty God we serve!!

  2. A friend of mine just handed me a copy of ‘Rescuing Ruby,’ I literally could not put hey book down! Such a reminder that we have access to the hearing of our Great and Gracious God, and that He will do amazing things!

    1. Oh Bob!! I love that you wrote to tell me. And it made me giggle – most folks say they cannot put the book down!! It’s a “nail-biter” because God wrote it, I merely got to pen it. Stop by now and then and you can see the miracles of Ruby!!

  3. Beautiful, incredible, amazing, faith building! Continuing to pray for ruby and Liberty.
    “There is no one like the God of Israel. He rides across the heavens to help you, across the skies in majestic splendor. The eternal God is your refuge, and his everlasting arms are under you. (Deuteronomy 33:26

  4. Oh I am so glad. I have been praying still today that God would touch the agitated parts of the brain and cause them to be peaceful.
    Big hugs and soo happy for you that you had believers with you the whole way!
    Sandy in the UK

  5. Tears over here – did major surgery with our not so fragile little one a year ago. God is so good to us! So thankful for the beautiful light that shine through your precious Ruby and that God granted her no seizures!

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