
These last few days have been a blur for me.

Just last week we drove through Houston and spent the night with friends of ours.  We actually got very lost on our way to our friends and saw much more of the Houston area than we had thought we would.  We traveled many of the highways that we now see on the news completely flooded.  It is truly surreal.

Our entire nation is riveted to what real people are struggling with.  Real people just like you and just like me.

Watching it all kind of puts our own lives in perspective doesn’t it?  My broken dryer just doesn’t really matter when we look at people fighting to keep their head above water as they swim away from their flooded home.   Who cares about the dryer?  We will figure this out without any ado.

Then this past week-end a friend of mine was celebrating with family and friends her husband’s birthday at their neighborhood pool. Suddenly their 3-year-old was missing and well….although her husband did CPR their beautiful baby girl didn’t come back and passed from this world into the arms of our loving God.

And just like that my perspective again changes through the tears that have fallen over my friend’s little one.  She is on my heart constantly.




Unimaginable heartache.


Our response can only be to  “Weep with those who weep.”  Romans 12:15b

droplet-1371083In light of Hurricane Harvey, besides praying, there is so much more we can do – we must be His hands and feet.

We have supported and followed Samaritan’s Purse for about 25 years.  They are a ministry of integrity that is “boots on the ground” when tragedy strikes.  Personally we have donated to minister to those affected by Harvey through Samaritan’s purse.   The link is Samaritan’s Purse for Harvey.   (Of course there are many organizations that are worthy of our support.  This is just the one we turn to in times of tragedy.)

I have also been trying to find a place here in Phoenix where we could drop off supplies (water, etc) and finally found one. Although Dw’s in Africa, the kids and I plan to gather tangible items this weekend to donate.


Through tears I pray for those, like me, who have medically fragile treasures who have daily meds, trachs, feeding tubes, oxygen and monitors…how are they even remotely managing?  What about the elderly?

My mind thinks and prays for those serving our nation overseas and have family in the Houston area.  The toll of being separated is nearly unbearable, but at a time like this?  I can’t even begin to grasp.

My friend’s baby girl, Hurricane Harvey and all those affected, whether rescuers, habitants or friends….I am at a total loss for words, there are only tears.

What’s your perspective today?

Pray with me and do something.  Be His hands and feet.

Lord Jesus minister your peace to the devastated, your courage to the desperate, your comfort to the painfully hurting and may we be moved to action, no matter our locale, on behalf of our fellow mankind.  



16 thoughts on “Perspective

  1. A difficult week for sure- and just unimaginable what so many people are going through. You’re right- it always puts our issues into perspective! I’m so sorry to read about your friends’s sweet baby. How any parent gets through that sort of tragedy, I do not know. Only God.

  2. I love in Houston and what you are seeing on the news is real. With the help of God we will get through this. Texans are a strong, resilient bunch. Thank you for your prayers and please keep them coming. It will be a long road of recovery.
    Linny – I was so sorry to miss seeing you and all your treasures when you were in Katy. We were in Nashville taking our son to college. I sure would have liked to give you and DW and the kids big hugs!
    from Chris – Sugar Land, TX

  3. I, too, was in Houston recently and this storm is surreal. (I live in CT)

    You’re right, it’s all about perspective.
    I first learned that when my mom was diagnosed with cancer (now in remission PTL). I work with special needs treasures in education….. I always leave work with thankful that I do not have to struggle with the amount of baggage and just needs these kiddos have to process.

    Your family is such a light!!!

  4. We had 52 inches of rain where I live. We woke up Monday morning with the Cajun Navy (guess where they were from) running airboats up and down our subdivision evacuating people. The water came up within inches of our house. We had packed in case we had to leave. The thought of my getting in an airboat with my wheelchair was not a pleasant thought. We did have a place to go, but with my disabilities it would be difficult. God kept that water from coming in our house, and we did not have to leave. I hope I can find a little airboat for my Memorial Box.
    The devastation is heartbreaking. Through all of this we have seen the best in people. One of the best things that has happened is that for the last week we have not witnessed any prejudice, hatred, or violence. It is people showing love. There has been very little crime.
    Thanks for giving to Samaritan’s Purse.
    We will be praying for that family who lost their precious little one.

    1. I am so sorry Dianne!! It sounds so scary and the pictures are terrifying. I am grateful for God’s rescue of you. He is ever-faithful. And I agree watching people help each other from all walks of life is THE BEST. THank you for praying for my friend and her family. Their grief is unbearable.

  5. Yes, this post was amazing. I want to do something and was just earlier thinking about donating clothes. Praying with you for those affected!!

    1. Best thing to do is to find someone who is taking things. I’ve heard they have tons of clothes. NOt sure about where you are located…but check to see what’s most needed! Some places were asking for medical supplies, diapers, water, etc.

    2. Most places are no longer taking clothes. They are asking for Cleaning supplies, laundry detergent, pillows, and diapers (and other baby supplies). Also Camp Restore will be coming to Houston this week to set up for volunteers to come and help rebuild homes. They did the same thing in New Orleans after Katrina. They are an excellent Christian organization. They will need donations and volunteers.

      Chris – Sugar Land, TX

  6. It has been a week of thoughts with the flood in Houston and then all the fires here in Oregon. I’ll take the smoke and itchy eyes and throat over the flood waters of Houston. So many people in need there and our prayers and hearts go out to them and those helping them. Prayers for fire fighters in dangerous job of trying to control fires and some of them are from our town. We go through times of disaster and lean on God. Do what we can to help on our end to support the hurricane recovery through donations. Perspective…Thankful for what we have even if our daughter is living with us and she’s struggling to get back into a job….when will one open up for her? But she has a roof over her head and parents who care and thankful God has got a plan. We just wait for the phone to ring for a good job offer! Sorry for your friend’s loss of little girl. So sad! I’m glad you’re safely home from your trip. Hugs and prayers for you and your family, Linny!

  7. Perspective. My son came home last night after backing into a light pole and denting the car. No one hurt. Car is indeed dented. No one hurt. Most important take away is no one was hurt. We are safe. Sometimes when life gets crazy we need to remember it truly is all about perspective. My heart goes out to your friends in the loss of their little child. So very sad.

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