Praying Together

On Monday it was determined that today, Wednesday, would be a day of Prayer and Fasting with our friends around the world.   What a joy to pray together for specific needs.   We are also praying for the orphan, adoption, international adoption and that God would in His mercy, open countries that are closed and allow orphans to have a family forever!


Often in life, our greatest concerns, trials and battles are things that we cannot do one thing about.  The situation is usually so out of our control – which is exactly the best place to be!! At that point we understand that the only one who can fight the battle is the Lord!  And He friends, is the best of the best – a mighty and powerful warrior who can do anything!!  He is the victor and in Him we can have the victory!!

One of my favorite verses when there is a battle raging is:

The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.  Exodus 14:14

Which means to me that I do not need to try to figure it out, I do not need to fret or stress.  I just need to be still, trusting that He is working on our behalf.

There is also two other stories that are favorites:  In 2 Chronicles 20 we are told of King Jehoshaphat leading the people of Judah into battle with singing.  The story is incredible!!  As the people worshipped their enemies fought among themselves and destroyed one another!!  And in Acts 16 Paul and Silas had been thrown into jail in Philippi.  They were not defeated though!  With their feet in stocks they sang songs of praise and worship and while they were worshipping God sent an earthquake, the prison doors were flung open and the jailer trusted Christ as his Savior!   Either of those scriptures are a great place to study today!

Oh the power of worship while the battle is raging!!  We will have worship music on all day as we spend time before the throne today.  Please share your requests below so we can pray for one another’s needs.


12 thoughts on “Praying Together

  1. Praying that my husband will move forward with foster to adopt. The kids and I have been ready for awhile but have been patiently waiting for Jesus to ready dad’s heart!

  2. ~We have sold our house to be out from under all consumer debt. Now we need to find a house that meets our needs and allows us to still foster~

    1. I recently lost my job. I have a pre-interview on Friday and then the interview on Monday. Could you pray that they make me an offer and that the job will be a good fit for me?
      I will be reading and praying for everyone’s needs today!

  3. Only One who c(This may be a duplicate as I’m not sure my first attempt posted) Please pray for my 18 yr old niece who very recently “came out” as trans. She is planning on beginning hormone therapy later this year. She has asked Jesus into her life but she has not surrounded herself with godly people. It is very clear to her family that her new “friends” are influencing her greatly, so much so that she is avoiding those that love her deeply whom she knows disapprove of this lifestyle. Please pray that the bondage of deception she is experiencing would be broken, that her eyes would be open to the truth, and that Jesus would draw her back to Himself. Pray also for her friends, that they would seek out the Only One who can fill the void in their lives – Jesus!

  4. Hi Linny,
    Grateful to join you in prayer and fasting today! Last May, my husband and I went on the mission trip to Uganda with Dwight and the team. It was an amazing experience and a blessing to meet the Gems and Emma and Josh. We were in process to adopt from Uganda, when they changed their laws. We are still believing that God has a plan for us to adopt and/or do something else in Uganda. Praying for His guidance, His will to be done and clear direction for our family! Also, prayers for a family member who’s going through a divorce, they have a mediation meeting Thursday to determine custody of their kids, living arrangements, etc. And prayers for a family member who is believing lies about his identity. Thanks for sharing your life with us, Linny, and bringing us together to pray for the needs of others. God bless you all!

  5. I am on day 14 of a very strange flu like illness. My fever seems to have broken today, praise the Lord, but my ears are full of pressure and ringing so loudly I cannot hear anything or anyone. It is very isolating and unnerving. Please pray the pressure is relieved and my hearing comes back. To God be the glory!

  6. We are in desperate need of money. We are deep in debt (due to snowballing expenses and formerly poor financial choices). We are trying to turn things around but have no where to turn. On paper we make to much for any kind of assistance. We’ve gone to debt management places and that would have cost us even more. We need the Lord’s help to provide.

  7. Please pray for all unsaved family members and my adult sons girlfriend he has been dating for quite awhile for her salvation too. Please pray for my daughter who needs a better job, for the finances to get her degree and also get her drivers license. Pray also for some unspoken here needs that God knows about.

  8. Fasting and praying with y’all today. Our team of 11 is heading to The Gem Foundation in May and we are excited to see the kids, Emma & Josh, & the nannies . Praying for each member today and know that God has a plan for this team. Love God, Love others!

  9. I am making a decision about leaving the country for a missions opportunity that has been in the works for five years. They have asked me to come earlier than expected, and suddenly I find myself torn with deep and stubborn doubts about my faith. I have always struggled with anxiety and depression as well and the combination is making everything very dark and clouded. I realize it is late in the day, but if anyone sees this, I would appreciate prayer for a breakthrough with this and peace & clarity enough to make a wise decision.

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