My Mom is With Jesus

My precious and most-cherished mama met our sweet Jesus early this morning. She had looked forward to the day she would see her Savior face-to-face, loved unconditionally, never to know earthly rejection again. She also spoke regularly of how she missed my sister Janey and how she longed to see her again.

Grieving deeply, yet comforted that my mom is now worshipping free of pain and heartache in the presence of Jesus…while reunited with Janey and her own mama whom she had led to Christ later in my grandma’s life.

Yesterday I knew my mama was dying. I was able (by God’s grace) to FaceTime with her on the nursing home’s iPad for two hours in the afternoon. She was unable to respond except twice…and I knew what she was trying to say both times. It was an emotional two hours as I prayed with her, sang hymns to her, reminded her of beautiful memories we had shared together and thanked her over and over for being such a wonderful mom who taught me how to be a woman of prayer.

I tenderly thanked her for leading me to Jesus because without Him I’m sure I wouldn’t even be here. I asked her to forgive me for the times I had hurt her. I told her for the billionth time how very much I loved her and how she was the best mom in the world. She had endured unconscionable heartache growing up and after she asked Jesus to be her Savior she spent her life loving and telling anyone she would meet of what Jesus had done for her.

Near the end of the two hours through wracking sobs I told her, “Mama I want you to come to Arizona to live. I want to pamper you and have you surrounded by the kids, see the palm trees swaying against the blue sky and watch the 10 little quail babies waddle around the yard. But Mom, I also know you have been longing for years to see Janey…it’s okay Mom, it’s okay. You can go see Janey now. You can. I will miss you ever moment of every day, but you can go be with her now.”

The Bible tells us, “To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.” As she left this life, she was in Jesus’ presence instantly and I’m sure Janey was right there beside Him along with my grandma.

I had no idea how bad it would hurt to say see her leave this world. The sobs just won’t stop. My heart truly aches inside my chest. I’ve wanted to call her already a dozen times today to tell her this and that…

Oh friends, spend time with the ones you love, take the time to hear their stories, to celebrate the little things. Life is short. Always way too short. I long for just one more conversation.

And mama, you were a true overcomer, a real-life hero, a woman of prayer and a woman of faith – the most generous person I’ve ever met. You lived meagerly so that the orphans could have your “excess” … if only people knew what you endured in your lifetime and yet how you rose above it and loved us kids and your grandkids so well while telling the world what Jesus had set you free from. I will miss you with every breath and I long to see your face again.

And mom, the sweetest compliment anyone could ever give me would be to say that I remind them of you. I love you precious mama forever and ever.


10 thoughts on “My Mom is With Jesus

  1. Oh Linny I am crying with you. I am so so sorry for your pain. And so so grateful for her perfect healing with Jesus forever! What a beautiful tribute to an amazing lady…both your words, and the way she lives on in you and your treasures!

  2. I am so very sorry for your loss, I do not know why our feelings of grief are more overwhelming than our knowledge of their great joy, but that is the way it is. We do feel the loss of their earthly presence and fellowship so acutely! May the Lord greatly comfort you, and multiply your mother’s ministry and testimony a hundredfold! You don’t know me, but I read your wonderful books and have so appreciated your testimonies, especially your heart for the orphans!

  3. Sweet Linny, I grieve with you. My momma has been gone for 20 years and I still miss her. There is such great comfort in knowing that those we love are sitting at the feet of Jesus though. I am praying for you and your family today. Our mighty God is very near.

  4. Dearest Lenny, so sorry for your loss. Just remember that it is ok to sob. It is healing. My heart goes out to you because of the times we are in and the limitations that mean we can’t go to the funeral of a loved one. But since she is with Jesus, she is actually closer…because He is with you! Cry as much as you need. He does not mind at all. Hugs and prayers, Sandy in the UK

  5. Oh, Linny, what a precious post; so sad yet so joyful, because of what God thru his Son, Jesus, has accomplished for us!! Your mother sounds absolutely beautiful, inside & out, just like you!! Thanks for sharing this with us, and I certainly will pray for you and your family during this time of ‘temporary’ pain until you each, who are God’s children, join her in worshiping around God’s throne…for eternity!!

  6. I know your mom is in a better place with Jesus now, but I can’t help but cry for your loss. My condolences. Tears are always close these days in this area because of all the lives lost in the massacre Sunday. When this pandemic is done I will be spending more time with my family. Since here it’s illegal to go see anyone other than the people that live in your household.
    I’m just happy your momma is pain free and with her saviour ! 🙏🏻💞

  7. Oh Linny I am so very sorry for your loss. I will be praying for you, I know the pain is intense. Sending you lots of love and deepest condolences xooxoxoxoxoo

  8. Dear Linny – I am new to your site, just this morning. I was reading Streams in the Desert, which I have done every day since early 2000. The name Abbott Benjamin Vaughan is mentioned and I felt God leading me to google him, which then led me to your sight. I have read several of your posts and thank God for your faithful obedience to God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. My mom went to be with Jesus in July of 2006, the year I turned 50, she was 70. It was a powerful experience and a spiritual battle raged for a bit, so I just want to encourage you to “be strong and courageous”. God is faithful and true. He will bring much fruit in the days ahead. Lean in dear sister! Much love for you and yours!! 💞🙏🙏

    1. Aww Janet, thank you for sharing. I love, love, love Streams in the Desert…it has buoyed me many, many times over the years, especially when times are so traumatic.

      I am sorry you lost your mom – and when she was so young (and so were you!). I am leaning, truly. He has always been faithful and I told him last night, “Okay, I’m trusting you – you have always been faithful – I know you hold me and will carry me through this traumatic time. Gently show me all you desire me to see…and whispers secrets, (Psalm 25:14) – You have my full attention. ”

      Blessings to you my new friend!!

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