Ruby: Our Miracle-Girl

First of all, Dw and I want to thank every one of you for praying for Ruby. This has been a season we definitely didn’t anticipate and in the midst of it, there has been such comfort in knowing people all over the world are praying for our precious miracle-girl. Thank you for all who have reached out – we have needed it.

So the bottom line: On the last day of her hospital stay the neurologist told me in so many words “MRIs are imperfect and although we were unable to see it on the MRI, this is a stroke as well as a seizure.” Her neurosurgeon had warned us that Ruby’s head, being so complex, could hide a stroke. And truthfully, from day one, I thought, “Ruby has had a stroke.”

Initially there was talk of moving her (and mommy) to inpatient rehab where Ruby could have intense therapy each day. But she was not wanting to be awake really very much and that concerned me. I explained that I felt that the best therapy for now would be to bring her home and surround her with her favorite peeps.

The transition to home was “whew”! Even though I’ve been a mom now for almost 38 years I have felt totally unprepared for feeds through a feeding tube and the feeding machine itself. Two machines they brought were broke when I got them which definitely didn’t help me feel confidant. Then needing to place a new feeding tube in when she accidentally pulled it out in the middle of the second night home in bed beside us…ugh. So very grateful for our Savannah and our friend, Jordan, who came to my rescue and put a new feeding tube in.

Truthfully, so many adjustments to a mama with PTSD from the day it all happened – it was such a nightmare – I knew something really awful was going on! This mama has been grieving big time. After the bazillions miracles the Lord had done for Ruby, I truly felt punched in the gut.

I’m forever grateful for my precious friend Missy who reminded me while I “sobbed on her shoulder”, “God is not done writing Ruby’s story.” Best words I could have ever heard and I have reminded myself of them over and over and over. God’s definitely not done writing Ruby’s story.

As for Ruby, coming home was just what our girl needed! She’s awake now much more of the day. And it is a beautiful encouragement to randomly see one of her brothers or sisters taking her paralyzed arm or hand or leg and stretching it out, lifting it up, exercising it all while tenderly talking to her.

We are so grateful that our spunky, joyful little gift is slowly emerging, once again. Oh how we’ve missed her!! Her “coming back” is just the very best medicine for all of us.

This morning she was the most awake she’s been since coming home and I was able to snag a few pictures of our treasure-girl with her sweet, joyful spirit oozing from her soul.

We play worship much of the day and intense in-home therapies will start on Friday.

Lastly, if Ruby should cross your mind, please pray that her left side will be completely healed so she can race around in her wheelchair again on her brand new Make-A-Wish backyard cement pad. Also that she would be able to eat all her meals again (she has always loved to eat what we eat!) so the Ng tube could be removed permanently. Thank you sweet friends. xo

19 thoughts on “Ruby: Our Miracle-Girl

  1. I don’t have adequate words but my heart is resonating with yours, PTSD mama — tube feeds, in-home therapies….it’s a LOT. I don’t have any clue how people even think they can attempt to do any of this apart from the strength of the Lord. We have been praying for Ruby and of course we’ll continue. It’s so great to see her smiling again!
    I’ll pray specifically for eating again, but in the meantime, you may want to look into Nourish Pediatric formula and see whether it would be helpful for her. It’s made by Functional Formularies and it’s REAL FOOD, not the chalky-vanilla lab-made formula stuff. We saw a big big difference when we switched our daughter over to it, and I only wish we had been able to do it sooner.

    1. Oh Sarah, there should be a club for PTSD mamas. Words are inadequate – true story.

      And Savannah told me about Liquid Gold and so I started researching and found Nourish for peds. I have asked her pediatrician to order it, and they will but they say our insurance may not cover it. Anyway, in the meantime I found it online and ordered it. The garbage (nicest word I can think of) that she is on is full of corn, soy and carrageenan.

      She and I NEVER eat corn, or soy (#alltheGMOs) and carrageenan is linked with seizures – so she NEVER has that-it’s in ice cream for starters! In the trauma of the days post-stroke I never even thought to look what was in this formula but I gasped when I did. Oh my word. So anyway, tomorrow the Nourish will be here that I ordered. I am thrilled about that. It can’t come fast enough – I keep praying that the Lord will protect her until it gets here.

      Thank you for praying for her. You are a beautiful blessing to my soul. xoxo

      1. Those pics and progress made- such blessings! Thankful Ruby is home! Will continue to pray and look for updates as I know there will be more answered prayers and blessings! Praying for you and the confidence to do this. I know you can, as in Christ we can do anything! First time is always the hardest but it gets easier. Big hugs and lots of love to the family!

    2. Thank you for the most recent update, Linny. That big smile of Ruby’s put a smile on my face and joy in my heart! She is such a treasure in the lives of so many people. You definitely made the right decision to bring her home…….the best medicine and therapy for her and you can see the joy on her face. Praying that she will be able to eat again and that therapy will restore her paralyzed side of her body. You are loved!

  2. The girl with the million-dollar smile! So glad she is better and home! Praying for her daily and checking regularly for updates.

  3. WOW……what a testimony of God’s encouragement, power & love!!! Will continue to pray for sweet Ruby & all the Saunders family……blessings

  4. Praying for Ruby–thank you for the update. God is faithful and I love hearing she is improving. Love that big smile. Hugs

  5. I will continue to pray for you and Ruby. I pray you feel the love so many of us across the world are saying for you, Ruby, and your whole family.

  6. Oh, when I saw that picture, my heart just soared! To see Ruby smiling again is just… such a joy! Will keep praying. 🙂

  7. Oh, what a wonderfully, encouraging note and picture!! Please let us know how we can help with the added expenses! I realize my note I “sent” in response to your first post about Ruby’s seizure, etc. apparently didn’t go through. I’m not techy at all, and so thankful not ‘skills’ are necessary to talk to The Great Physician and our Strong Tower and Comforter!!
    I’m praying for each of you, including the medical team, that they will be a helpful part of Bring Our Ruby Back Team!!

  8. Continuing to pray for your sweet girl and for many more miracles. When I wake in the night the Lord always reminds me to pray for her specifically xx

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