Please, For Me…
One Silly Email that Changed My Life
Did you ever experience something that is so over-the-top-astonishing that you just know you will talk about it for the rest of your life? January 10th was the 17th anniversary of this very personal story and although I have shared this a few times before … I am compelled to tell the story again (and…
This Girl Right Here
The Crisis
Nehemiah: Updates from FB
Monday, December 5th, 1:00 pm First of all, thank you all for every prayer you have lifted for our precious son. We are so grateful. This story is definitely one for the Memorial Box with many components readily showing God’s hand in the entire situation. God, once again, has been astoundingly faithful and a sober…
Please Pray for Nehemiah
Pulling The Sucker Out, She Leaned Toward Her and Whispered…
Unscripted and Unexpected!
Yesterday I was driving to pick up Elijah from football practice. He has been playing for a private school which allows homeschoolers to play. In fact he told me on the way home yesterday that some of his friends on the team commented, “If you know any other homeschoolers who want to play football, recruit…