That Man O’ Mine

His selfless love for others makes him an  example of God’s pure love… Gentle. Tender-hearted. Cries easily {especially when children suffering are mentioned} Kind. Wise. Brave. Strong. Orphan advocate. Grace-filled. Generous. Known by more than a dozen as “dad” and hundreds as Big Jaja….. and by me for the last 37+ years  as “Whitey”… Today…

Our Graham Josiah

So very difficult to imagine that 18 years have flown by since I birthed Graham on February 11th, 1995. I was telling Graham the other day how I would stare at him as he nursed… I could not get over how different he looked than Abigail and Emma. Square jaw.  Fair skin.  Light eyes. Blonde…

It’s Isaiah’s Turn

Yup, it’s true. Elijah, Isaiah and Graham all have birthdays in just a little over two weeks. Today we celebrate Isaiah’s birthday. This little guy is the one who stole our hearts when we first saw his picture on the internet.   In fact I remember gasping when I saw his expression which seemed to…

Our Littlest Man

My man is home.   He walked in the door and helped tuck the kids in and zonked out on the family room floor. Made me giggle. The guy is whipped.   Undoubtedly, it was an extremely awesome trip! While Daddy was gone, we postponed some of our little ones birthdays until daddy returned home….


Wow. You, my bloggy friends, are such a blessing – showering me with so many surprises! Emma’s Virtual Surprise Birthday Party was, indeed, a complete surprise.  I laughed and got all teary when I saw that I had been hacked.  Thank you Emmy!  That was just way too fun!  You are so thoughtful and I…

Emma Joy

Yesterday was a really special day for our family as we celebrated Emma’s 19th birthday. Last year on July 22nd Karl lay in a coma and we did not know what the outcome would be. It was a very difficult day to celebrate her 18th birthday. {Picture taken in Uganda when Emma and I were…

He Could Use Some Joy

Life is so weird sometimes, isn’t it? I remember walking around WalMart a few days after we lost our home to  the fire. I saw people laughing, talking, joking around… and here we were grieving the loss of everything familiar. Dw and I both commented how we felt like we were in a bubble… life appeared…