Tag: His Hands/His Feet
A Holy Moment in a QT Bathroom
The Accident
The “Project” I’ve Been Busy With
My Divine Encounter
The Gem Shower!!!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you sweet bloggy friends! The Gem Foundation Shower was such a joy! The anticipation was in the air from Gems to Nannies….the kids loved their presents. Those who gave backpacks awhile back will be happy to know that some left from back then were used to bless these precious Gems…
Crazy Dreams
There’s a Party Going on Near You! Please Come!
Never a better time to find something you love. Never a better season to begin to shop. Never a better place to spend your hard earned money. Knowing that every dollar of each purchase feeds orphans and the vulnerable street children in Uganda and India. Yes, International Voice of the Orphan has expanded our…
He Saw Her
Every now and then something happens that causes me to stop in my tracks. Perhaps a random act of kindness, a simple gesture that was so unexpected and sometimes it’s just an unsolicited smile. Do you know what I mean? In fact, sometimes when these simple acts are completely unexpected, the mere show of unprompted…