Lovin’ These Days

 At one point we saw Elizabeth crouched and kind of running between the island and the kitchen table.  We ran to see what she was doing and she was dragging Finn by his legs around the kitchen floor. Finn was enjoying every minute of it!!  I tried to grab my camera and catch it, but…

If You’d Been Here…

 Last night we hosted our Girlfriend’s Christmas party  {women’s ministry at the church we pastor}… and since many of you would have come  {if you’d been closer},  I wanted you to kind of feel what it was like…. Graham and a bunch of his friends helped with the cars.  We live in a kind of…


An African woman decorates the tree I took a class when Tyler was a baby and learned how to make this quilted ornament.   No clue how I did it, but I just remember it took lots and lots and lots of pins…. My mom made the ice skates for us years ago… Another one…

Our Family Christmas Tree Hunt….

With our $8.00 “cut a tree down” permit from the National Forest in hand….. The Hunt Begins… not so far from our home…  Weaving through the fresh powder…  Climbing Little Hills ….in the National Forest…. Four Little Treasures who could still be sitting in orphanages around the world… wondering what the word “family” even means…..not…

Family Fun in San Francisco

Thought you all might like a little peek into what we’ve been doing…. This is from the stoop at Abi & Ryan’s apartment…. Sidewalk chalk is leaving Abigail and Ryan’s neighborhood a bit more cheerful….thanks to all the artistic talent that abounds from all the kids…… And what else would Emma be writing?? Loving Uganda…

The Real Cottage

If you’ve been hanging around A Place Called Simplicity for any length of time you might remember that when we bought the RV last year we were dreaming {albeit unrealistically} that it was going to be “our beloved cottage.” For all the years we lived in Western New York we had spent much of our…