At one point we saw Elizabeth crouched and kind of running between the island and the kitchen table. We ran to see what she was doing and she was dragging Finn by his legs around the kitchen floor. Finn was enjoying every minute of it!! I tried to grab my camera and catch it, but wasn’t quite quick enough! There is no doubt that Finn thinks his aunts and uncles are the best!
She LOVES him – no doubt!
One pile of giggles, love and sweetness!
Subs for lunch…..
Autumn and Finn
The picture with all your kids laying in the pile and the simplicity sign in the background is priceless.
Wishing you a blessed Christmas.
sweet! sweet! sweet! Merry CHRISTmas!
The pictures are wonderful! I hope you and your family have a great Christmas!
Wow,seeing her with Finn makes me think Elizabeth would make such an amazing big sister! What a beautiful little girl she is. x
Merry Christmas Granny and Gramps….LOL
wishes and prayers for a wonderful holiday…
from our family to yours.
How can any one little guy be so stinking cute. Look at his eyes. I loved seeing these pictures…wonderful. Wishing you all a very merry Christmas my dear sweet friend. Hugs and love
These pictures are beautiful.
I want to let you know that my prayer request from last time was answered! That my husband's credit card was cut in half! Thank you for praying.
PRECIOUS pictures!!!! Precious baby! : ) Merry Christmas, Linny and family!
It's Christmas and I just wanted to say "Thank You" and that..
It's been a pleasure reading your blog this past year…
Hope you and your family have
wonderful Holiday and..
A Happy New Year!
Shirley H. From Singapore =)
Merry Christmas VT!!! It makes my heart smile to see you with Finn!!!
God is so good! The pictures are priceless…beautiful!
Oh Linny, these pictures do my heart so much good at this moment. Sad times. But, these pictures brought a smile to my face this evening and warmth to my heart. I hope you and your family thoroughly enjoy little Finn, Abi, and Ryan's visit. Hope you share pictures of Christmas morning at your home. It just seems so cozy and alive with laughter and good times! 🙂
May wonderful memories be made as you celebrate the physical birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It is because of Him we celebrate, for He came into this Earth to live among mankind to save us from unrighteousness and sin so we may be eternally saved and redeemed to spend eternity with our Father, Almighty God. The birth of Christ is very significant to our faith and His gift of redemption and life is by far the best gift we all can and will ever receive. Thanking God for the life He's given us on this Earth and thanking Him for sending His Son to save us as we celebrate His birth.
Merry Christmas!
P.S. Finn is just too cute for words! 😉
Finn is just SO SO cute! You can see the joy in your pictures.
Love all the smiles and laughs and the love! Merry Christmas Linny! Thank you for being such a wonderful , loving and giving friend and blessing!
Merry Christmas!!!
love these. merriest of christmases, linny. i'm thankful for your family.