Pictures Worth a Thousand Words

 The other night, I was home alone with the little ones. Our youngest six. And when I went to tuck the little boys in, I couldn’t help run and grab my camera… they were howling with laughter. They had climbed up on Graham’s bunk and were giggling about something that had struck them so funny…….

Look Up!

Did you see? Did you see? Did you see? Check out handsome Mr. Nehemiah Judson on the header. How cute is that?  He fits perfectly. And yes, he is 5 months older than Isaiah. I squealed when I saw that he was there. Thank you Kim Foo.  You so totall rock!

And His Name Is…

Disclaimer:  Please forgive my long delay in posting his name.  I intended to write this and post this morning, but situations wouldn’t allow it.  I’m so sorry.   And on with the post… We sure have had fun reading all your ideas.  Actually many, many, many of them were names that were on our ‘short…

“Then I Saw His Face”

Isn’t it crazy how anxious we are as humans to see a face? It’s almost beyond understanding. Think back to when we were young.  You hear that a friend has “met someone”…and the only thing we think is, “What do they look like?” I’m right there with you. I remember talking to Lisa about setting…


Today While Liberty made pumpkin chocolate chip cookies {which were scrumptious}  Emma attempted to make a homemade Pumpkin Spice Latte with the Espresso machine bought for $1.00 at a yard sale {delightfully yummy} and Jubilee watched her three younger brothers wrestle with daddy again today {Our newest little guy is lovin’ the wrestlin’ with Daddy…

So Much for That Idea…

Living in Phoenix I have been trying to think of creative ways for the kids to burn some energy in this heat {besides the pool}.  So last night I had everyone get their clothes, sneakers and socks ready to scoot out the door bright and early for a hike to the neighborhood park. Ruby must…

Their Shop

Isn’t it crazy how no matter the age, life repeats itself? Your kids and mine, the big ones once little, the present littles and any future littles at one time or other, go through a season of “sales”. In fact we have been laughing reminiscing with the bride-to-be and Molly about  some of the things…

Texas, Oklahoma & Missouri

The hotel in Amarillo was wonderful.  Kind of funny that after leaving I got a message from a bloggy friend who said that she had gotten a text message from a friend traveling who had sat next to a family at breakfast at the hotel she was staying at.  She said that the family had…

If You See Our Van…

This family of 14, well, actually just eleven Cross country will surely soon be a-headin’ Oh, and the dogs, there will be two Couldn’t leave them behind or they’d be blue. Not exactly sure of the proposed route, But if you should see our big ol’ crazy van,   please don’t hesitate to give us…