With Deep Sadness I Share….

A few months ago, on the other side of the world, a set of twins were born… They were teeny, tiny and went to live in an orphanage soon after birth. I wrote about them here. I know many of you prayed for the twins and several of you have asked from time to time …


Two weeks ago I shared a “yukky” story about a little orphan boy whose finger was eaten by a rat as he slept in his orphanage home. I asked for help to build a dorm for these little treasures…. a dorm that would be safe from rats and rodents and even slithery things. A generous…

A Beautiful Glimpse

I often wonder how moms ever survived when their children  went off to serve in foreign countries in years past. Before there was internet, cell phones Skype and Face time. Having read dozens of missionary biographies over the years, I always stood amazed at the courage of missionary’s moms. How grateful I am that I live…

YOU Did It!

Yesterday I received an email from the couple who had  generously offered the Matching Grant for $12,500. Their email was completely crazy. They had been praying and felt the Lord wanted them to up the amount by another $2,500. WHAT? Seriously? Yes indeed – they graciously and generously upped the ante and now the challenge was for:…